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Practical Philosophy

Barnaul 2003

The book is dedicated to my mother - Belousova Tatiana Vasilievna. The spirit who has lived a moment on earth does much more than the one who clings to every day lived.
Life (after death) in thoughts, deeds and deeds for a long memory to those who want to know the world where Life is in the name of Life in the color of Love, Joy and Eternity.
And he is dedicated to meeting those who managed to give her the opportunity to live after her death in the hearts of those who do not want to be in what is now here.
She dissolved herself in Hope that her true face would reveal a time where everyone would be fine.
The story of love and death: through death, resurrection and continuation.

With gratitude, love and hope

Galina Bolkunova.





August 26, 2003.

Every word has a semantic veil.
The word "Truth" is in tune with the word "truth".
As today's reality shows, everyone has their own truth. And everyone in his own word drives himself, with his semantic meaning.
For me, the word "Truth" is a component of the whole of what we have not yet been able to contemplate, but this is already being punctured from the general performance.
Getting the level of consciousness through the work of the brain, through working on your own abilities, not up to the time ripe.
Work in everything. The more opportunities we have, the more there is a need to work on ourselves, not to be in a vivid manifestation of ourselves in what is not there, in the eternal movement to ourselves and to everything that is in the bright manifestation of the Essence itself.
Than myself to occupy, to fit into the world from which we run, as from the plague There, but here we warm ourselves to have at least some meaning in it.
What is it for?
To continue on the road that leads to nowhere. Building material for your own future. Kneading occurs in the timeless, so as not to have the force of attraction to the general pattern of introduction into this or that world. To be already composed, but not to be desired for someone.
The game continues with this layout.
One game for the house, that's there, beyond the horizon. Another game with the fact that he thinks of reality already here and now.
"Titanic", and only. In the verbal skirmish, he expected a complete collapse. God does not argue with God. With the physical condition of the "Titanic" get acquainted so far. The loud fame of unsinkability has an antipodal meaning. The composition of the metal was so varied that it had a deformation even before the deep descent into the water. But big money always has a certain bias or stress on this or that situation.
 So a person in its full meaning is so multifaceted and great that its significance can give the same deviations from the norm. Therefore, each man spins as much as he can to lower the steam or change the place of dislocation of his own energies.
It's me that the way out of the rules is necessary to make a step. It's very difficult to find yourself after deviations, but this is the essence of existence. Being in one place or position is a bedsore and a specific place at this time.
Historians change the information of various events - this is our brain is ready to accept this or that disinformation.
Step to nowhere - finding a free path from the time loop. In the end - finding your own step, lifestyle and time in the timeless.
Creation. Using your own abilities. Everyone ripens in time for action using. And his problem - by the time or not.
It's me that I'm beginning to realize my own possibilities. What will happen is my problems.

Baikal always beckoned, but the campaign against him was still beyond my ability.
And that day came when we decided to fulfill each of our desires.
Ripe somewhere around there, put pressure on us here.
So, a group of seven people and a dog rides to the cherished dream. What awaits us there, no one knew, but everyone was sure that home will return already different.
Eyes shone. At the same time, the mystery of Lake Baikal caused a vague desire to know what will happen to us at that unknown level for which everyone devotes himself to what is in the visible.
The bus passed without much interest. Novosibirsk met us with evening breath.
After skipping the time before the departure of the train, we are finally on the road.
The knocking of the wheels put us to sleep until morning.
And in the morning the problems began - where to put the products collected on the road. Legs required special attention. Yes, and with tomatoes turned out as an anecdote, ate what was spoiled, in the end - not a single whole.
After the next night we were in Slyudyanka. The town is located on the shore of Lake Baikal. The smell of water, screaming gulls and the sale of omul.
All this appeared before us, loaded with backpacks, which, without the help of the other, can not be raised.
To drive up somewhere - there are no problems. Gazelles - at your service. Buses at certain times will be delivered to the intended goal. The courteous taxi drivers are always there.
For a fee we drove to another town, and hurried to the railroad, along which we have to walk to the port of Baikal. Where every day the Angara originates from such a formidable and powerful Baikal.

The first parking and cooked borscht on Baikal water were not far from two towns. Everything pleased us. Sun, water and cormorants. True, from sleepers there was a depressing smell. The impregnation was fresh, but, thank God, this was not so much, only at the beginning of the journey.
Our women even paid for themselves, however, very quickly. That's why Baikal is not always friendly and does not always warm up from rocks or inland waters. The keys beat both cold and hot. Like a person, blood runs both arterial and venous. The essence of one is to spread the vital flora to all places, the other is to bring to the surface the dying corpuscles that are born within the body.
All this was in Baikal, although we were as if at the beginning of the road and at the beginning of Baikal. The joy of the life of the water was, as it were, premature, as the pipes of the cellulose plant fumble a little farther and farther and white marble was taken. And what is done invisibly, in its waters, is unlikely we will ever find out. But we all have a way to the future through the exposure of the Truth, it's time to tell the truth. So as not to hide the wave of lies and violence in the water that we have distorted by our interference and the desire to use everything around us for our own sake.
As far as laboratory services allow, so much will be uncovered what is being done in the waters of Lake Baikal, if necessary.
And now we, having had dinner, hasten to leave far away from towns, in a way analyzing the food prepared on fire. The difference is palpable.
Fire contributes to the splitting of food into those trace elements that are easily absorbed by the body and, at the same time, the waste products that are used for this are easier to remove.
The specificity of water is unique. She pre-enters the body into a state of rest and takes it out of it. At the same time, reviving the already forgotten functions of the organs, which gives the right to think about the activity of water as "alive." Even with all that our civilization does to it. We are powerless before Nature. This is good news. What we are born for can not kill what we are now. Creation is stronger than any destruction.
It was so obvious at the very beginning of the journey that calmness appeared.
But at the same time, someone began to feel some kind of extraneous movement around. It seemed that everything that moves, auditioned and viewed.
An unpleasant feeling was concealed by the mountains around Lake Baikal. They have already played their own. And how our grandfathers were calm and majestic. Stones, like spent teeth, fell out onto the railroad tracks. And once they were monolithic bars of fixed knowledge. When forming the waters, they played the role of the first violin, and now they are sleeping on the run from their own old age.
Only the waters of the rivers descending to Lake Baikal slightly impregnate them and remind us of their former significance, although all this is already in the waters of Lake Baikal. And the knowledge of the formed rivers, like milk steam, carries the information from which they originated.
Drops of intoxication, thrown to the surface from all that is, clusters of energy between those that work out this ejection, dissolving it into fine dust, fall again to the ground already in the form of rain or snow. The thawed waters in the early spring feed on those rivers that are riveted to the surface by streams rushing from the bowels.
A subsoil, as the human body, take out the slag from the transformation. And oil, like venous blood, tries to take out those particles that contribute to the healing of the Earth as a whole. And water, like arterial blood, hastens to fill all the areas of the body, distributing itself to the capillaries.
But why should we know how, what, who forms?


It is clear only that whatever is thrown out to the surface from the bowels, and whatever the person does, Baikal does not abhor, therefore, its original flora is alive.
True, parallel to it there is what we do, destroying it (gathering information). It is on its own, and we are on our own. There was a disconnect. Maybe, therefore, diving into it, takes fright.
What is hidden in the waters of Lake Baikal?
Our original past, lowered to the very bottom.
And what does Baikal have to date?
Our future, what is composed of our local affairs.
The end and the beginning.
What will we have?
This is already personally known to everyone, when the hour strikes. And the other world will call for sleep for a while. Only comprehension and perception of oneself as the Essence in the new execution, will give free on the water surface in the form of ionic particles.
And everything is literally a monitor. That will reproduce it All, so be specific to a person. Remains on the surface of the Earth about you memory, it will give you clothing from today's affairs, created by the same person walking along the evolutionary circle, or already sitting in his own puddle, or tired of going alone in the desert. We see everything, all together in a concrete form. Someone is prevented from going that good, that is heated from common aspirations, someone is hindered by excessive glory, it leads to complete absurdity. Etc.
A natural perpetual motion machine works day and night, throwing out to the surface of the Earth more and more players in the form of ionic particles. And in someone's family is expected to be added after a certain time. A boy or a girl, what's the difference? Or another appearance, to whom as lucky at the present time.
 The chariot does not cease to function.
 And I involuntarily think about the new look when I have to finish playing my roles. Everyone has managed to hide himself so much that he will be able to get out of this independently?
I have a strong reservation for this time.
The greatest sin is that you do not have the will of the other to teach. Has got into such porridge, when I shall be selected - to one gentleman it is known.
Do not have the desire to heal another - this is his armor in the given time. And here she climbed, as if by accident. I want to see everyone happy and healthy, although I understand that one Lord will be able to do this if a person goes to him day and night. And in the rest, it's fornication and a new pain.
 The biggest sin - do not put your world above another. What I do every day and every second with great pleasure.
And Baikal grew up, defending itself against us, new and distorted in the meantime, which we wove for ourselves, so that we could have our own continuation and spray ourselves in the untimely, when there will be a transition to a different meaning. Therefore, I do not regret that I lost.
Baikal formed itself neither in the Nege, but in extermination. Here we succeeded.
Therefore, at the first stop, I limited myself and, modestly washing my hands, did not enter into dialogue with him. About the "Fonts" and did not dream.
This was the first time that Nature was silent, and the call was soundless. Although the Bible says about not introducing yourself into a dispute on proving certain actions. But me, walking on smelly creosol sleepers, what else could I do? How to cross the border of silence? How to enter into a dialogue, so that he accepted you, and did not snap back, as always? Otherwise - new bedspreads that are woven in the bowels of the earth, enveloping, causing a lot of inconvenience in my and so unsweetened life.

And my violations by the standards of the higher Cosmos are very weighty and great. Hence, teeth grew in Baikal strong. I'll try to enter into a new game with Baikal, in order to pull myself out of his strong embrace. Thus, to facilitate its existence on the planet Earth. Let me be a temporary guest, which will enable me to be not in the common cup. Individuality is needed at any time, even if not in it. Protection of Lake Baikal has already pronounced a verdict on me, I will try to dissolve it with my explanations.
How can you not put your World above another? If he nurtured you and sent you on a long journey, to what is not the place to be. Moreover, I never had the thought that I will not return home, to myself, where everything is in abundance. The abundance of all borders on Posseriy. It takes a breakthrough to separate itself from the Spermery. With the help of adrenaline it is quite possible.
 And here I am, where adrenaline is as plentiful as my world shines with the abundance of Everything. On the bar of the abundance of grace set the game with an abundance of what is here.
Pyshom, in all it is visible.
So why should I blame that I speak of my world as a single world? He is in fact still taken by what is visible today. There is still much to be said about this.
 In the meantime, my thoughts wander about my birth under the general yoke of those rules through which I have to go through to tear myself out of my hairy paw, what is called here, implying the reign of darkness.
Horse and cart. A combination such is presented for the design of yourself, as the Essence in the current game. In the year of the Horse, Gemini was born.
 But the reflections were interrupted by groans of walking souls.
What an obsession is this?
It turned out that when building tunnels, and there were not so few of them, people died. The construction of the railway was also carried out by the tsarist government, and the treasurers, in order not to incur high costs, were added to the lists of convict workers. Bread and fish sometimes, if not more often, with a rusty coating, that's all the food. They died without causing big expenses for their security, and the funeral was quick, immediately, under the sleepers.
Not sung and not mourned souls were torn to the skies, but there was no strength and possibility. In God they already believed, only asking and being baptized, instead of giving nothing. And that prayer and adulation, when energy is born not from worship, but from the building of what we believe. Thought in action gives strength. The truth - through their own actions gives the opportunity.
And so went sleepers in the tunnels, taking the lives of those who could not keep themselves in it. How many souls, so many fates. What could I tell them and then calm them down?
Christian Russia - is and was. In one harness we carry karma of Baikal.
What should we share? I wanted to say. But to divide just is that.
Karma is great, there is a lot of binge in its territory. The amplitude went off to the impossible. Therefore, the descent occurred from another Cosmos, in order to fill a gap in the higher Cosmos. And so it's up to our adventures ...
Friction with them, there is no feedback. The return of souls and our savings is a reasonable step. Souls offered patience, at the very first opportunity I will announce their prayer quietly in some little church.
One did not forget to say that I am a "twin". I had to laugh off and say that I was a "twin in a mare halo", I would bring their wishes. Did they have the right to promise?

How would you?
People were drawn into that game, where they seem to have no place.
However, when building the following tunnels, they were already officially used. Just died from overwork, from anger at each other. It seemed that one strikes to stone the stone, and the other - to create a view, although the one and the other were right in their own way. One invested himself, knowing what was required of him. The other tried to survive, realizing that if he "breaks" himself, then even the grave will not be awarded. Work in the name of what?
 All this time on my mind was one thought: "Why are you here, Igor, why here?" Although this issue is not very appropriate. Rather, why am I here?
 So we went to the first village, where we saw a pretty manor in flowers - the Roerich Museum turned out to be.
The hosts were very talkative, invited to visit a museum made by their hands. We gladly went in and got rid of backpacks. Although the originals were not, but we were very eager to hear a lecture about the paintings of N. Roerich and about his entire family. It was necessary to find out that they had once been on their way back from their next trip. Therefore, their admirers decided to build a museum in one of the places on the coast.
When asked where Elena Roerich is now, we were told "Far!". She, having carried out her program, was beyond our reach.
Tatyana, our clerk, expressed her admiration and gratitude in verse form. And Galina, our treasurer, allocated a small amount to the treasury.
Having learned from them the train schedule and prompted us to stay overnight, we, saying goodbye, rushed to the planned place. The mood was fine. The desire to go was warmed up by a "paradise corner". So we were told by the luminous workers of the museum.
Each of us, after communicating with the Roerichs, felt a certain lift in ourselves, although we had not yet managed to escape from strangers. Apparently, the general background and the desire to present us with our knowledge were sparks for us. Or maybe, through such ascetics there is a spread of something.
 But my thoughts were again drowned out by a new problem. Obviously, something unusually frightening from the thickness of the water was seen. An incomprehensible sense of danger was immediately drowned out again by water.
 The sun, shining all day, was hurrying over the mountains, and we were in a hurry to arrange our first lodging for the night.
Began to meet tourists. A large group of young people settled in the hollow of the camp. We descended closer to the water, where everywhere there were traces of human stay. In addition to tourists, the shore is visited by local fishermen. Not only banks, remains of products and even a home-brewing in a bottle are lying around the campfire.
The not very clean shore dulled the sense of joy, and somehow we still did not fully understand that this is Baikal, our joint offspring, that it contains not only our bookmarks for the future, but our twitching in it. The development of immunity from all cases that can ever he warm. And now, this, formed over him, pressed us, each in his own way.
Spreading out tents and boiling pilaf, we, having eaten, went to bed. Well, though, that in nature the food is absorbed very quickly, passed the "turn of the intestines." Feeling of joy and deep bliss experienced everything lying on the karemats, going to sleep.
 The night passed in an unusual aspect. My past emerged. In it, I reacted to a snide joke about Gemini, and I also answered with a joke - look at my past. And now, instead of patching your holes at night on the energy level, obtained from moving yourself in what we see and in what lies behind it, I started out in dialogues with those souls who are revered here as teachers.

When it stops, one god knows.
The chess game auknulas such a sideways. Like any chess player, he is saturated with the way his conventional adversary makes his move, thinks as if for him and makes the appropriate conclusion, and therefore a step. Having chopped down his chess piece, he puts on his own place and imbues the place with his own thought.
All this had to be seen at night.
Kishmish from the combinations.
The stronger the conventional opponent, the louder your name is, where it is invisible to the newcomers. And the one who cooks in the boiler of transformation, is unlikely to be able to make out your real name. This somehow did not have to think before, and now the course of the higher Cosmos is understandable. Elderly and skillful traps, they were most afraid of werewolves, obtained by the method of chess play, but not us to judge which game would be more interesting - to catch werewolves or play with them, continuing their course.
 The morning met the Sun, apparently, the day was not easy. They decided to pay for themselves, they collected beautiful stones, there are a lot of them on the shore - the result of chess games. A beautiful party, apparently, many unfulfilled roles managed to accumulate. Everything will be soluble Baikal water. Otherwise, why should he be. So the bottom will have a sandy base, so the water, saturated with the mystery of monoliths, will supplement the Mendeleev table. Although, where is he? Just because with someone and once sat down to play, saturating himself and him with himself. Changed the Essence for a while, but will pass, having ripened someone, and he will be able to disassemble and put a point over it.
All this will happen later. And now…
Something has already dissolved in the waters of Lake Baikal, and what is left outside it is a "slag" thrown to the surface by water. Billions of years they were collecting themselves, playing the whole lot.
And now, before us Baikal, splashing its waters on a scattering of stones, those that brought to the surface of his body. Licking and polishing, as if trying to dissolve them again, in order to build in their roots, that in the form of young ridges are traced by time, being its bottom. Mighty roots, then, and mountains will be a great inspiration for all those who want to know that there, beyond the horizon, drawing knowledge for their future deeds or roles, to whom as lucky afterwards.
 "You will tarnish, then you will break", so the spirits of the mountains say.
 We choose a place more comfortable for our feet, although the stones are still everywhere. Deciding to show ourselves who can do it, we dived with our heads. The water is beautiful, but nobody decided to go deep into the grotto. Fear of the abyss or the mystery of the waters, concealing everything that the human brain is doing with it.
There are too many developments. This is all said - and the rustle of grasses, and the wind, born from the differences, and the cries of birds sitting on rocks, are more often cormorants. They know better what is going on in the waters of Lake Baikal. Fish, though not much, they say, but you will hardly find the best source for learning.
Once again paid off. The color of water fascinated everyone. Deepening into the abyss allowed to admire the water column. Emerald, and only. And the fact that no one wanted to delve into this beauty was so obvious that the whole world, mysterious for us, living with everyday cares, swept through our heads.

It seemed that away from the shore at least a small distance, you immediately grab someone's hand in the suit. And the object, like a flying saucer, those that hang over our spaces, will be your home for the rest of your life. The presence of something incomprehensible and invented from the break of the human brain, the product of the chess game, was horrifying.
Grottoes were presented, where the underground exit was like in the movie "Amphibian Man". Everything is on the remote control. Console, console, glowing day and night. Neon lights, battery consoles.
 The accumulator was the entire body of a flying and floating object. Magnetized in the water, it was able to be recharged already in the air, using quartz fabric in a layer of cladding material. One drum (skin) turns in one direction, the other - in the opposite direction, and the third as it were "removes the cream", i.e. removes the charge and splits that hydrogen, which is saturated with the object, being in the waters of Lake Baikal.
The property of water is unique, and it is used by learned men. And we are happy already because she washes away the bonfire soot as ordinary dirt, saturates the body with new tasks and many of the things that are happening on the invisible front for us.
 The grotto is beautiful, but what follows it is not pleasing to the eye, and there is no desire to walk even in a mental step, especially since the water is so cold that they did not see the bathing. And those who, in spacesuits, who sometimes move for any need in the waters of Lake Baikal, have such spacesuits that can withstand not only the external temperature, but also the internal pressure remains at rest, which ordinary divers do not have, for some reason.
 And indeed, each of us is not protected by anything from a height difference. Some floor already rapes the body with its load.
And here the pressure and body temperature remain at rest.
And yet, it seemed to me, everything suffers, any cell of the body wears out from overloading the body. If the toilet was sprayed with toilet water, it does not mean that we breathe cleanliness. Let both be saved, but the eye bottom suffers from the tension of the water. Changes take place in the retina, which leads to all changes in the body. Small capillaries, like the roots of a tree, rush to saturate the body with everything that is visible and not very much, and what is beyond the horizon. There is an invisible irradiation through the eyes, and the body does not sleep, it grabs literally everything that breathes everything around. At what depth he was immersed, on that one he was satisfied. The depth of knowledge is deep, which means that the roots that feed the brain must have a correspondence in order to correctly process information and spread it over the shelf, then excessive information can not harm this person.
And whether a person wants to dive into this or that subject, his further well-being depends on this too.
A spacesuit can not be separated from reality. Those frequencies that exist for the necessary, projecting works on Earth are captured by the human brain through magnetizing it as the Essence, which it can not yet appear until all the stages of the evolutionary circle have passed. A player who plays by the rules and norms usually loses to the dilettante, since he does not know how to think, but does moves as if by inertia, which leads the venerable to lose his place on a board full of chess.
That is why, and probably all our inventions lead us all to the place where you can replace Jesus Christ. (Calvary).
Some perish from overexposure, others suffer like fish thrown ashore. Not enough is enough to straighten the fins and escape from the networks that we are so kindly provided from the higher Cosmos. There the retina is different, and it can be determined by eyes. They work under the guise, driving like a flock of fish into skilfully made nets.

Once things were done through Jesus through Jesus and they said: "Everything that I did and said is not subject to repetition, everyone speaks, distorting the meaning with their understanding, and when I return you will say that these were my words, I will answer I do not know them and you too. "
 Nothing in the world stands still, you can not go into the water twice, and if the current scholars believe that their affairs are a common misfortune, then one can agree on something, and in some way pretend that it is an inappropriate joke.
 How can you defend yourself against what we, without calculating to the end, descend to Earth. And therefore, after landing the object, it is discharged in the battery box. After a complete demagnetization, which again is simply impossible, although the device shows a discharge, it is not capable of reacting to high-frequency pulsation, since quartz dust does not contribute to the return of those particles that were captured by it (for this purpose it is used), it saturates the constituents its elements, which is already composed, and therefore can not be captured as a free particle, which gives a level of perception as if in an elevated background. This is how the particles are removed, which was obtained during the flight, where quartz dust attracted free particles, and hydrogen, which was caught in Baikal water, can split by means of recharging.
 What do we get? Particles not approved by the deed are piranhas and a hydrogen mixture, which already becomes uranium only with the ability to immediately split and reassemble itself (polymer bond).
 An unstable unit, that a person rewarded with easy behavior, going to any connection without remorse.
Can scientists manage it?
Can this connection be pacified? Hardly.
And rabies try to calm, but is there any result?
 But it's not about reaching scientists, but about the fact that they do not have protection from their own inventions, and they destroy us without relating these events to them.
And what are we to them if they are driven by achievements? For the sake of what, probably, only they know.
 And we sometimes see how the biosphere reacts to the internal illumination of quartz dust. And the object starts to flash, which nobody needs. Until it settles the particles around itself - piranhas through a certain demagnetization, which leads to a knocking down of the movement. Imperfect flying objects for very many reasons.
Yes to us, what for their problems?
Our money is burned at the same time, and water fixes everything literally, but admits to its information according to the level of consciousness. What anyone wants to know is unlikely to be exhausted.
And we will not be saturated with her knowledge. Descent and splitting are the destruction of oneself as the Essence (not backed up by deeds). Saturation and activation of the flora as a fertile one is creation for your own future. What we do, everything is fixed. In memory Baikal is not deprived, it is already exact.
 We would also sooner demagnetize, deal with the deposition from the chess game. It is necessary to become your own Essence and eradicate what you have imposed on yourself from conditional living.
Mirror reflection should be own, not prodigal. Drown to the very bottom in the current events, but in nature everything is processed very difficult and long, it smells of billions.
 But there is a non-dispersed messenger in the form of Igor Talkov. He hurries, stirs up events, tries to shout to us, lulled into a world of lies and violence against each other. As pawns of one game we were put together in one board. We are both uncomfortable and uncomfortable, but there is nowhere to run away. Confused their own moves, and the conditional enemy left at the expense of your thoughts to guide you.
How did he do it?
Today's day will tell about it.
Creator patiently waits, when we run away from the common game, to become individuals. Then he will be able to introduce us step-by-step on the evolutionary platform, where everything is there. But hardly you want it.
Permission to everything as a test you will meet, admission to the level of consciousness. Etc. In the meantime ...
You, Igor, hear very little and do not hurry to fight off their antipodes. But publicity as a sip of water is needed at this point in time, like an oxygen mixture to upgrade your own lungs.

Work is great, a lot of writing.
And time, like a swinging bridge over turbulent streams of stories.
I wanted you to write a book about you? We will write together.
What will we play? I do not believe what's here.
This is a game of entry and exit. But I believe in a bright future, when it comes after leaving here, having played all the roles to the end, to unravel the tangle of entangled roles.
Without shirking anything, like our Baikal and Teletsky, they are on this issue twinned. And do not be angry with each other for exchanging not only information, but also mixing biocurrents. God grant that this friendship will grow stronger. So that the strength of the Baikal water would increase from drains from Teletsky, and not the introduction of new technologies from still sick little heads.
In everything there is a facet, and Abundance breeds the Overhead, which you had to make sure, immersing yourself in the waters of Lake Baikal. We have crossed this line, however regrettable.
 Is not that so, Igor?
 We believe in God, only asking.
What are the moleben houses turned into?
Although still Christ said: "Why are you looking for God on the side? Build a temple in his heart. "
We are travelers to his words, sad as it may seem. And therefore, no one is protected by anything.
 You were killed simply and calmly, not even associated with the fact that for it will be us by nature. For every violence and murder in the response, we are facing everything that is and what we do not see.
No one is to blame for what we do not see or hear. Tychem and get to someone, as if by accident, under the very breath.
 Who lives well in Russia? Many "purses", this is so in Buryatia about the money they say.
Only there is nothing to envy. Many have, for much to answer. All lies. Entire institutions from the state work on the system of knocking out of people everything that it is saturated or saturated with, as a certain object for this or that game. Therefore, for a given person, one salvation is the path to oneself, to Truth and Perfection from it.
We are now living in the State of Perfect Lies. I got used to everything, it's cozy everywhere. She devours us. We are building up our masses, but this is not the result. In the new game, the predatory grin of what we gave birth to is clearly visible, thus destroying the connection with the Creator Himself. Solid pus can be from the consequence of this.
And scientists are concerned about the appearance of new particles - piranhas.
Now they are still lulled by their own formation, but the abundance in the room will go like the blinking of the eyes - you will not notice. After all, the surface of our eye and the surface of the retina of water, this is one to one our eye bottom. And the spectra of Baikal, like piano tuners, bring the sound of everything to a certain perfection.
False perception is the guarantee of a correct vision of all colors, even in the shower period, when the pollen of what blooms and mutates does not already give off a certain background. And then we might not have the reproduction, what our lens of the fundus is tuned to. The lens, like quartz dust, is able not only to build up or be charged with ionic particles, those that carry this or that information, but also to deduce the organism from the state of deformation. What does the body have through violence?
 Any information is a step. Where are we going?
 Let's look at everything together, in one game, but each with his own world. Who survives in this situation?
 If it is believed that you can just kill someone, then a false opinion suggests that this game is played out by someone, as if from outside. Only therefore, according to the Equivalence Law, it is possible to bring out some roles on the surface, in order to withdraw from the general bowl for an independent move. And do not depend on the general "inhalation and exhalation".
 The cup of communism, uniting all the forces, can no longer be a criterion for someone. Here while talking about E. Vorontsova, which will later become Dashkova. Her role will be voiced at this time, tearing it out of the common sultana.
 Something appears, hanging over us piranhas, but something loses itself, to neutralize them by itself.

So the look of Vorontsova was created in this time.
So mother Russia became an indicator for the introduction of the system where a man was born in the ionic dependence on the state of Light.
 And those particles that form themselves, also bear a definition. And if Baikal radiates a vital flora, then what hovered over it, bears a different meaning.
Flying objects can not be discharged and charged under someone's creative bias, and this does not help build up a positive flora. Hence, what is being formed is not supported by the knowledge where everything that is is soluble. Satanism has a beginning. These particles, born on the basis of unbelief, are not capable of fruitful activity. Destruction without the right to do it.
Reflections, reflections, but today's reality took its toll.
Having bathed in the water full of all mysteries, we hurried on our way, collecting tents and our things.
In one dog, the charges were not burdened with these worries. She moved very cautiously through the stones and, by all accounts, it was evident that she was in a load. But where could she go?
The owner went obveshanny with a huge backpack and camera, and his grandson turned under his feet, flirting with the Boss, so they called our four-legged forced traveler. Even at the beginning of the journey by rail, he was keen on self-expression. These or other situations, he commented on himself to himself, but here he was thinking about the paradise in the house of Barnaul. About a hearty cereal, flavored with some additive complaisant master. And the master's thoughts were about a backpack, corns on the sole and about Galina, grumbling at him.
"He would have sucked at her thigh," thought the Boss, "and no one will be happy about it." Walking on stones and sleepers with smells is not a very pleasant procedure. What do they admire? Birches are eaten together. Absolutely, a man dispossessed himself, if he helps nature to be destroyed. To admire the fact that they have not yet died from their impact? Scary, and only. But what is my concern for their problems? Everyone moves something, and everyone hopes to see and find something. My business is to follow them, although my legs refuse, and the lameness has already clearly changed my former posture. And the local dogs strive to tear out a fleece of wool. They are at home and defend their territory, but can I be disgraced by clutching my tail? I rush, understanding that this can not be done. Mind dialogue on the settlement of relations did not work on them. Apparently, they are trying to put themselves in a better position before each other. One had to bite one shank, violating the laws of entry into another territory, although it is now, as in the case of people, quite legitimate. What is being done in their circles is perceived by us, smaller brothers, as they say. Only we lead a lifestyle, of course, not brothers, but defenders, to some extent, scaring and calm them during sleep. They all wanted it, not hoping for their protection from their congeners biped. And the beast in the coat is afraid, although, if anything, that I'm against it, and others, too. Call, and only. Being a call is not a big part, I deal with it, judging by the food that I have to eat. A sheep's bone ... The entire diet is just for yourself ... For a single defense, no further attention ... "So our Boss grumbled, walking on sleepers or stones, and we hurried after him, leaving traces on the stones and near the campfire.
On the way we met fishermen, who decided to get drunk with fish.
After some bargaining, we all bought it and with the help of a dried omul we decided to get rid of all the potatoes.
The severity of backpacks dull the perception of the environment. However, that's what we did on the next night parking lot, having passed a not very long distance from the village and from Kasyanov's summer residence.

Yes ... Dacha! What can you say after what you saw?
What then do we have?
The opposite corners, where we try to put our soul where no one decides, but at the same time the entire existing system is on you?
Here - a pier for floating ships, a railway section, a port and much more. Why do we understand that the poverty of others is justified. If possible, a person is rewarded. Apparently, much can happen at the energy level, although we understand that this dacha is the face of the group from which he works in the Duma. We are here and with nothing.
 Again we, Igor, have become entangled in the discussion that we are ruled there, as if in an invisible way to us.
Personally, I think that we are ruled by something that we have not managed to dissolve. A stone could be someone, but all according to the law of Boomerang.
If you do not agree, then do not be silent, let's continue to argue.
Although the Lord once sent you the landmarks to stake on what is bulging, and you are trying again and disassemble.
And I, in turn, identified Baikal as an endangered source of water, and hence everything. Because it changed the flora because of these situations. When I arrived, I saw that the water was still trying to tie myself up in this time and fight for my own Essence. Only it became incomprehensible to me why his energy field, which is building and forming Baikal, gives information to "SOS".
Seeing the separation into that flora, that of the Creator of Everything and the formed That which is already there and eats everything. The thought came - let the food for the new be what it eats at the expense of the Whole. I think it's in your spirit, Igor.
And Baikal lived and lives without interfering in our local woes, keeping in mind only that definition, behind which stands everything that exists and leads to creative functions.
 In the meantime, the birch trunks stand dull without leaves. Caterpillars devour them skillfully not for the first year. But the first persons of our state, even being in these places, do not contribute to the improvement of those places where they spend time, not admiring the nature, but, apparently, only themselves.
 And now it's time to throw off backpacks, as in the given time, and in general.
Throwing the backpack on the ground, we, relieved from them, try to choose a softer place under the tent.
Oh, bliss, when the back finds wings, losing the weight of the backpack!
Everything is there, on the invisible front for us, when you execute your own program and for a moment remain free. A moment passes quickly, again behind the shoulders of a new plot for a new performance
 A bonfire, cooking, washing, everything as always, only strangers changed around us sometimes.
Then the guys on the boat, the drunken huntsman stood before us, shaking the gun. He stole a boat from him - he was in a hurry to understand.
At the stand "quietly" they will stand before me, - tried to tell us clearly the local hunter-dreamer.
And at night I woke up the barking bark of our guards. He was reassured by his master, and we continued to sleep so that we could meet the morning in the tent. And, as always, the hunt was a little bit just to lie down and think about something.
Most often remembered grandchildren. The elder is just a scoundrel. Two years have passed, he has already fooled so much, forgetting that he is still a child. The other two were not even a year old, very different in everything, like Yes and No. They are children of twins and grow almost together, pleasing their mothers. Fathers are hard workers, which is an important factor in our time.
Think, do not think, but it's time for vylazkah.
Marina, my neighbor in the tent, spoils, prepares breakfast for myself and for me. However, she rarely trusts anyone. The general manager, one word. And we did not mess things up. Let him cook more often and watch our diet. My backpack constantly corrects - it will tighten, it will pull ... Where to disappear from the vigilant commander? And her backpack, as always, exceeds our weight. He teases himself with the thought that this is for losing weight. So it happens, only in this hike our body does not leave something superfluous, for which we load ourselves.
And near the tent, or rather at the entrance there was a battery. Thoughts have visited everyones. To take or not to take?
You can not deny anything, and already has been naughty. I had to take it with me.
Sudden thought we immediately visited - decided to drive up to a very beautiful place, while unloading their backpacks to a pleasant ratio. Formed, ate and forward to his, already new, dream.
 To the station a few more kilometers, so rushed to not be late for the train.
Legs go on sleepers, and thoughts flew into remembrance.
To present Marina as a good walker and manager - means nothing to say. Fate brought us with her on my first rest on the river Charysh. Acquaintance with her and rafting passed simultaneously. And so we are still rafting through life. The rivers are not always predictable, and our relations with it were the same.
 A magician by design, she does not have much difficulty in life. Everything is given as if by accident.

So mages provide their existence on planet Earth. Why should a magician, who once sent his own guide, appear himself? If recently it was not mandatory.
Her conductor, HP Blavatsky not only had a good time on Earth, but also managed to wave a pen after her departure. The smoke screen divides their paths. The current Marina does not tolerate tobacco. I could see enough from a remarkable conductor, but a teacher for many. Bad is the disciple who does not surpass his teacher in all respects. In this case, the spirit sent to the ground decided to provide itself (with the help of a conductor) with those energies that could be kept on the surface for a long time, until the changes in the Cosmic progression burst forth. These are their own problems.
 In the meantime, we hurry to the station. This is usually a few houses in the mountains. The mountains are stuck to the water, so we did not expect to see a big revival. So it turned out.
 They decided to pay for themselves, which they did. They washed their heads, realizing that nothing just happens like this, and therefore, when you enter the water, then involuntarily or specially you find yourself in a cycle of events that are subject to some kind of promotion.
Everyone already understands that until we know ourselves and we are not convinced that we are there, in invisible time, we are not. Therefore, the exchange of information is often conscious, and if not, it does not mean that it is not.
 The place was cozy not only for bathing, but also to memorize yourself.
 Water gave bliss and cheerfulness. The sun was wrapped up in warmth and motherly love. What else does a person need at that moment?
But the approach time of the train was approaching the station, and we hurried, not knowing that he was in no hurry.
We bought milk and slept a little, crunching crunches.
Frozen rain. We quickly dressed in the same Chinese raincoats, which were so hard for us to give. From the touch of my hands I crawled ...
 Nearby there were foreigners and from the long wait they stretched their faces in the silent question - where is the train?


The conductor tried to explain to them inexplicable for them, and to us, born on such waters, all is not at all. Should, but not him.
At us all so. Everything should be as it should, but everything is as if accidentally, but not so, in someone's interests.
 Finally the train approached, and we managed to squeeze into it. "Drunken Matanya" he is called. People, indeed, were rosy-cheeked, not only from stuffiness. The opinion that only Russian people drink and much, has faded immediately. What kind of nation there was not. How to manage everything to squeeze in, it is not entirely clear, but they say that this is far from the limit. It could be much worse when there are five people on each shelf, and here there was even before us an almost free vestibule.
We prevented moving around for drinks. Poles, Koreans, Germans, Irish, etc. All of them are attracted to Baikal. Everyone is attached to it in his own way. And in its time, each has its own - comes the thought of visiting it.
We do not think about where she came from.
And if she came, we hurry on the road.
What will be the exchange of information? This hardly anyone knows. For the future of the move, most likely. But while it does not shine for us, with such a layout of the game, being only destroyers.
We rejoice at what is before the review.
Although something invisible is frightening, and it's something that follows us.
Twenty kilometers we drove like a horse.
The blackness of the tunnels was replaced with beautiful landscapes. Often the depth swallowing the coast rivaled with the wind. Apparently, the disintegration of the mountains allowed shallow water to be on one note with an abyss that goes deep. Where the underground kingdom communicated with water. Emitting his muse to those who are motivating something, not missing the opportunity even in what is a chasm of events piled up with laboratory delights. Captain Nemo fades before reality.
Deep grottoes, sand waste in them attract something, but do not allow entry. Something is stopping, and that's something I'm driving in my backpack.
Only the souls of those who worked in this field, called, and sometimes shouted for help. If the first, those that built the tunnels, were united by native crosses or some notions about God, today's people who lost their lives from the development of the abyss wandered, not finding peace and a home.

Where are the invisible gates for those still living and visible to those already gone, but inaccessible to both?
And yet they were more fortunate (until the piranha is in full swing). Those souls who find a cemetery are not able to scream and call for help. They are torn to pieces in the first fractions of a second. The laws of the earth work.
"Do not kill!" - carried away with their impunity.
"Do not steal!" - we are only doing this, if we judge that we are sitting on the spot and thus stealing from someone who should already be at this place. Etc.
Free will from the Cosmic Law will and after leaving Earth. Waits patiently for what was born.
And the new problem tickles. A pack of piranhas prepares itself for supper. It is uninvited, but we create it, regardless of anything, legitimizing ourselves in this time.
Through Jesus Christ, the words "This is not God's path, God is there, where justice exists, and I go to another world where the laws of our father, the god of the only begot, rule the world." Here, after my departure, darkness will rule. "
By the only-begotten, as I understand it, Jesus meant not that which can be born and regenerated, achieving purity through it, but that which is always subject to it. And where the word "purity" is consonant with the word Truth always, and not sometimes.
Let's return to our present time, which is, but can not be the master of everything. It legitimated itself for lack of that Essence, which could have erased all this from the memory of earthly origin.
And again, through Jesus, the words of his father were transmitted, and hence of the only-begotten god: "I am leaving, giving myself darkness in all its glory and power. But when the time comes, I'll come back to tell her No. There is no you there, in the kingdom of God, for I was there and saw our father's inaccessibility. His throne is built on the Law. And this world is not legalized, where darkness reigns. This is a term of the land level, that of decay, then it must be a decay. Ashes - that will be settled to complete the earthly level. "
As I understand it, then the healing of the entire Cosmic progression will come. The earth will be introduced into a systematic construction, where all trace elements will be stacked in one table with all the filled lines. What is the monolith in general that the higher Cosmos will analyze. We collected all the processes of diamond formation within the framework of the law from perishable oxides, and while he (the oxide) is still trying to eat with us, did not take the opposite step toward God, washing himself off, and therefore dissolving the oxide by the correct solution of problems.
The creator keeps in his mind and the oxide that has been generated by a certain world, the one that was in motion, but something that has admitted imperfectness to himself, and that which was perfect, until he was tempted by something or at the expense of someone.
Any step to renew itself gives rise. So a microelement is born, capable of moving history and changing the plot or the performance as a whole.
Wash all of the components of a diamond that shines with purity, without any other impurity. Then the children from heaven will be rewarded with new knowledge.
In the meantime, our common exhaust is our rule. The way out of our thoughts is before us. Of the ionic particles, it tends at times and all that the participant is today's events, our children are involved in this.
"Inhalation" and "exhalation" occur as a shallow one. We sat down in our own puddle and do not hurry to separate ourselves from the created antipodes.
But let's not rush, everyone has their time for reflection.
The Creator with Everything throws off dust and this "everything" tries to settle, stuffed with memory, Togo, on what it was formed. Therefore, to bring down self and self-determination, this is a billion-dollar work. Overnight, we will not redesign ourselves.
Memories of past lives flooded. And what seemed absurd, lay down with understanding. We'll wait for the rain on the ground.
Even in this life, at the very beginning of the journey, it was not entirely clear to me why someone might call me "you," intonation could be increased or somehow called.
In the orphanage there was a fracture. When the family was not close, there was no one to whom to exhibit, but now there is no need.
Everything was rubbed into dust, which was monolithic.
There is only a desire that everyone should understand our current situation and hurry through their own labor over their home, where they are waiting for him day and night.

All this will happen later, and now, at last, the expected station has appeared. Rain sowed, descending more and more of our savings, to show the essence of those who come to the surface and loudly about himself in a hurry to declare.
The river Polovinka, brown from clay, descended its waters to Lake Baikal, mixing the reality of Lake Baikal with the ripe elements, which were born on the disintegration of once monolithic mountains.
Our whole group dressed in warmer clothes. At the grouchy Boss threw a raincoat.
The eight-hundred-meter tunnel was waiting for us ahead.
I wanted to check the battery in action. Unsettling, she behaved like a charger, as befits her. The lantern shone, but it was clear, this is just one of its functions. The underlying feeling that she is a detonator could not be blunted, even after her use.
Passing to the exit from the tunnel, we retired from the railway. On the coast our way.
Stones and sand, which allowed to put tents in the sand a few meters from the water. The noise of the wave did not bode ill. And we, hastily making the temporary camp more cozy, somehow boiling food, went to bed. The time was later.
Nearby, it was not the first day that two families and a dog rested. They have been going to the same place for a few years to rest and fish from Irkutsk.
And at night, the noise of an already more assertive wave woke. Something dissatisfied, it rolled on the shore, washing away our tracks, and carried away its waters, not having time to compact the pebbles. The information on those who stepped ashore was carried into the water column, those that had the past - not bent by what is. And those waters that carried the reworked information that falls from heaven and merges with the mountains. As in the cauldron everything was boiled, gurgling and increasing in volume.
The fear of violence increased. I had to get out of the tent and see what was happening on the beach. Will the next wave wash us? The experienced neighbors were calm. The raft was not washed away by the wave, which means that the feeling of fear is groundless, although there were ships near us.
One was like a flying object. A lot of lanterns were glowing. And next to it stood a tanker and fumbled with light along the shore.
Scary! As if the submarine surfaced and flashed, wherever she would launch the first salvo.
Having seen all this as on the screen of a film, we, exhausted in the afternoon, tried to sleep, which was possible without much difficulty. And Galina, Tatyana and Natasha, in anticipation of the next wave, divided into three their cloudy mood.
In the morning the storm stopped, and the surface of the water was ready to release a new pair of small ions to play with the solar disk.
But not everything was still on Earth. There was a redeployment of the main players who will fill in at this time.
By the time the rain ended, the rain was over.
How the water rises!
It was clear that there was a descent of new players.
We are talking about the main and those who have managed to create their own name from the oxide, having got themselves out of antipodic particles. If the water has accepted, then Baikal is in force and will be able to digest this obsession. In a new form, they will get into those missing cells, where as the clock wheels will allow this world to have an entry into the world civilization with real name by the winner's honor over what was composed in the form of an antiknani. A fabric that is praised by its content from the containing, but we are still so far away.
And now it's time to dine, if the rain will allow. We got out of the tents, exchanged impressions of last night, cooked the ear from the graylings, which the neighbors treated us.
Then we saw a rainbow. As the gates flashed, playing with flowers, the shore connected with calm water. Double. The sight was unusual, although, how many of them have seen.
So we have been shown what has been lowered already in the processed form, and what we were laid to work on for this transitional moment from the given time after the departure from life.
Yes, we are losing here what has already happened and forgotten for a long time. And the unwinding goes on for billions of years.
Use and processing. The product is an ionic insert, complementing a new spectrum that will replenish our Sun.

How quickly nature is performed, and how long we play. It makes sense to work on knocking off oxides from yourself. Piranhas then do not get, and to the house closer. Whom that holds here, these are their own problems. Nostalgia is so strong that I want to scream that there is urine. Only a blank wall of what is now, at a given time, does not miss my desire to be there, and not here.
 The rest also concerns. Not always and everyone wants to leave the Earth. There are also such, met.
The fear of the silence of the universe is generating earthly things, but these are personal problems. Having ripened everyone, goes separately, then separation and departure from what is, will happen very slowly.
As once Catherine Vorontsova matured and decided to move into another world. The trials began. Own qualities must be re-acquired. If you have found yourself, then you will not increase your range, which may be the entrance to those gates that beckon, call, but do not admit sometimes.
There are a lot of people called, but few are wanted.
Becoming Essence without plus or minus the load, you have an entry.
And if you are obveshivaeshsya? The proton or electron on you will stick, means, the atom "still" or "already".
The fate of Vorontsova was solved in such a way. Russia has hung on it.
Still a young child living with Count Vorontsov, she already had her own definition. Since four years without a mother and father, she found herself leafing through books. The natural environment, like an affectionate nurse, enveloped her with her knowledge. Yes, and my uncle was very active in those days. The aunt was on her own. She did not really bother with moral teachings, she herself needed it.
So they grew on the Black Sea in salty waters, swimming in the sun, accelerated processes, ripening at the same time.
Thus, Mother Russia had its own ion illumination. It's bad or good, it's not for us to judge.
But for everyone to move to a different level, this combination must be disassembled.
Russia has, as it were, what it could have only in works on itself. The free energy at the expense of Russia went to Earth, accelerating maturation.
Everything should be worthy and timely.
Maybe that's why, when I offer something, I hear "wait".
Looking at this situation, I understand that I will always wait, never again and without offering anything.
And Vorontsova lived carefree, pushing herself out of the given time. Everything was given to her. Fast and skillful, she quickly learned to read, write and not depend on sentences. It grew, not burdening the Vorontsov clan.
My uncle often traveled, built a castle for his technology, supplied kings with his money. He was rich in those days, still a count. My niece had her own condition. At the very least, it could also contain not only the royal estate, but also what makes the appearance of Russia.
 Elizabeth II was a scoundrel, she knew how to portray a royal person, immersing himself in luxury, balls and debauchery. But where can I get money for this? Yes, people like Vorontsovs are sick with ideas about reform, putting their pedigrees into it.
And so the money was determined by a young and beautiful Catherine. For the sake of Russia and in it new reforms were signed refusals from using money for their needs and travel abroad. Life has acquired a shade of "sake."
The credit relationship between Count Vorontsov, as it were, ensured the future of Catherine. Only whoever took, is not able to give away just like that. Reforms began, as it were.
Elizabeth, "concerned" about the future of Russia, hastens to find the crowned person. So on the German earth a bride is prepared for the feeble-minded future king.
The nephew of Elizabeth, Peter III, brought from Sweden, was not ready to feel himself a man. Games with people, both with dolls. Rewarded by his ranks, they performed roles without being jesters. Having become Elizabeth's heir, Peter was forced to live in Russia, having accepted the Orthodox faith. And around - solid intrigue. On the one hand, Count Bestuzhev-Ryumin, on the other - Count Lestocq, who knows how to spin his current with the use of those who have not only a characteristic strength, position and big money, but also a general impression of him.

So Count Mikhail Vorontsov was used to erect Elizabeth once, for which he had his wife's niece Catherine I, who received her education with the Empress Elizabeth. Whether he wanted it or not, the reward was not complete from Elizabeth if she did not mean that the count's condition would be under a watchful eye. Wealthy at the court, only dreamers-reformists turned out to be - and obchelsya.
Ekaterina Vorontsova, his niece, grew up in his spirit, dreamed of big changes, but here she is, a new affair, where she already has to be a participant in the coup. Instead of Peter put Catherine on the throne. It took a lot of money. For this, the Vorontsovs were happy to help, although Mikhail already knew that there would be no big games in this. Educating Russia on the same level with local intrigues to keep power and the border.
Catherine, as an ionic insertion of that time, grew up in Russia, she became the first maid of honor at the court, where Lopukhina was the first, a young lady who fell in love with Peter. But the intrigues of Count Bestuzhev were great. Sent her mother to Siberia, thereby eliminating her daughter. Was there any need then?
Apparently, yes. Elizabeth needed a trump card-the Vorontsovs.
Catherine grew up, she could have been already the first maid of honor in those days, and two beautiful people next to the intended princess from the German race, that's too much. Mother Lopukhina, being close to the court, annoyed Elizaveta Petrovna. Pious and able to show oneself in conversations, who needs such an adviser? Smart women do not painfully caress time, when the darkness walks in the mind.
So, removing from the yard Lopukhin, the place for Catherine Vorontsova was vacated. Driven by the idea, she did not notice the game, like Count Bestuzhev, and Lestka.
One was less noticeable, but easily caught any desire of Elizabeth and in this direction took a step, although temporary indulgences were then cleverly corrected. Count Lestok caring about the welfare of Russia and the tsarist people, was more openly involved in her affairs, but did what he considered necessary, thereby often losing in the end result, involuntarily playing along with Bestuzhev. Bestuzhev, as if losing in the intrigue, had a more mature success. Maneuvering already what is, fluctuating a stable attitude, achieving on this the coveted success. Millstones of that time milled those who approached them and was involved in their game.
Thus, Catherine signed documents for the use of her money to promote reforms, where a young German person, also Catherine, only the second, for alternating the royal name, pledged to fulfill her will.
Laughter, and only!
The cash-strapped future tsarina received money because of the desire of another Catherine. Elizabeth is smart. Only the cell where they were sealed with seals of sealing wax paper, for some reason burned to the ground, and the minister could not save himself.
The coup in favor of Catherine II was made skilfully. Only Count Bestuzhev-Ryumin directed everything into his own channel. It is unlikely that this Elizabeth did not know. So the Orlovs appeared on the horizon.
How it all looks like the things that are done in the sky. It's no wonder that Russia will be a mirror image of the temporary Suty. She is deceitful, as we see.
And if someone does not see it, that's like an ostrich upside down, but not us to judge who and where to be in this day.

We are on the shore of the Baikal coast. The sun pleases the rays. And the ship sails to the shore. Unloaded a group of foreigners, the Germans, oddly enough. We pitched the tents, ennobled the place. This was helped by the accompanying people. Their walks began past our camp.
Ordinary feeling in front of them is a shame. For dirty campfires of those who are already at home or on the road. They folded their opinions about us and hardly expected anything else. Moreover, not every visitor from foreigners could boast of his arrival as a purely cognitive mission.
Worked on fixing these or other frequencies, caught everything literally. Noise of water, electromagnetic waves, something that could not immediately disperse because of the steep shore. Very much increased interest in what is in the district. Wandering couples carefully moved their legs in a simple footwear, where, as a rule, unique mini-devices were installed. Why, for some reason, reacted to the battery-naidenysh, rather a foundling. Who threw it, for some reason did not want to know.

It was promised that we will pass our way without adventure. At the telepathic level, all sorts of debates were conducted. On physical - no interference was expected. Has appeared, so has appeared. It should not be denied, so it seemed to me. In the evening I gave it to Galina. She had a Chinese lantern with a good appetite, and skillfully discharged the batteries.
In the evening they set up a network, looking forward to a rich catch. The water lapped playfully on the beach. The moon lit up the tent like a lantern, and Mars lit up its accumulation. Something about this was very strange. The battery constantly interfered with analyzing and thinking, as in the film "The Diamond Hand" before Mironov in Greece appeared the same lady, until he opened the door to her and slammed it after her. Let's do the same.
The amplitude from Mars was overwhelmed by the impulse coming from the lunar accumulation.
The war between them - for some reason I thought.
How will this affect us?
Let the battery, like an artificial brain, think about it and guide the bridge between our affairs. We can not help but depend on what surrounds us. If we loudly declare ourselves, we can not escape the collapse. This is already the problem of artificial intelligence. Everything must correspond with reality.
If they rule and live on this, then the reins are in their own hands. So that the coachman does not have a desire to lower into the ditch what in the carriage sits and spoils the nerves.
My, not very good opinion about the progress of science in the study of the world around me was overturned on both scapula, although it was a question of artificial management of a man for a long time. And it was as if far away and not with us. What I had to see did not fit into the concepts. I was reminded once again that I have no rights.
The person who talks to nature is removed from dialogue. This is a step into another abyss. If the abyss of Baikal gave a chance, It destroyed without the right to be.
Those who do, sitting in steep laboratories, it's silly not to know. Our brain has no right to interfere in matters that are beyond our concept. If nature has not yet gone mad from our intervention, then it is also thankful to God.
However, the departure from the affairs - according to plan, only this happens a little earlier and not at all.
In nature, there is a shift in the formation of new impressions through the perception of new vibrational fields. So everything is formed, a new disk of solar weave.
New deeds, actions and thoughts - it has always been so.
And what is happening now is a bit earlier and out of place.
But we are not here to judge what happened, for that is the Lord who creates. And what can we do without the help of his and his sharp look at all the circumstances of the current events?
A new game in space is like a sharp needle or a dull one. The action requires a long resorption as after the injection. It is necessary to track what and with what has reacted. The work is aimed at studying the deep waters that carry information about double uranium. Again uranium, wherever you look.
On Abakan getting from the ore. Its presence in a free form gives a certain taste not only of fish, but also of birds. The behavior of the beast also speaks of the splitting phase.
And here we are waiting for the catch, although the grayling has already said a lot, being in a salty form. Ionization speeds up many events. The mutation was on, and the eggs for the nascent individual were carrying new genetic information. Fish no longer have the root of involvement in the development cycle. And the fishermen would hardly have had so much catch if it were true to itself and did not catch a foreign impulse like its own.
"Do not be a scop" - they said the words. Here they saved up.
"Do not commit adultery" - changed the code of development. Managed, but apparently in vain.
How to fit into a single microcircuit, where the macro and microcosm are like filters. What now about this talk?
And the bird that lives along the coast, knowing that the fish is no longer friendly with the head, enjoying the easy catch, feeds its own chicks, thereby already deviating from its own rhythm. If before the bird kept the internal microclimate at the expense of holding a certain temperature, which contributed to the correct genetic basis for the evaporation of eggs in the nest, now, as it was seen, it does not hold the temperature, but as a bazaar, strives to excite itself and the surrounding reality with cries , which led to a genetic disorder.

The temperature regime is necessary for the correct processes in the body, for the complete movement of microelements, which have the ability to create one from the next. Microflora, acting - is the guarantor of collecting a table of all elements. And we, apparently, are beating the sun tick, or the rain nails what we aimed at.
So, in reflection came a dream, where the visible has acquired a new Essence. In a dream, I finally had to patch up my energy shirt. Imagine the surprise when the impulse coming from the battery made its correction.
Interestingly, from whose brain was the impact and deletion chip removed?
It works not only on the physical level, but also on the energy level. Proud scientists, taking pictures of her work on her computers. Artificial brain. Only its correction is someone's level (distortor), and not a general inhale or exhalation. Without this account, it is "nothing". This is in my concepts, and in their this is a unique opportunity to keep the world in a certain perspective. Walk one foot, the second march in place circles around yourself. If there is anything to look at, then it's okay.
Long to go, does not mean something to have there, in another reality. Where reality is created, there is a real truth, revealing the Truth.
The sun came out in the morning. Our fishermen hurried to check the network, and there were two bulls. What ear? There is an opportunity to lighten your backpacks. We decided after the meal and dried things to go to the river Polovinka, and buy milk.
Local residents told about the ancient cemetery where the designer of this tunnel is buried. Work was conducted from two sides. The day before his surrender his nerves went off, and he shot himself. The cemetery was not found, however, not very much and tried.
We walked along the river and dreamed of a catamaran. Only not in the teeth, and water here is such a rarity. The rains helped raise her level to our dream, but not everything that dreams about, is immediately fulfilled.
We collected mushrooms, tried cedar cones after the little animals and returned to the camp, buying milk, where our men waited for us. Yegor Ivanovich with his grandson and Boss, who was waiting for the stone. And we brought mushrooms ... to which Boss looked contemptuously and thought about our unreasonableness, if we talk softly about it.
Mushrooms - like our tonsils, pull together toxins, those that penetrated into our intestinal tract. Grow mushrooms due to toxins, those that come from the pores of the Earth.
He does not understand our food. We do not understand his course of thought. If you deny everything, then one day, when the body from negi plunges into stress, where to take immunity?
Therefore, Bossik, we also practice incompatible with us food. And if we lived according to the Laws of Cosmic Equality, and not of Perception, we would have enough of that which pours from heaven or is split in a solar reactor. And so, we chew what we then scrape without rest. Cleaning for a higher such in this way.
In another case, we would live without caring for the stomach. There are so many, take it, if you want. Only you want as much, for how much you can answer then, after leaving what is on the physical level. You gain or consolidate yourself. Free graphics for everyone. There is no blat, and your own achievement is your step. And in our worlds, the formed slag is split with the help of a solar disk and the finished microelement is threaded to work in a given time, replenishing its core. And how and where the slag is taken, this is an individual matter and there should not be another one. The calculation must be correct in order to get out of what entered or entered, so that "yes" at a given time can be turned into a "no" in its own Future. Therefore, the movement in the spheres outside the plan of the land level - no problem. Free movement on the worlds, plus there is no gain of karma. All this gives the right to enter and exit in certain situations and to walk through temporary dams (scenes from the past) with the right to exit from here at any time. And do not lie for billions of years in the splitting stage and wait for the oxide to take over and fall sediment to some place where there is a prospect for interconnection in the near future.
Is not that so, Igoryok?
Are you worried about my past?
Me - yours. Too much in common, and my roots are tracked in your performance.
Recently, for many reasons, many have learned to move themselves to another body while still alive, knowing what is ahead. Whatever a person plays, and at the energy level, he knows his every step, and if in the day he does not coincide - the loss of mood from any successor in the form of any changes is not in the best direction. The perfogram has existed for a long time to facilitate movement through the labyrinth. We have this level.
And the star, if it passes into any constellation, it does not find itself there, since other stars carry themselves without getting anything from the other. These are the laws of unfaithfulness.
But the solution of the main task is yes.
Here, advice is appropriate, coherence in everything allows you to make movements, and so, you see, you will get to the place of Pluto, where it originates itself in the consonance of Uranus, being scattered on those units of which it consists.

The combined orchestra is good for a march somewhere, but not for himself, as a single-minded thought. On the example of Vorontsov, this pun is seen. And the alliance with Dashkov gave her the title of princely family. Countess - in princesses, on this her children were born.
But were they their continuation? We can not say this unequivocally. So, as the title was acquired by the Orlov brothers, and others called themselves nobles, having been in the hot embrace of Catherine II.
The second, having received everything, was already burdened by the friendship of Catherine Dashkova. Live by her pointer and constant order, made by a young lady. Could she let Catherine number two, who became a Russian queen, combining her destiny with round provision for reform. Only something was hampering, as in today's Russia, if not this, then this.
So we live, as in the cradle, lulled in the given time by the fact that it plays its role well, offering more and more new reforms. Only where does the money come from?
There are such combinations here that there is hardly time to describe at least one. God grant you to understand your own life on Earth. The roots were dragged through the whole sequence of events, but managed to get out of it only at this time. How can I relate to what is, if on the one hand terrible discomfort, on the other - the way out. In a golden serenity I stay. And I remember the golden age of Catherine II as a heavy dream.
A recovery from the common bowl at a time when it is impossible to be healthy!
Absurdity in everything.
It's not for us to judge about games in which you, losing everything, find yourself. Shaking for life, you lose it, but every moment on earth is beautiful and gives you a further stay where we should be.
There has always been talk about the gates, and this is the truth about ourselves and our deeds on the Earth. The outline is the Essence in which Your Name was composed. Stay, build up and involve - everything as always.
And the golden age in the time of Catherine II is in tune with us. There lies and weaving of the fetters, and here we are in the clutches of violence and lies, which is said - has a double meaning.
The right of everyone to believe or not that pours on us from the screen, from radiotochki. And what strongly inspire us from the satellite communications, have done it for something?
How once Vorontsova-Dashkova tried to go abroad. Pieces of it were given out by eminent Catherine for this. A new favorite was much more received in one night, spent with her. This is how the two Catherines lived in a golden age, named after some reforms that were squeezed out at the expense of one, praising the other for a step.
So Russia rolls on someone's will, imposing a hammer on our neck. Some - at the expense of others, others endure themselves from this time due to this. Everything got mixed up and just makes you sick. Trying to please the eye with the visible, but you see what's behind it. It is painful, hurtful for the past and unbearable for a common future. All that was with one, will be with each separately. Crystal and collecting it. Uranium and its contents. Falling apart, they are in the Essence, the one from which we are alone. The individual is sharply distinguished, even in a monolith.
From a direct answer I go to philosophy. It's easier than writing about your birth.
But you, Igor, are restless. Pursuing from the first parking lot. Although I did not communicate with any power, because at this time I'm just powerless. I'll try to describe, but what will come of it?
I wanted that there were no judges. "Do not judge, not to be judged."
My fate is too bitter, but I'm not covered in salt, for I believe in my future, but what it will be, this is my own business.





Baikal is not salty, it is true to its own path. We are defined in something, but also free from it. He survives in that diminishes his strength, but he is strong in the past. I, too, feeds on my past. All kinds of laboratories inhabited Baikal, and I was declared a child of a laboratory.
Not entirely understandable situation? How can you cough up the spirit born in the year of the Horse and make its fate as if by its program, if the other can only be understood by its level of consciousness? And if it simply does not exist or is barely breathing? What are we talking about?
Scientists have learned to read the information fields of the spirit born on Earth. Reading on consciousness. Therefore, only our contact developed on the basis of certain factors from our relations. But, as they fulfilled my destiny, it does not fit with any concept.

My mother was twenty-five years old, when she, having become pregnant with a third child, realizes that she is leaving her life with her husband during childbirth. Our father was twenty-six. Abortion is prohibited. Throwing at a village in search, who would have helped her, did not lead to success. They lived well and prosperously, so they saw no sense in getting rid of the fetus. So her birth was approaching, and our farewell to them. In the dream is indicated the withdrawal. She kind of arranged me. Her older sister, so that she left her behind, agreed to take me to her family. And my brother, the favorite of my grandmother's relatives, was to stay in the village.
My mother's name was Sunny. It is easy to communicate, the smile does not go away from the person, had time to do everything and shewed the village. Rukodelnitsa and mistress, glowing in all matters. She came to the Ust-Pristan hospital a month earlier, trying to deceive fate. On the nightstand for a long time adorned with knitted napkins.
During childbirth, she is all dying in terrible agony. The child was pulled out with forceps, leaving his bruises on his face. They explained that the birth was accepted by students. Three women were gone. The teacher, the doctor and my mother did not return home. The night was written off by these events, only people still do not believe in their accidental death. Death was so shocking that until now this event is remembered by those who are still alive.
 And my father that morning, got up, as usual, to work, went still neostyvshy after sleeping to his mother and said: "Tanya will not return. I have seen". Baba, dumbfounded, shouted at him: "Tipun to your tongue!"
But the door was already pounding ... Peter, run after the car, Tanya take home. She died during childbirth. The legs of both of them buckled.
And the children, smiling, sleep, dreaming of meeting with mother and baby.
Time was wasted. Our father in a moment became a statuette mannequin. By inertia he hurried to the office, where a car was waiting for him. Kilometers were separated from the one to which I wanted to cuddle and share her pain.
To the one from which he could not separate himself when he first saw him, having rushed to Klepikovo. He told his mother from the threshold: "I'm getting married!" And how old are you? But all the same she decided for herself that a relationship with the orphan would give at least some peace. Persecuted by power, she lost her parents early. The tar was driven away, mushrooms and berries were collected by barrels. In Barnaul, they sold and lived securely at the expense of their own hands and feet.
Revolution rushed. The city felt it faster on itself, that's why her parents were the first beauty, a songboy and a dancer, for a morose and hard-working middle peasant, thinking that they could be missed by the bowl of dispossession and exile to the north. And it happened.
Parents with their sons were sent into exile from Siberia. The road led to the north. Three daughters were left, having successfully married. But the news because of fear for their daughters or death on the road they did not receive. Life under the label was not sweet. She lived quietly and calmly, giving birth to one after the other children, as was customary at the time, giving birth to laborers for the new government, shuddering from the word "lady".
The thirty-seventh year has come, and the husbands of the three sisters, like the three heroes, have gone to where they do not come from or come, but they do not stay long in this world. And yet the birth of my brother and me, our grandfather captured in his life, managed to get clear, and only.
During the war years - the death of the first child Kolya. A favorite and handsome, he met the war on the border. What happened to him is not difficult to guess.
Genetic breakdown at the energy level broke the fate of people on the physical. The rest of the children were more like their father.

The next daughter, a Komsomol activist, also died. This is her and ruined. The meetings were in Ust-Prystani. The path is not close, and snow-covered winter and cold autumn did not give indulgence. Thus the second germ from the two fused souls perished in the given time.
The third, my father, still a little boy, felled the forest in the marshes in the winter. On horses the wood was taken out to the river for further rafting. And there Ob met this stream. He grew up far from being a master's son, though sometimes called for his eyes, but these words did not injure him. He did not know and did not see the gentry, and his mother shrank from the words of those. Life is like the point of a knife. What else would they come up with to reinforce their authority, who knew?
The human brain, like a computer, gave a knocking down on a particular topic. I did not spare the other, being touched by myself. And my father, who grew up on such an odor, worked hard, turning the forest, investing his forces in the leshoz, having moved to another village. He worked on a tractor, working out and exceeding the norm. At home, his wife and two small children were waiting for him.

I waited and now with a frozen smile on my face. The last moment of liberation, apparently, was sweet. Earthly problems were already far away, and the soul collected itself in a long way, into a return to itself.
Her husband, by earthly standards, still lived, but it was far from that. Lost meaning without it. Although small children, but the mother and father are strong people, they will be able to warm up and prevent them from dying from tears. The economy is strong, everything is there, and the thread from the past will be reinforced, if there is a need, thought the father, ready to die after him. He did not see himself without her.
The car was excruciatingly slow, as it seemed to him. End of March. You can imagine a village road pierced through a forest with sandy slopes or through a swamp once.
Inside, everything was caked, all life passed before my eyes. He mentally said goodbye, knowing that he had come to an end. They talked about this with Tanya, not believing in their own nonsense. But the first part was accomplished. And who will believe this, if someone say?
Mothers? I tried, but I could not. Too much was on her shoulders.
For what? Only one god knows.
His detachment was understandable.
Only someone who will explain to us and his brother why we need to cut a tree on which the birds are sitting, who do not know how to fly yet.
So, the first part was "to cheer" for someone. And this someone managed skillfully, without interfering in particular. And why?
The string is touched, and the harp has sounded, causing somebody to be bewildered. Others - an explosion of emotion - that's it! Have managed! We can do anything! We lit a star in the sky. Glory to science and all those who work in it!
Yes, it's clear that they did something that the Lord helped to even arrange this.
He allows everything, by manifesting the One, from which the Intelligence fades. And we, for some reason, come across this. It's not for us to judge this. We are the players who allowed something and let it through something, and it rules us, while infringing on us in everything.
So it was always. It's one thing when you realize this mentally, the other is to eradicate yourself. A complex combination, but without it you will not make a step out of the given time. A sick feeling is a consequence of a pass in oneself. Whom to blame if they came to fulfill what was suspended by a leaden cloud. Until we deplete the situation, there is no question of the future.
So, we are surrounded by relatives and friends. Soul pain escaped outside. People shed tears. I was four years old, and my brother six.
Did we understand what happened to us?
On the physical - no, but on the energy, apparently, yes. The mechanism for saturating us with maternal care has been stopped, and the problems of our own progress have poured into us.
"The loss of everything is through perdition." It touched me and my brother, but not my parents (according to the scheme). We had to lose our roles in order to have a new spectrum for ourselves.
Here secret laboratories have "helped" it, but it's not so. It's not for us to judge with Boreas, if this step is allowed. What has already been committed to yourself, can just pull your heart out. I'm not Danko - that's for sure. Also has come to forget the roles. And do not fulfill someone's will. Therefore, the game directed by someone was sick and bitter for everyone.

Shouts were heard in all corners in the village, and in Barnaul her sister was going to a funeral, cursing everything, medicine - in the first place.
"Do you really have to take Galina? We did not talk about this with my husband. Tannins talk was premature, and how you can believe in what has not happened yet, and she already painted Petrov's fate. Is this really going to happen? Oh, gods, how distant you are from us! How could you allow this? Having committed a crime against an orphaned sister, so that they can make children. Help me stay with my father. There are many young women in the village who can replace their mother, "she thought, but nature is deaf to her plea. In her they were picking themselves up with a clouded mind for a long time.
And Peter had already reached the Ust-Pristanskaya hospital and was waiting for a meeting with his little-beloved, beloved wife. Everything happens, and, suddenly, she is alive and, seeing him, laughs, only she could laugh. The eyes sparkled with laughter, the whole one glowed, infecting the laughter of those nearby. But the doctor interrupted his naive dream: "Go to the morgue and take them." Whom "them", he thought, forgetting about the crumbs.
- The girl should also be buried.
- The girl was born with us, only she died. Without my mother, what to do in the world, our father thought, but his thoughts were far from us.
And in the morgue, smelling of it, she lay, our mother and his wife. Wavy hair covered the face and neck. Nearby - a small crumb that could not get into this world. In the battle with fate, her life ended right there, in the hospital (morgue).
The attendants took the body and carefully, as if afraid of hurting her, they put it in the car. Nearby I was not once pressed to my mother's breast. She struggled for a long time, dying in her mother's flesh, where she composed herself. But fate led by someone's will. The fruit composing "his" and "her", could not continue their existence, and he himself was burnt by her painful pain.
And in the laboratories was marked the first day of a new concentration cloud, which had already descended to be, and was no longer able to lift itself upward to go to where the "exhaust" or exhalation originated. For each his own.
The reading of the concen tratory cloud was successful, and it was replenished by what the deceased children exuded. Communication did not have a violation. They tore up the tree, but it was nourished.
Petr Ignatievich drove the car home, where everything was ready for the rite of farewell to the bodies. The coffin for two was shared by two women's souls. What will it happen in nature? We are far from this, although all this concerns, as a rule, all. Losing in one, we find it from another. It is transmitted by a chain.
And in the cold hut, still March in the yard, we tried to cover our mother with a blanket. She lay in a light dress that she sewed herself and frozen, as it seemed to us then. The screams intensified from our concern for her.
The father, blackened by the pain of his soul, was not very terse. He looked at people like a panorama, and we gave him the heat, worrying about their health, trying to dress him and them. They did not suffer from disease. And on the second day he was already driving away those who tried to calm him.
"Tanya is talking to me, but you are interfering with me." What kind of brides are you talking about? It lies there, but I do not need others.
Found, than to reassure. But whoever could.
We with my brother knew how to attack only on the heels of blisters from calluses. I did not manage to protect my Tanya from laboratory inventions. As a man is a husband, he was obliged to keep it, but here there was a game without laws. And not everyone can avoid them. This should go for long many years. A young soul, young in years.
But secret laboratories are a success. Concerned about the work on the creation of an artificial brain and this design should continue.
So my mom was in their field of vision. Her development code had access to other spatial associations. The star went to the junction to be able to leave an independent unit. In doing so, give something (apparently, Boris and I) and find something to get out of this scheme (not a born daughter).

The father, as a construction, had to keep and maintain. What happened from this, he was told by the soul, which was already dead because Tatyana left. There was nothing else. Everything is at zero. What to multiply in this?
Yes, apparently, our affairs with my brother are dashed. We have only to lose. In return, according to the law of equilibrium, take what you can. What to take here, in return throwing? And what do we throw? Time will tell about it.
And now my mother, earthly Sunny, as she was called, tried to reason with my father, that he should live, in order to continue himself, as Suti. She became much more visible, already departed from her body. But people pushed, all the time interfering with communication.
And everything went as planned in laboratories of earthly origin.
Uranom my mother was, in a verbal translation. She would be glad to leave the field of influence, but her children grow up to contain her radiations, and the fruit of the girl who holds her and him, can not remove all impulses of earthly origin. They were trapped and a web of laboratory studies. The secret origin of it was slammed into the boxes.
"He" and "she" in another. And this other, born in torment, was swept by a hurricane wind over Mother Earth. Our father was drawn for him. And our mother, devoid of many vibrations, did not have the opportunity to simply release herself from the created child. The connection occurred, but the fruit was stolen.
In secret laboratories, the holiday was replaced by Monday. How to subdue what was withdrawn? How to bring the matter to the end and deprive Peter of the continuation in life? Uranium in the ring-tailing. Death must be grounded. Which was done.
And so, our dad, deprived, as he thought, of everything, tried to understand what he was trying to tell him Tanya.
Constantly someone was near, afraid that they would commit suicide. And he was indifferent to everything, he wanted to communicate and communicated, but someone interfered. People were worried. My father is tired.
After the funeral at night, seeing that everyone is asleep, although Aunt Anya says the opposite, he begins to call and lie with him the one that he wanted to see next. But in the night other rules. There plays a role What the day is at night. And in the daytime the night is light. Split it - like the tongue of a snake, someone is scared, someone and beckons.
In the morning he said that he would go to work, it would be easier for him there. He asked me to cook the ravioli, my mother was delighted, but lost peace, and when in the evening after work the workers returned from the forest, the tractor roar was drowned out by a howl of people.
She no longer had to explain something. Collapsed to the ground, like a scrawny sheaf.
And we waited for the dumplings, spinning at the table. Aunt, father's sister, was brought into the house barely alive.
"Where's our woman?" - We cried out, ran out into the yard. People cried there again, fussing and trying to help our woman at least in some way.
"Where's Petya?" - the same question between loss of consciousness.
And Petya, her son and our father were taken to Baravlyanka. There was a survey. The reason is not clear.
That day some people came to buy wood and, of course, treated it with vodka. When the young trailer cried that it was time to pull, no one had heard him. Opening the tractor cab, he barely held the falling body.
So, everything is according to plan. Long live the Soviet dictatorship, long live the learned men!
Nobody asked Boris or I whether we are happy with the mass grave, and for what our torment our woman suffers, who could not even swear.
The mistress of her soul left her bright memory in her heart. Nobody can say that once was drunk, or from her tongue flew mothers. Gossip did not release, and as a guard for us was. But she did not save her children. Something was wrong that she could not argue with her. Not on the same bar they were on the energy level. Yes, and it is clear who is eager for power, saturating his pockets. And who loves Nature, we drive a new obsession. And there is no reverse move, and he will never speak about himself. Since they intuitively understand that everything is in the answer.
The grave was dug up and made one mound for three.
The heart rupture was announced to everyone.
Although, who will argue with whom?
Baba all her life after the revolution waited for troubles, and she did not keep herself waiting long. If the gate is open, why not? The three of us still lie. Only how lie, and what lies, to one god knows.

And now, we are with you, Igor, on Lake Baikal, and all this is remembered to determine who and on what bases originated himself. We were again brought back to history. And to unravel us, the Creator is necessary.
Through Lake Baikal, learned men processed information. Through it, let's try and we, if possible.
We will make an attempt, although processes are going on in Baikal, and it is unlikely that he will be able to separate us from one problem. And she is the essence of everything. Moreover, your story began long before my introduction into what is. Your impulse, like "SOS" sounded all this time.
What, did you give up your nerves? Is the world developing wrongly?
But this does not mean that the Creator does not know about this. Each manifests itself in what happened in his maturation. A bright negative gives a vivid photo. The creator is at zero. Does not increase or decrease. Everything must correspond and stand in its place.
And scientists tinker in the information fields. They are more interested in what is rich in isotope movement. Living flora.
If this is not normal, then uranium in the compound gives an irradiation. Because everything must go through the level of consciousness. And the perception is made in a certain dependence. "Yes" turning into "no" (at the given time) changing the picture as a whole. This must be achieved with the help of your own head. No reform proposed by someone is able to cover the whole picture. We go as if backwards.
And what happened to my parents, we see it in 1958, and in the worlds - long before that.
Describing the events taking place with Vorontsova-Dashkova, which was simply shaken, having played on her sensitivity and desire for everything that gives growth.
But time is not right, and the picture (panorama) almost does not correspond to reality. The mouth is already open at the piranhas and they want to eat what is higher. To become a high dignity for yourself, so that everything is treated the same. And nature, and those who came here, hearing "SOS". What is left of them can only be guessed.
Piranhas, although they have acquired a human appearance, but will never give, that's for sure. The impulse to "give" is absent.
And those who came to help, you will not envy. On the one hand, the law of equalization is violated, on the other - the lack of faith in the Creator.

Now we are preparing a sauna in Baikal. From the stones we put the heater and we sink. Top with the frame put on the film. By the night the bathhouse is ready.
One dog looks at all this and thinks aloud:
- Completely foolish, the skin will go bald after frequent washing. And so bald from their own stupidity. It would be better to grow fur coats. They try to hide themselves in something, but the bald head is still sticking out there and then. Branches whip themselves - completely reached. Even if the neighbors did not see such a view. Tomorrow their dog will mock me. What is the owner, such is the dog. And he is happy to whip himself, and his granddaughter. But it's something you just need more often and more. Do not forget Galina. But she is away from him, sorry. Maybe it would be stronger to love him. What nonsense comes from me. People are somehow not so. As far as he or she sates, it will get reciprocity. They go swimming. Something does not hurt Baikal takes them. They try to wet themselves, but the sharp coldness of rocks, sand and water prevents them from doing so. Again they went to whip. I'm fed up with their diet. One porridge, yes an ear. What a pleasure to slurp it, if the fish has moved off the roof before it was caught. Something the next dog does not behave well in the tent. Tomorrow otgavkayu as follows. Let the measure know, - the Boss grumbled, trying to retire to bed while we warmed the bones in the bath, if it can be called so.
The evenings are really cool, and the water did not allow much. It was new, but understandable. At us in a small lantern - not absolutely clear battery. Above us hung such, from what it would be desirable to run without looking back.
The climax. All here. And those spirits that became idols, and those from which they created themselves.
Terrible Baikal is alert. He has already got used to powerful skirmishes, but here SUCH !!! What will shake everything around. Everything is upside down.

What seemed to be the truth turned out to be a bright lie. The world of teachers, caressing the ears, turned out to be a unique thief of thieves. The worlds were woven on stolen energies, pacifying me with handouts, "Baikal grumbled, licking stones.
But you're in no hurry to make a conclusion. The creator himself will figure out who is pulling something. He is supportive of everything. If anything exists, then there is a place to be. Your coffee grinder will be able to send to Angara what you do not need. It's up to you. The creator will make his own step on this.
And to us, walking along the shores of Lake Baikal, it was clear that something was coming up that would turn all thoughts in another direction.
Communication with Teletsky was very bright. But Belukha emerged from the general picture on energy perception. The thread as an impulse was already palpable. Just do not understand whose work it is. The work of a learned brother or the Creator.
And I, unlike Igor, remained in anticipation of something. And it was clear only one thing - not to interfere anywhere. To see without publicity, to know, not divulging. It's not strained. I got used to it for a long time. And to represent something is already tired.
The picture became clear. The river Polovinka served as a developer. An interesting combination. The place is the informer. All the secrets of Baikal flocked here. Only the mechanism is not quite clear. Actually, I do not need it yet. There is a job, and problems enough with interest.
The morning came, and we again wake up from the Sun, which soon disappears.
The boss without any reason obgavkivaet neighbor's dog. Our persuasion was inactive.
Two pairs of foreigners passed along the beach, enjoying the morning and admiring the water in their own way. In the evening they were entertained by our guides. A young voice sounded at the campfire. He sang tourist songs. So I wanted to sit with them and listen. But there was a game that you can not climb.
It is clear only one thing - Baikal worked in two directions. On two microflora, as on two different-sex microcircuits. One took, eating someone else's, the other took care of itself from the attack. In one bowl - two different directions. Naturally, all this is reflected in the human brain. And this performance completely corresponds to what is being done on Baikal. Therefore, it's not for us to judge who plays whom. And while only one thing is clear, the oxide, like piranha, gnaws at what it has sat on. There is a flaw in some already formed microelement, or man, in this case, and here is the result - the rust eats away from you, torturing you with one or the other problem.

I write while listening to Makarevich. Previously, he sang about the world that will bend under us, and now - "a thin scar on your beloved pope and a ragged wound in his soul." Time changes interests and the next need to use oneself grows.
What one Baikal thinks, the other Baikal is not at all interesting. One grumbles about the imaginary teachers, the other talks about the natural processes of dust settling. Above is the dust that weighs less. To the bottom falls THAT, which had a greater content, but allowed piranha to itself. And yet, that in the specific weight of itself has not collected, but thinks all those that saw the Creator of the Cosmic progression. Was allowed to all the information to charge it yourself. A conclusion is made by everyone - to take it through cognition or with the cries of "Hooray!" And "All for me!", Under the general excitement to seize what he thinks he needs. A series of these already existed.
Is it worth repeating?
Do you think, Igor, will you be able to unite them and throw this all over the role on Himself, so that it will lose more quickly and now.
Yes, the situation is not simple. The river Polovinka performs itself. Replenished with a common breath and the exhaust gave such an idea. You can understand, many have bothered such a performance. Some lose to gain something, others find it to lose everything. An abscess on the human body.
The game of oxide and trace element is a necessity. And the operating time in this case is - ripening the trace element to the valence and the transition to another abode. The processed oxide, this is the occurrence or valence in performance.
Another game. When the oxide devours the trace element - this is the fulfillment of the role to the end - the mirage. This can not be in life, but there is still. Because, as a decomposed and eaten microelement in this way, you have to assemble yourself again, so as not to repeat yourself and leave your own potential for yourself. If it's Uranus, then it should be. Only the oxide does not take it (like a metal that has become a "stainless steel"). This is a long-term job. Here - for a long time, and there is a need to do it urgently.

So lived and live the worlds. We are fulfilling their roles. Whoever does it, we should not sue, otherwise the world will need a new scheme for processing junk, and we will not be able to continue. At the energy level this will be the end of the world. So there the game gives a highlight. Or the light here is what we find our future in. Since valence is comparable to us. Therefore, we, playing something, are still so far from "from" and "for". The solar game is with us, and we are in it what the road is needed for.
Baikal, as a diamond doom, having in mind all its constituent elements, in alliance with all. And what grew in him, he shared with Teletsky not only their memory, but also made his own bookmark in it. Concentration, that, as piranha, went on introduction. Comparison is inappropriate. But according to time, this will sound so far.
So, they, living and with each other, communicating, brought about the memory of each other. Brothers in spirit and in need. Is their friendship interrupted? Hardly. What is from the Creator, then - forever, and no matter how we try to break this connection, she, thank God, is alive.
On Teletskoye from everything there is a drain of already exhausted particles, and to Baikal - what is ready to be reborn into what is on the horizon. As Jesus and Buddha complemented each other, having cross-dressed energy shirts. At Baikal energy source Teletskogo (spent), on Teletskoy energy jacket of Lake Baikal. Therefore, the processes that are the origin of the flora are alive. The flower also has cross-pollination, however, like everything else.

Ended another day on the coast.
Graceful time of sleep. You are patching an energy shirt, but not to yourself, but to another. The one with whom you sit down for the game. The richer his shirt, the more far-sighted the game. And you will leave at a time where you need to unravel the knots, what is necessary for today. So it was always when the dust settled before the definition.
So it happened this time. The past is somehow refreshing and dying of horror from the visible. It's good that the visible does not cover the eyes. Let it be better to go out sticky sweat than swaddle our thinking again and again.
The night is fleeting, however, like everything else. The stars beckon and shout for an urgent return.
For some reason, Vorontsov remembered. Why persecuted her appearance?
Do not really want to know. It is visible, has got stuck once in it. The stars shout: "Home, Vorontsova!" I'm wondering why and how they can flicker and bring to justice. In the distant appearance I do not play. Nothing in common. Already everything is given once.
And now - a complete antipode of its own role. Has got out of the common cup this way. To soar above all together is better than all together with the shouts of "hurray" to go to the Creator with demands.
We saw everything in bloom, and here - in the marshy liquid we contemplate ourselves. We saw the sea, we feel salt in our own organism. Birch leaves transformed the flora, the one that after Baikal had a continuation. But now they are gnawed by caterpillars.
Everything somehow reminds us of today.
The creator also saw us in the wedding dress, ready to go to another house. And he sees that ?! This is better to be silent.
Now we rest after sleep. The morning is sunny, and we decided to go to the visible buildings. The lights and night do not go out there. Interest manifested, why? And nature beckons with its richness. The background is different, and the color of the trees is even brighter, and the grass is irradiated otherwise. Something all wrong? Having done local affairs, we hurried to those places where a picture that did not fit in at the present time clearly appeared.
After five kilometers we are at the target. It turns out that the nuclear engineers are working in that place.
The coast has a good descent, and the trains are neatly in a row. A small river descended into the waters of Lake Baikal. She pushed herself out of the crevice. Therefore, its pressure was not very large. The well-groomed shore beckoned to visit it, but the fence broke off desire. The background was really different. Birches, though not all, but were in leaves. Grass was not involved in photosynthesis. For her all this someone did. The inert particles moved the entire circuit somehow without definition, chaotically. As with artificial respiration, someone squeezed, and this one saturate the shore with a halal flora.
We went a little further. Everyone had a desire to go to the port of Baikal. There was no question of driving up.
This thought warmed us.

Everyone was in a good mood. As much as the background is raised here. As a note of fidelity, so do we.
Cheerful from the anticipation of fees, returned to the camp, where we are waiting for Yegor Ivanovich and Boss.
In the village we buy milk. Tatiana and Marina remained with the scientists to recharge the device for the camera, and the three of us returned to the camp.
Along the road they met foreigners. My daughter photographed my father, who had just arrived from the train. This train is not akin to "Matane". Brilliant with novelty and brave guard. First and second class cars.
Foreigners did not long bliss alone. Our compatriot hurried to them. All along the road she cried like a rattle. We were ashamed. But everyone was cooking in his own way. This is the essence of today's events, and it's not our business now who plays what. His fate, where are we?
Vorontsova makes her eyes clouded when she wants to do something for someone.
The line of good is very narrow. To cross it is a disaster for everyone. Like a bump in the swamp, sticking out - this is the reward from the Creator.
Therefore, to escape and escape from the problems created by scientists - they themselves found themselves in a cauldron with the current relationship. Supervision, viewing and everything else, everything that was once with me.
And now I hasten to throw off the shackles of today's events, without looking far, so as not to pinch the events that are on this.
Arriving at the parking lot, we, excited from what we saw and not visible, begin the division of products along the backpacks. Galina divides, I heat the bath, Natasha cooks dinner, Yegor Ivanovich collects fishing rods, and the grandson kicks the ball. Apparently, a good footballer is growing up. I wonder in whose goals will go the goals?

Memories flooded, and I plunged into the beginning of 1990 ...
Then someone very successfully forced me to write, the reluctance to do it was defeated. At work, there was one where, after some wrangling, a haze enveloped me, and I sat down to write.
It was written very easily, did not think about the text. But what was the surprise when, after reading what was written, it was correctly folded sentences, like a clipping from newspapers. One of the main thoughts is the current position of the Earth. Than it is entangled, what it is necessary to do to remove this negative, and what will be done in the near future.
She wrote, as it were, from EI Roerich and HP Blavatsky. And in our worlds everything is cleaned by itself, each after itself and purely in general.
People have learned who they are and who they were when they were alive.
The twist began.
If you want a dose of adrenaline, then there is no need to give up. Therefore, there was such a scripture that through it materialization took place. Well, even though my children somehow tolerated these miracles. From which there are still memories as in a dream.
The most interesting thing is that everything worked. From the flood calmly passed into another dimension. Only time runs somehow faster. Although, with such a life, when God will forget, and the revival is not visible at this time, we would have had "cranks", as the people say.
Where did I get the wave of the raging ocean from the violence of more and more particles, those that we conditionally call piranhas. There was talk about climate change. But the subtropical situation is somehow not about us. We are Siberians, the tropical air does not suit us. From an excessively damp situation pulls the smell of toads, swallowing and bloodsuckers. There was a picture where there are many swamps from the previous flood, crawling snakes and all sorts of nastiness. The fact that no longer embarrassed by himself releases a man.
Lord, are we really ripe for this swagger, and we are already ruled by this kingdom?
Although I had to endure all this on myself. Memory reminds of this. It was funny, it was nasty. What can not you do for the sake of the overall picture and restore the meaning in it?
And most importantly - I was very well explained that we are all going to the planned course. And therefore it is necessary to lift and pull the falling. Raise and drag to the intended result.
What's the hurry?
It was not clear, but the teachers of the local hierarchical chain do not argue.
So I entered a new game of local destination, for which I had no time to live for myself and my family. Running, looking for something.
"Come here, go there, let it do this or that!" They found the conductor of the "higher power". An amazing picture, if you take into account what you are controlling in the life of the swamp. And it is called the supreme power.
It's not for me to judge, especially since I came to play with a new hierarchical chain. And why not a degree of real life?
It would have been different. We would shine the real sun, and not the crater from external events. Or hell it can be called.

When an atomic nucleus, with the help of force, splits all that falls upon it, as in a flowing funnel that is over. And what falls from heaven, flocks into the must. As unnecessary - in the sump, and then poured into the heat for the red-hot particles, those that rush like piranhas to Earth. Why do our old minds try so that they do not fall in this form. Be able to catch a goal in your own gates and dissolve them to the rays caressing the eyes and body with warmth. It's not from what we get who is the heat, and who is the blow from our Sun. Today's spectrum of the Sun is so (the scheme of the new hierarchy).
Time will pass, and it will work like in real worlds, dissolving into us, and we - in its rays. Then what kind of infections and illnesses are we talking about? Bathing in pure Uranus - the Sun. It is both mother and inspirer to test yourself in a new distance, the one that is beyond the horizon.
What can I say about this? We have reached the point of total absurdity. What the true Sun has, it hurts us by irradiating. What is of itself now, then beckons everyone with their eyes.
And those who are constantly dragged on themselves, they appeared before us new teachers, not having their own feet, having a different way of advancement, they lead.
And according to the law of equilibrium, nature gave us, in a split form, Jesus Christ and Buddha. They have eliminated themselves from the common cup by their deeds and thoughts of themselves.
Therefore, apparently, Teletskoye and Baikal, participating in the life of the visible, but live their own. Flora replenishes itself with the one that temporarily flares up the firefly from the one that glows only at night.
And at home, a little night comes on the day (the birth of the day), so begins to pester what for the sake of invented was a game in the scribbling that. I had to burn those volumes. Miracles were too much. So I had to say goodbye to the great teachers. One dreams, the other fulfills. Tired of doing what the Lord will still ask! Adrenaline seems too much, if it takes for me. In everything there should be a measure. And measure on the measure. Karma is worked out. Now with a guilty head to the one who allowed to dip a pen in ink to write another confession of one soul, one that is trying to play for its Future.
And the teachers are grateful for the fact that in a comparatively short time I sank to the very bottom. Ink for pen is needed. Constant relationships through denial - this is the continuation of the game for someone who wants to go through the level of consciousness into the life of other events.
Cross-section in everything. Energy shirts are dressed day and night. So, the games begin to steep. And everyone wants to play with you. Apparently, therefore, in the thirty-fourth year, I was not able to leave, when the exit almost occurred, as it seemed to me then. But the children once responded to "SOS". Now not in a very visible form on the energy level. Unraveling is necessary, if only in order to know the true face of each individually.
The common cup in the game of communism has not passed. The level of consciousness failed.
And whoever moved this idea, Karl Marx and Lenin, what did they have?
Engels was a sponsor of Karl Marx. And who supplied money to Lenin?
The roots went to the same Germany. Only then Catherine number two sponsored in Russia. Here, on the sign of equilibrium, Germany did a service, only with a large return.
Earth, money and learned men working in the field of human knowledge. And control it through suggestion that you are like a mouse in a roof. Churning milk into sour cream and butter will not only allow you to get out of it, but also plenty of butter.
Why the hierarchical chain of excellence? When there is a more perfect road. Take from someone who finds himself on the road, pretending to be a bat. As a fox in the test, she was swarming over the wolf.
But it's not for us to judge this.
On that is you yourself. And if you do not go through the formation of God in yourself, then your accumulation will leak as a current into someone's home. If we do not remember this, we hang in this, trying our own destiny. If you come to check your own qualities, then you come into contact and check your own teeth for strength. And if you come to work out the qualities, then run from the one who is trying to help you in something. There will be no quality found in your body. In the sign "minus" - stay on Earth.

That's how they played. Tried to climb and climb. And imaginary teachers are the energy accumulation or accumulation of those energies that failed to disperse through the worlds. The Creator plays with us, connecting them to us, as a temporary entertainment. The shroud from the eyes flies faster. And we do not rush on all sails to the one who is in some way mired.
Thirteen years have been charged with desire, like you, Igor, and still want to turn everything around. Life is up to thirty-three years old, this is faith in everything, rejoicing every day. After leaving and entering the labyrinth, a different shade emerged. Gradually lost faith in what is.
I control, literally, everything at the energy level. And I do not think this is normal. If the Creator allows us to play such games, then we must trust him to the end. Only Perfection can do this. We are far from them. Otherwise, we would create a joint fruit and they were fed everything around. If everyone radiated love for everything, then we would involuntarily erase this performance from memory. In which we try to live. But woe to him who missed this Truth. Caries. He took a lot of measurements. And the Lord will sew so many shirts that need to be demolished.
It's easier for Golenkiy to return to the house. But this does not mean that someone has to rip someone for their own exit, given cross-pollination (ripening). This is a move that does not give a result.
And this combination is very difficult to dissolve. Many beautiful stones on Lake Baikal, but not yet grown those teeth that could have them split, without injuring the gum and not breaking off their teeth.
Reflections were interrupted by our girls. They carried twigs for the brooms. The boss was delighted with their sight. Squealing, trying to escape from the collar.
Finally, we are all together, and sat down at the table. During the evening dinner we discussed tomorrow and very enthusiastically talked about the achievements of our science, although they understood that these achievements are contrary to the whole world. The world that exists as if separately from us. We escaped from him, as from God. He does not hurry us to return, but we are drunk from imaginary freedom. Only that which hung over us, speaks of a long way, and soon b. What did we see? Achievements of our science in the whole field of life.
Here, on Lake Baikal, they read the particles that are fixed on the instruments at a given time. What leads to materialization. The brainchild of everything.
What can we do together?
Concentration of this can take everything. This is a piranha - a particle. Above the world, there is something that makes the soul grow colder and freedom is lost. And what are the bones without cells adjacent to them? Everything that the bone marrow originates, he needs an outlet into the body, which contains a cell, as a membrane, which determines its way through reactions that are from outside.
The evening went to the camp. Dismantled their belongings, took off the awning and went to the bathhouse, when the darkness fell to the shore.
Cold air heated the film, and it did not swell from the steam, as on Abakan in Khakassia. But all the same, we did it ourselves, and it warmed our soul from it. Where there is sweat, there is a loss of slag. The one that is from work, That is the charge. At the expense of someone - a complete loss of what he had. Multiply many of themselves by zero, this is indicated by our common term.
So piranha will have an entry into what breathes full freedom from everything. Two freedoms, and the difference is like a pole with a minus sign and a plus sign.
In the bathhouse, each other was whipped. Walking to Baikal did not give anything. As long as you reach the shore, it's not up to the water. A lot of bath was put in. They began to bring water under the frame and pour it over it. Contrast provided bliss. Only our freedom from concepts to what invisibly surrounds us, for some reason not everyone gives bliss.
To know is to do it or try to do it. If you do not know, then all to the fucking mother, as they say, which is perfect - true for later. We are trying to wash away from all the concepts that the time has imposed on us. What will come out of this - we'll see. So there was a sense of our bathing with Baikal water. After heating with heat, coming from the stones.
Sleep after washing is more fresh, as it seems to us in reality, but we had to go far to the showdown. The performance in today's day has bothered. It was necessary to disconnect from today's problems. With the help of the same battery, I had to do it. She has learned a lot. Rather, whoever put the meaning into it took a deep look. And how to put on a horse coat, instead of energy shirts. Gemini is a double nature. One - in the execution of all the pleasures that for him invented the local government and their idea-makers, the other part in itself, brewed in their own problems, those that are from the outside. So the twin lives in a mare halo. Disassembly night ended.
In the morning we were awakened by a dog barking. The duet of our dogs barked a person who had moored to us on a boat.

He was called the local inspector. Has forced to pay for operation of coast. Not quite familiar, but in Altai this also thrives. Only we, at least, have toilets and garbage there where to lay down, here are the pots in the general garbage heap that has not been removed for a long time. There is no money for this. I wrote out the receipt, although we hardly believed it. But to us - what's the matter? He broke the motor on the boat, and who will do it for free?
He said that during the storm fishermen were killed. Seventeen have not returned yet, but there is Hope. It's just a site of sixty kilometers, and such damage. How many sorrow in someone's houses. Sediment remained from his arrival.
We gathered early this morning, thanks to the inspector. The neighbors said good-bye very graciously. They gave them bread, which we had in abundance, and they hoped for "Matania" and left without it. We talked with them about Khakassia. Their master was from these places.
And we hurried from the place where the scientists had equipment to take information. How they figured it out remains a mystery, but they hit the center of events, that's for sure. The information went to Moscow and to all points of the world, as it seemed to me, judging by the impulse. Which country just did not peek here, only God knows. But our legs were carried away from the place where the information leak was in every possible way.
A group of foreigners also left. How much, interestingly, did you collect the information? But the impulse coming from the battery did not allow Gemini to pose.
The information should confirm that work is under way on Lake Baikal. Apparently, the sponsors require a report and do not fully believe in the good intentions of our great scientists.
It is interesting now who believes whom?
Although pensioners are very sore for those events that they are presented from the TV screen and on the radio. Here is the machine that crushes all its lies. From morning till night a false notion about our affairs, which are being created in the country. Although there are no cases for a long time, there is only one appearance. The Mafia constantly divides the sphere of its activity. And around these events the press ennobles their concepts.
How can you describe the events in Afghanistan? Represented as a revolutionary duty, but in fact, they, senior members of the party, need a more direct way of passing drugs into our allied countries. I'm sick of the middleman, a waste of money.
And our worlds were also fed up with idols. A person on the road to God can not be an intermediary in any case.
I, for example, are an atheist at the very beginning and until the end of my activity on Earth. Being an atheist, I am deeply believing in God and everything that plays the main role in the real world.
Atheism after the acceptance of God in his soul, it's like a combination in the game to collect in the Constellation and exit from it because of its individuality. So the planet is formed. And so in this world the Commonwealth of the Planets has some influence. Or the wind moving the streams like hands, mixing cards. And who will take whom after winning, he rules the local time.
So in the world of business - who took, that and rules. What the President plays in this, God knows.
Finally, a halt, and we again in the village, where scientists are very great development. Here, the business takes everything in its own hands, and the secret laboratories help them in this.
We bought milk, very tasty, as it seemed to us. They sat closer to the shore, and, crunching crackers, admired the place. Understood that this meeting will be the last.
August, and they raspberries only started to blush. All much later ripens. When they arrived in Slyudyanka, Victoria was sold there. We already ate either our own, or packed it in jam. People swarmed, engaged, who than what. Some of them dug pits and laid a wire, others talked among themselves, clarifying their affairs.
But we rotated. Glazili and the place where the Germans moved out and we left, collecting tents.
Invisibly dragged electromagnetic particles. Biocurrents were not from the station, but to the station. Although, judging by the energy fields, there was a convergence of spectra and the formation of an electromagnetic node, which, voluntarily or involuntarily, must go to decay. Just out of the decay was water, which it was supposed to do with the help of its charge. But the river was on, ennobled by the attention of atomic scientists. And she could not fulfill her role by the factor of human intervention. Moreover, the poles were replaced, and the fact that it was necessary to split, itself into the station went in a split form.

Now it is clear why the Moon and Mars are in a tense state. The role of the water of a small river was played by the Mars cloister. He, like a small planet, was able at the time to spray what has already matured and skillfully ready grain to fill the body of earthly origin. And the Moon folded its contents in the form of children to Earth. This is the stork that brought the children to Earth. But not through Lake Baikal, but from it, working at the expense of his ion shirts, growth was guaranteed, and updating information that came from outside and that descended from everywhere, giving great opportunities to the born person from the right entrance to these lands.
The Bible hinted at a lot. And the birth of children also sounded words. But here we had to make sure that Angelok did not descend to Earth by the Cosmic Laws. And if someone is born, then he is just a player. Has come to dolamyvat everything or return the old mechanisms.
Drawing conclusions is a useless thing. Everything changes right there. If you judge this, then the energy flows away to it.
 "Do not make a patch" - was also warned. Therefore, a glance casually caught a lot, but what I'm not interested in is let it sleep.
And what is interesting to all is the liturgy. The Lord sees everything and decides what to do about it.
And Igor and I go on milestones. Sticking things like notes. Some as "before" and here and there, others sat on "la" or "mi", etc. His business is to focus, my - to measure. So we walk in time, abandoned by us. If we interfere in local affairs, it becomes very bitter. What is full of this life. No one can stop himself from making mistakes. The robot makes the same conclusion.
In the computer room is very visible the nature of the operating units. One - touchy not in moderation, the other - loves himself and leads like a red girl, another - attention requires special, it often picks the master, sadist or something else. The list is the same as the characters of human, only with the word "very".
And we are going back on the road again. It is more interesting where you have not yet been. And we are waiting, walking on the rails, those places. The dog walked, limping, and even a fresh scar on its forehead.
In the morning, when we were going, our plush neighbor, unable to withstand his attacks, managed to grab hold of Boss. Yegor Ivanovich kept it tight, so the neighbor's dog was lucky.
Everything is like people's. Some hold laws, others use it. So we live, biting each other, one on the physical, the other - on the energy. One builds a temple for himself during his lifetime, living in it with his own content, the other keeps himself to avoid this situation. There is no golden middle, where everything would have been worthy of it.
Having gone the same way, we chose the parking lot. The parking lot was very cozy. Even the rays were lying neatly under the cellophane. The adventure network was on a different level. And here we were just tourists. And we were more interested in whether we will have time to return to Slyudyanka from the Port of Baikal on the Matana. Listvyanka needs to visit.
Souls came and came. The train was not inferior in length to the tunnels.
Even on the train, we were told about a paradise corner, where there is a Buddhist datsan and Arshan resort. Hot and cold sources stirred up blood for us. Therefore, we hurried, knowing our goal. Network on the fish no longer put, and the fishing rod did not try to fish. Our fisherman was not used to fishing in such conditions, others were not.
The night passed as if quietly, although it became clear that we, Igor, urgently need to unravel. Something was coming, and this something was very scary.
Still on the river Polovinka was represented the whole bottom of Lake Baikal. There the mountains grow, the horns are already visible. Horny childhood - apparently we got it hard. And, plus everything, I was reminded once again that I, all the same, laboratory implementation in this world.
What did they mean? Having destroyed my parents, did they have a slave?
Calculations all done for the near future.
Do not deny. And I do not deny it. Only the level of consciousness can at least take something from this world, so the truth is far away, and everyone is offered the path to it.
The spectrum of perception for each one exists. Only the performance is the one from which we have an entry or not. The frame is very specific. The laws are indicated from above. In order for the world to exist, it is necessary that the potential that gives the movement, and not crunching each other - a massage, and only. Therefore, the bulging situation in the waters of Lake Baikal was very sharp. Two flora did not have the formula of entering each other. And the eight between Teleetsk and Baikal were discharged by the same Belukha.

The combination is not for the faint-hearted.
Belukha - in the snow. And the cell of a new birth in a dead spot. And if it is heated, in this way, then we will all be very hot.
I do not want to think about it, but the scientists of the secret laboratories are too impatient. And the mechanism is launched with the help of all forces. Therefore, the second flora, the one that does not respond to the current situation, has absolutely no desire to warm up somewhere.
The nature is the main thing, and the measure. Yes, to interfere in the natural affairs - it will be lamentable. She suffers, suffers, shrinking into a spring and, at one point, a shot will occur.
What can stop it? Only the dominant power over all. But we do not recognize heaven, this is our main trump card in today's day. However, that to look ahead, we live today.
The night passed as always, very quickly. But if you describe all the events that occur this night, not enough for thousands of years. In this concentration we are at the moment.
And now it is morning. We hasten to make it faster and go faster, getting on time, what we lost on the coast, where we lived for four days.
On the way we met a stranger. He walked alone, holding a staff in his hand.
It looks young, but the look struck every woman. Answered our questions. We were more interested in the kilometers - how much is left. And inside everyone waited for the continuation of the dialogue. Not much then we wanted to let him go. Young, handsome and intelligent, which is rare. In appearance, very neat bum. On the face - kinoartist. And the energy shone from inner nobility.
We are not on the road with him, but we wanted to go near. He is a lover of peace and quiet in it. We tried ourselves to please the landscapes that die from our interventions. He left from the bustle, can afford this. Who he is and where, we did not think to ask, and yes. That a person spoils solitude, he - in itself, and we are also on our mind. Our roads have parted. He walked with a steady, unhurried gait, but we took fright.
Natasha, a little later, said: "I'm in love! What are his eyes! Clever and dreary look. " We laughed, taking off the inner heat of waiting for something real. What we saw, we were agitated. There are souls in Russia, from which they breathe purity and compassion for Nature, which is bent, like rubber, using as who can, who has what fantasy is for. Yes, and going souls for me, somehow suddenly became dejected. What they felt, I did not want to know.
Before the Port of Baikal there were eleven kilometers. It was still morning, and we have three days to go before the train. We were in time, and it was already a joy.
On the road there were mushrooms and berries. What is further from it, we took to replenish our own diet, not paying attention to the grumpy Boss. Raspberry kept up, red currants and strawberries here and there, in August.
Towards evening we reached the tourist base. I wanted a bath, but there was no light, so we were invited for tomorrow.
I saw Port-Baikal. We went to him, somewhere to sleep together. The place was chosen almost in the dark. Since there was no descent to the shore. The parking lot was somebody's fishing corner. The firewood, the folded fireplace and the smell of gasoline. The table from a thick board has got to us in the inheritance.
Everything was as usual. Welded, ate, and bought water from the pot. Marina, once again reminded of the consumption of hot water. If on Abakan or Charish for one mug of hot water there are two cold, then here - all the way around. How many fines, so many explanations. Since I was the first to dig up, but this does not mean that she will not get hot water. She so zavoszit, vlaza in all matters with the vein of the kolkhoz.
That night our tents were wet by rain. Although weak, but drying was necessary, and therefore we left the temporary camp almost to dinner. Walking, slowly, knowing that the turn of Port Baikal. Photographed, filmed on the camera the last kilometers by rail.

And, finally, we are in it.
The first thing they did was go to the store, buy fresh bread and sweets. Yegor Ivanovich with his grandson and a dog were in front. Sasha's sweet is contraindicated, but we do not. Though they were grown up, they wanted something unusual. Borscht from dried vegetables is already boring. Kashi - not very, but - yes. They typed, ate, and, almost everyone, thought that bread and drying were more delicious than their cakes. Unusual appearance, but the taste of the expected did not coincide with the taste of what is happening.
Our stomachs will move everything, as always, choosing what can replenish the glands and constituents of microelements of blood.
With what? We better not hear the stomach. We had to wit. And the blush relied on the cheeks.
The beginning rain, began to sprout more and more, alternating with a sunny day. And so the meeting with our men was already in the rain. But we all sat in the port on a reinforced concrete fence. And for the company with the men decided to try a salted omul, bought already in another store. Of course, the fish was very tasty, the ambassador is lucky. Bread was biting from our flour. Alei flour walks through Lake Baikal.
We decided to go to the Angara and spend the night there. The rain grew stronger and evening. Passing by one of the baths, Tatiana had long since not washed her "rare" hair (by nature fiery and with a shallow curl) offered to ask. Everybody liked the idea.
The owner of the bath was the owner of a private printing house in Irkutsk. And at him it was drowned by order for some visitors. After them we were offered it, for a certain amount and hay after it. After some debate, they agreed. Visitors from the bathhouse refused.
Our men with two masters of the master, washed themselves, poured themselves out with key water. In one word, we got a buzz from the bath. The second we went. We washed ourselves with some deviation. During the washing decided to flood, which led to smoke. Natalia and I, already ready to steam, sat in such a smoke that our eyes cried, although we covered them with our own hands. Where was it to go? The body was warmed up, and the owner flashed through the yard every now and then. Did not sleep. And we fought the smoke with steam. Tatiana, our scribe, decided to increase the buzz and smoked everyone.

Quickly washed, smoke smoke from the back of the neck to the toes, I hurried to the hayloft to receive further pleasure. The girls stayed, hoping to have a cup of tea after whipping themselves like a broom. I was already asleep when they, exhausted and flushed with smoke, decided to go to bed.
At night it rained. And in the morning we lay tired of the buzz. We were not in a hurry anywhere. On the first ferry we were already late, and on the second - too early. Nothing to collect is not necessary. Only their thoughts, wandering who is where. There is a need to collect.
We lowered all the players at once. The rain was so shallow that, as through the sieve, he walked. Master, even in the evening, dreaming with friends to go for mushrooms, no longer thought about it, looking sadly at Heaven. It was evident that the point was being put. After the descent of the last players. In natural affairs - not with our minds smoky to wet. Let it be as it determines time. The rain took a break, and it's time for us to clear the hayloft and its owner.
We cooked milk noodles, treated her master, he us - biscuits. The house is like a hotel. Groups from Irkutsk stop for the night with a bathhouse, and in the morning they hold the way, which they will be presented by a guide. The arrangement provides the owner with income, and in the garden everything is neat. Waiting for foreigners next week. Therefore, everything is brought to an exceptional order. Touched by the windows. Glasses are so washed that they seem without them.
On the barge, we arrived fifteen minutes before departure. It was very tempting to ride through Baikal. Moreover, they understood what power and strength bulges out of it.
The Angara flowed, carrying away in its waters what the Baikal was losing. The clutch of water was original. I have not seen this before. And I hardly see where. Is it only with the formation of blood in the body of man. The mechanism pleased, then the higher Cosmos, the one who is guided by the present, lives his life, not interfering in our local affairs.

Here and Listvyanka. Moored in about twenty minutes, the port was in full swing trade. The fish of hot smoking immediately prepared, all sorts of crafts or fakes. And many other things that could interest foreigners. We, though not foreigners, but the market did not just leave it. Walked, felt, aiming, not taking. Tatyana, our businessman, said that such kindness is exhibited in its kiosks, but much cheaper.
And we did not argue. The times of these products and products have ended. Baikal was told about this water, releasing innovations in the Angara, as stuffed with bitterness.
I wanted to find a church as soon as possible. But we met a cafe on the coast. I wanted comfort and sit on the chairs, even a little. A cozy cafe, no one argues.
But why are the souls concerned? The ones that come from the first parking lot. The density of events did not allow for an early analysis. It's just that nothing happens. The world of laboratories about itself declares, as about "Suti". What is their essence, is not entirely clear. All inventions in the final result are destructive and doom, both to the surrounding and to themselves. What do those souls say that died in Baikal water.
Both fishermen and scientists are killed. Irradiation for both of them from the surface of the water is guaranteed if he does not build a temple in his soul, the rest is bullshit, as they say in modern language. But they hurry, for some reason, to beg themselves in temporary temples, if they themselves were without it. Their groans were heard: "Lord, why did we give birth to ourselves, if you did not give us your blessing? Why are things happening, replenishing our homelessness? Stand at the head of us and help us, drowning in the abyss, get up to go on, doing our duty. "
Yes, the spirits went, hoping that they could be helped. Forgive them for their near representation.
And I'm the same wandering soul, though still in the body, but lost it in 1988 from the dusty lungs at the Kristall plant. Fortunately, I'm a twin, living in two angles at the same time. One twin lives in the standards of this Cosmos. The other is alive at the expense of what is measuring at this hour. And so we all wander together. Although the game is tiresome. But Faith in the future allows you to make any deviations from the norms. Not for the sake of success in the game with the laboratories, but in order to break through the measure of alienation of the nearby information field.
By earthly measures, care has been made, but it was not. Since there was only a change in their own and laboratory schemes. There was a new program. Faith in today has given the death of a person living in a system of lies and violence. Many eyes opened. Change of the pole and entry into those places where I did not have a pass until today. The feeling that everything can be done, only believe in it, went away. What remains is that it absorbed and deepened into the lungs. For everyone - I was taught the laboratory search for an exit from the solar system.
There is one way out - the path to God. The other is not given. There is no doubt about this.
But there must be another way around the game, bypassing this, but to the goal of owning that other world. You can only own a mind.
And on the moon are bought out plots. What does it change?
And on Mars they gather an expedition. Whether from the mind or the thirst for conquest. In both of them - our dishonor. How can you wish for something that is much higher? But if this thought has come, then we are playing it. And the script is prepared by every living day. That which was born has the right to live.
And we experience the impulse of this in a given time. Since, apparently, we have everything to do with it. Consonance plays a great role. So the Constellations were born. Having an input into something and a way out of it, to raise your own level of consciousness.
So it was always. There was no question of conquest. What now?
We're still in a cafe. Eating pancakes with honey. And Yegor Ivanovich brought a pickle in the pot. They did not wait for him, they went to look for the church.
They were dressed in identical green raincoats. The fine rain did not bother us, even this had its own charm. Ahead two foreigners sent us their camera. And, pointing to the sky, they say in broken language - are not we from there? Of course not. Like all the others, we did not fall from there, but were born from our own rubbish or oxide, you can call it. They can not explain this. They joked about aliens. If it's green, it's just like it. There is, of course, a sense in this. But we did not analyze today, but rushed to church.

On the coast, new Buryat bays were built. Architecture subdued Siberians. This saw the end of our existence in what is. The absurdity was that everything that was composed of a clan into the clan was destroyed in one fell swoop. And now they have brought up new rich people. Who knows how to keep his hand in the pocket of another, that should be honored and worried for his fictitious problem of unsweetened stay in office. "Care" for all gave a new seed. A direct lie has sprouts, growing in the mind of a particular person. As a matter of fact, we take this attitude to ourselves.
We walked, wondering and rejoicing at the same time - it's not a shame to the common man from foreigners. Only the soul has died from the perception of everything. It was a lie that kills from the inside.
While we reached the church, we had to ask under the forts about the souls of all those who had it or something else inside.
The end of the world was already all kinds. But the energy has not yet been frightened.
Here the picture was improved. And we, like Nicholas Roerich, managed to correctly illuminate the illumination on the canvas. The game of conversion is complete. Not at work, many were. What to do next, we did not know.
At all the will of the Lord. And he defines his destiny for everyone. Should I continue to play, revealing something, or to sit down at the table and describe everything on paper? A labyrinth woven from its own roads, in a bunch of collected on one energy field. Did you find everything in them? Or is there something else crawling about in it? More often this consonance with you is hardly noticeable stroke is in the general picture a tremendous stone on the neck. Is not that so, Igor?
Our ways are intertwined in the desire for reform. But everyone, cleaning up after himself, does not force the other to do something for himself. So you can not get debts. Is not that so, Igor Talkov?
Like Tal, you got yourself into this. Consonance is hard work. The Creator does not like when someone is lucky, but the other is sitting on it. They wanted to have forgiveness for everyone under the arches. They've got the End.
To finish it all, you'll have to end. Only this is the last game. Where a man who has already lost his body tries to support himself in it. What was the result of this?
Everything will tell us the essence of today. Which we conceived all together. And which cage lies under the thick snow or ice, like Helena Roerich at the foot of Belukha.
A new cage is already lying cozy where the Creator has prepared for it. Only its throwing - the amplitude of today's events. We already ate fish. And she would not swim already, but we rush in search of water for her. Who will challenge this, then - a pen in hand. But the search for the continuation cell forces in its field secret corners, where it can be reassured at least for a while. And that will be a bright abscess on the human body, if it does not take a hint of a general transformation.
So we came after the church in the picture gallery. The world is small. Working was our countrywoman. In Rubtsovsk once lived and studied. The administrator of the museum works without complaining about life.
Pictures were exhibited a lot. We were in a hurry on the ferry, but there was still time. On the table lay local crafts.
Suddenly a voice was heard, which fascinated us from the first minute of its sound. The cassette with the voice of Irina Skorik silently created the background. The worker of the museum offered everything to us, only we could not redeem the tape from her. She gave it to her visiting father. We picked something at the table, bought other performers and a film about Baikal. About Skorik took only information, writing off the cover of the tape.
From the museum we again go to the cafe. Sounds music. Dancing podpepitye people. And we have a desire to pass the time before the departure of the ferry. At the disposal of several minutes. We ordered tea and pizza. She was completely edible. Outside the window, the rain is on the second day. We rush to the ferry. He's the last one for today.
The stone on the Angara is impressive. As local people say here, when the Angara escaped to the Yenisei, Baikal became furious and started to follow the stone.
Another belief is that if you move this stone from its place, the whole of Western Siberia will be flooded. And the waters of Lake Baikal are telling the opposite.
Moored the ferry. We are in search of a place to wait for the train. As they walk, we already know and are ready for anything. Natasha agreed with the fireman, and we settled comfortably in their room.
I thought about Lake Baikal.

The more we heat passions, the more we create confusion in nature. Auknetsya in a form that we do not associate with ourselves and with water, too. Our heads give birth to new and new trials for themselves. Managing himself to subordinate that which in another form will crush, not even understanding who and for what.
You, Igor, managed to unite the spirits, and in the church they fell before the images. And what image give? They need sacrifice. Man, as a rule, goes to church to receive. Who wants what? Who is calm, who is to heal themselves.
And who is going to give, then what will the desire fulfill at the energy level?
The model was such that it existed at the expense of those who let themselves down to help. Hearing "SOS" of all that is, someone did it in full.
The spirits who hurried to the church to join the general model were reconciled due to the collection of energies before, as it were, their goal and in this form rose up, surrounded by the dream of a new era, or a coalition called conversion, which was slightly before maturation.
And now, that had to be seen - fell already in fine-shallow rain after piranhas. The thought, hovering for getting, gnawed at what was tearing ahead of time up.
Representation is not for the faint of heart, it's for sure. It gave a definition and is indicative for all at once. Apparently this became the point of all previous relations.
A new model was built, covering the old with its own affairs. And the fact that the old model was interfering was obvious.
The roots interfered with being independent at a given time. A new step is needed. The old one is for piranhas. We got to everything.
So the Creator changes the flora. The feeder stops being. A trap for the fools. While Shambhala is not staffed to the final result. There is a point in the relationship, but a goal is also necessary to promote oneself from what is yet.
What is today, from which it is necessary to hurry, as from a pack of piranhas?
Everything around requires change.
To live for the sake of the Future, in this there is a sense of acting on the steps. And we have not yet come to them because of the loss of the integrity of the aura to which such teachers as EI Roerich and HP Blavatskaya indicated to me.
Together we came to the fact that the aura should not be increased, but simply returned its contents in the Content. And it is desirable for everyone who took what, is obliged to return. Otherwise, we are not waiting for very plausible deviations from the norms in order to withdraw.
However, this is what happens. It's easier to take. It's problematic to give, especially since entire systems grow on this, having their integrity due to involvement in taking one or the other.
The formation of Elena Ivanovna, like me, went on diligently. The landing was smoother. The ground came under me.
Local authorities are trying to create an artificial mind.
For what? - tormented by the question.
How to manage it later?
This requires the creator Eye. It does not come nearer and nearer from us. It would have been better if we did not pay much attention to ourselves. Under his special attention, we - as under the yoke of seizing the brine. Not from a deep hangover, he. He needs micronutrients, which he invested, building up his fields, and we - whole houses (bodies) at the expense of them. Using them, we grow our own fields (children). The benefit is mutual. The corner of the stumbling is cleared, and the person, having taken the splitting phase, acquires a new quality, which will give him the entry into another concept - the expansion of his own concepts. The impulse, born on this, gives consonance with all. But this is not the formation of a common cup, but the introduction to general rules, the management of the degrees of development. And that's why sometimes funny words - "they did not let me in" - are the main trump card in inaction in everything.
Man entwined himself with the abyss. This will be his sole problem. There is, as it were, the expectation that Shambhala is about to start working, and transformations will take place in the human body.

The body is the house from the Creator, as a stone for the entered spirit, for some reason while it is silent. For him, says Shambhala. Freebies do not work. The resonance of this combination (today's day) is the work of the Creator over the destruction of the temporary temple for going to nowhere. Why do you want to go somewhere along the road? Destruction in the name of the future. And who took root in freebies and aspires to wash freebies, into the Degree of destruction itself immerses.
So Baikal gave full resonance. Someone skillfully excited him, while violating the nature of the promotion in all places. He, like breathing, is needed everywhere. This external illumination had a cross pollination - for a while. The truth (purity) can not have a bright lie forever. The veil before the wedding.
And now Angara is hurrying herself to the wedding dress. The paranja, like a stone, covers its eyes. He hurries to the Yenisei to defuse himself in it and remove the veil that does not allow to enjoy the sky and other flora.
A more calm Yenisei takes his girlfriend and slowly with her across the plain (in an eternal cruise) discharges the situation.
What does Angara take with him on a long journey?
Are not those frequencies of those particles that the offended Baikal pull out of himself? As a spear from his body he tears out piranhas and pushes them to the man. What is happily running to his chosen Yenisei? By the formula - also H2O. But "O" - to what extent does this mixture contain another meaning? One water breathes exponentially, oxygen separates, the other water - from itself pulls out a particle of oxygen, trying not to cause its mixture loss of structure (which at this time is very fraught). And instead of that, another becomes, the one that comes from the depths along which the Yenisei collects itself, if the channel is not broken. Angara has been updated.
And what about the Yenisei, a saint of female cold beauty, that he loses at the same time, and does he find himself in it after engagement and an urgent wedding with her?
The moment for everything, there is no thought. And the Angara begins to produce another flora, rubbing the old piranhas into the silt and the mica base, that in the form of suspended particles create quartz dust.
The basis of a new flora is to win. And all this is running along the plain, updating the processes in Russia. Replenishing the reserves of sand from the interaction of water, air and grinding everything in union breathing. Charging and other areas of the same.
In our bodies - the same leapfrog. Through the light we get suspended particles (silt and sand in a split form, in ion protection). Filtering in the lungs, connecting its own flora (saliva), put it in its own crust, thereby forming an element capable of splitting the ion, which will give the body temperature. Without it, everything will stand up as a stake.
However, it is possible to get heat and another place. Knocking him out of another person. More often so far, than it is necessary.
And Baikal is heated by violence over it. What does it give? The release of slag from it. The Yenisei is not allowed to break them by nature. What is done in its waters in the fight against this. It's a plus. And we have one unit for introducing into its flora those hydrogen particles that are incapable of finding the other half. In the Angara reservoir, it forms itself, as the fish thrown ashore try to escape, snatching oxygen, burning their own breath.
So a new flock of piranhas is carried by the wind, where something and somewhere hangs for a time for a concept or transformation in acceptance. As a pack of wolves devours temporarily the accumulation.
The interim question becomes a tremendous exclamation mark. Rushing in a hurricane wind, destroying everything on the way.
- Do not be a "scop" for some.
And the other - "sorrow from the mind, not approved by time." The knowledge that comes through raising the level of consciousness gives the basis all at once. Any degree feels confident.
Here - some destruction. The more we heat passions in Baikal, the more confusion in nature. Auknetsya in a form that we do not associate with ourselves and with water, too.
And our heads give birth to new and new challenges for themselves. Managing himself to "subdue" what in another form we will be crushed without even understanding who and for what.
Angara thought these. Everyone was trapped at this point in time. This can not be disagreed, and this has already come. Only a few touches remained. the main thing is that the gate to other worlds is open in time, and here - the country.
Tourism is getting better. The country is a continuous tourist route. What is ours, then let it be yours. The gate is open. System in the system. Girei, apparently, at all. Something is not very cheerful. Adrenaline for everyone. Where the arrow is directed. Where is the energy field hanging, which does not give laboratories peace of mind?

I'd rather have a train and return to Slyudyanka. Our tourist route through Baikal proved to be a trial, and therefore, as we were told, it was not entirely successful.
Point was put in your own destiny. At all - the will of the Lord. She came to this. And, Lord, forgive me if I again get into your work in the work on understanding yourself in the word "man" in the human body. Shake yourself in it is very difficult. With the relationship with all that is. In a cage with piranhas - how long will you sit?
But to what my thoughts, if what is hanging, does not give time to flutter in it.
The train that should go to the second half, went to six. A little late.
We, hoping to sleep, lay down on the shelves. It did not take long to sleep, the twilight dissolved in the rays of the rising sun. It was obscured by clouds. But no one canceled his entry into the whole world. We do not see it.
Who is to blame for being moles? I want to think for a while.
Do not hear him, who is to blame? Ears are covered with flattery, that we can all live by our own desire. How far away are these concepts from living. We are swallowed by piranhas, but for some reason we are still prowling with time. What it is?
And on the ground poured those savings, which Igor raised to restore the picture. No one can go anywhere. The pack of piranhas sweeps everything away.
Yes, and in life we ​​are all chewing. Il helps us to digest food and everything that gets into the body. He is a chewer. Otherwise, how would we split ourselves into something?
If by law - through the level of consciousness. What without it - the fact that they have worked? In the production of silt and quartz dust, that collects everything. Salt, sugar, sand and much more than is rich in our body without accepting the Faith in a brighter future.
What can help us in this time to meet our soul mate? In the form of Faith, Hope and Love to the one who keeps all this while in his body. The appendix is ​​for the time being for him.
And it must be for him a bride in where he waits for us after the manifestation of all the darkness in everything that we see. The developer is a man. It is good, if it is temporary, and its foundations are unstable at the given time. So we took shape after leaving the temporary housing. Our Earth is a decay for someone. We on it become to it.
This applies to those who do not want to leave her even in thought.
Hubbard worked very long on this problem. The whole system is separation from the superior and dominance over others. By any means. More often - the murder and seizure of its energy fields. So his idea walks, removing from the world of someone who is something and somewhere stands.
Nuggets do not choke with quartz dust. They are often poisoned with poison, which gives the appearance of a heart attack for blind performers. With the naked eye you can see that this is not a heart attack.
We go to visit them, visit Arshan and drink mineral water. What will they pay for their murder? The topic is open. And behind it are the new spirits who invited us to visit them.
Eugene Martynov his charming smile is not able to charm? Mironov Andrey, the unbroken artist, writes the script himself, and we play. The brass band at their own funeral. Victor Choi, like a shaman, calls the valley of spirits. Where their elder brother Vladimir Vysotsky always comes to the rescue, bringing information from the superior. Which is higher because it is surrogate. The general "breath" and "exhalation" of the name has folded, and listening to it is a necessity to know the further course.
Satan (oxide), we must know in person, so as not to get into the abyss. What we have put together through misunderstanding and non-recognition of the Faith is different.
And on the train, trying to sleep, we are agitated by the places where our feet were walking. Recognized places and spent nights in the parking lot.
Choi was not killed by poison, but he was very cleverly filed the brake hose, taking into account all the nuances that could arise from his frenzied ride.
You, Igor, have been preparing for murder for a long time. In you were recorded the energy that my father sent all this time. Many people use this method. And you were no exception.
The connection occurred when in your wasteland your brother pressed you to the place called Adam's apple. Therefore, as to who and whom they killed, God knows.
We swing in the car, passing tunnels. The darkness in them changes the feeling for today's problem. The train went very moderately, did not hurry and did not hurry, like everything else in this place.
The mountains played. Rivers showed. The lake was dark with every sink. Tourists threw coins. In memory of the shore, pebbles were picked up, such as we. The rhetoric or the performers? No one can give a confident answer.
We were pulled by spirits, and we played, fitting in what they played for us. Therefore, I would rather like to come to Slyudyanka and go to other places, but the local train does not know how to drive fast.

By dinner we nevertheless reached the station. The play was held "with a bang". The picture had the final touch. Everything manifested itself in an accelerated rhythm. And there is a reason for this. The milking was successful, but I had a firmer belief in what Baikal considered a light-over. Could we assure him that the combination that exists, can calm piranhas?
The path above to be closed by unbelief. We took from the depths - there is a limit to everything. The counter works always when it is necessary and it is not necessary. The reverse move gives the resonance that awakens in nature. Are we with her or on it?
Time will tell. It is better to be in her cradle, than riding on the development of her reserves.
A sad sight at Lake Baikal ended in Slyudyanka. We hasten to leave immediately, the benefit to Arshan is followed by buses.
On a regular bus, under monotonous rain, we leave. Drowsiness overcomes. Thoughts about using us somehow exacerbated my attitude to everything. And we, in the Altai Territory, are ripe for solid business.
On the one hand - the energy shirt that was woven into the accords of Teletsky and Baikal (two communicating vessels) had to be woven to a certain time.
On the other - an energy funnel, like an umbilical cord connecting us to other worlds, should have already slammed due to the saturation of this hole. Then, in an urgent order, this shirt, worn by day and night, is put on that knot by that Mind, which somebody skillfully copies.
What is the result of this? A nightmare, and no more.
The Creator does not tolerate interventions. The fruit should mature on time, and under the guidance of those who wished to contribute to the formation of the Earth. Intervention in Nature has become a matter of honor for those who try to separate this world from the Superior with a real name. That world, although it draws its rays (Buddha and Christ), but so far from understanding from us. And the fulfillment of the Commandments is a work for those who wish to go, thereby forming the Universal Mind in order to have an entry into the Upper System. While here everything is different.
An artificial mind is formed. The artificial eye is unlikely to fulfill the role of the living. But we do not judge this, this is the Lord.
A subtle world is a sounding harp, if one's hand reaches out to her. Execution depends, whose hand touches the strings. And now a rough intervention in nature has covered us with a cold sweat. At the time when I write, we are shaking.
Earthquake. Here you are! On Saturday, there was a push, but everything turned out.
Nature began to wake from the reign of darkness. Jolts, like a small child in the womb, try to staminate with legs, demanding special attention. But where are the learned men?
Their satellite communications are strengthened by callsigns. Raskachka began. And it is clear that the interference does not give us a chance. Five to six points for the city "umbilical cord" too. The energy shirt is not done yet. Shambhala is plundered, and there is no common connection between them. What to do?
The learned men wanted to accustom the given world to themselves, trampling on the laws of nature through the artificial splitting of the waters of Lake Baikal. All this had to be seen accidentally.
Nature, like God, allows you to do everything in yourself. This determines the degree and degree. And this is not a stupa with a broom. Far away on this you will not fly away. We have succeeded, in all it is visible. The chandelier does not swing in time with the beating of tact in nature. We play with the Creator in the evil game. It allows us to get burned from our own heat. Competent people are announcing the slowdowns. They know better, they know how to see and hear what is being done in Nature. And we, the unbelievers, already cease to seem. The heated particles with the help of our desire wander through a certain connection. From Belukha to Lake Baikal, they are incandescent of the desires and aspirations of the subordination of Nature to their own ends. Dreams are far away, who is sick of this. Deep passion in the ultimate goal.

Sponsoring interested people or systems also determines the direction in this. To get good gasoline, you need ripened oil. In terms of indicators, the Iraqi has succeeded in this. Our, Russian, as a young wine, does not have a fortress. Heating and fermentation are necessary. All before us. There is shaking in the seams of the Earth. As we are far from the superior and close to the vibrations of the Earth. We do not even know what to say to the great teachers who invented this system and those who resignedly serve them, being in the human body. No one will envy. There is a clear manifestation. So, the worlds are closed from the vital flora. The time of each one and only his own. The common cup, like an umbilical cord, is cut from us. Own blood, like own gasoline. DNA has changed, it is visible not only in fish, but also in cormorants.
In the end, some leave the game, others are drawn into it to conceive themselves for the fulfillment of the will of God. The shock of dust. All in captivity. The Lord is merciful to both.
And we have a rod of emotion. Some gladly report on the processes taking place in Nature. The symposium was assembled in Moscow for scientists. It is about the global changes in Nature and the climate, of course. Others are indignant at the spree of the elements. The Earth hesitated and below us. The flag of Helena Roerich fluttering over Belukha. The wind coming from the bottom of the Baikal water leads him to his knowledge. If it is laid by a cage ready to follow the evolutionary path, it means that the supply is strong. All the knowledge of the past and those that came to change, all hovering over Belukha, matters as a certain unit. She was given all the knowledge. Time is such that you have the desire to go already, when the dust has not settled down to the end, then go. Just be sure that you did not steal, so do not keep the contents of the contents. If he did not kill, then they would not kill at the energy level, etc., in the same spirit.
Only the energy field above Belukha has long since given scientists no rest. To him, everything that goes to study it is stuck. So the energy field of Lake Baikal, and hence the Teletskoye Lake, flew in like a funnel. The scope is grandiose. What an obsession? Why is the hanging field so loudly taking off the garments from those who mean something - Sacrifice? Does not approach somehow. And it is unlikely that two powerful lakes have a craving for a new cage. There's something else here. Most likely, the new cell is not being pulled under the guise of Elena Ivanovna Roerich, but what is under it. Who was playing the chess game. Apparently, it was Vorontsov-Dashkova who used to play. And this memory of her burns in the hearts of two brothers in spirit and in need. They rushed to seize from the frozen ground that illuminated the path in the darkness. And it was that fertile uranium-sun that remained in the memory of everything that is, but was already eaten by everyone, since we did not continue ourselves to return what was withdrawn from it.
So they lived to great changes. Are we happy? What have we gained to get into the world different?
Here, the faults and heating are carried out skilfully. On the one hand - heating with the help of particles, piranhas, on the other - science does not sleep, but works skillfully. Although both are far from being natural.
What was the Creator? The world of teachers, which is at odds with all at once, has given its fruit. He was given a place to build himself under Belukha when the time comes. The growth of this cell can not go without heating. Change of climate is one of the conditions necessary for this. Warming is necessary so that the ice melts. And a person, as a medium for growth, very warm attitude. Since the cell that goes to the implementation is shrouded in all the knowledge that there is in the world. It is possible to feel yourself all at once. It is here that the essence of the incoming comes into play and the clothes of the one who has already lost here and leaves, revealing his trace. As far as this player has seized from himself, he feels so different. The growth of one and the mental sucking of oneself out of everything that is different, through its manifestation in everything. Since the manifestation is now very loud. Guilty there. Calculates the amount of work. The correspondence of the Essence and his temporary clothing is his home. What is not yours is nothing. That he is above you. And the roof, and the opportunity, and a long way to Infinity.
In the meantime ...

Destruction in Kosh-Agach and other places that are on the way of the heated particles-piranhas, rush like messengers, sweeping away on their way, (everything) that goes to the meeting.
Mountains - monoliths of knowledge, reveal the new essence of the glorified Mother of God. So Elena Ivanovna is represented. Manifesting through this is the Essence that left a memory of itself. In other worlds she left, leaving all herself in sprayed form. As it was with Elizabeth II and Catherine II.
And on the bar there was another Catherine, only not two, but Vorontsov and one. Myself scattered, so that the kings sounded. They sound on our lips, we chew on these events.
So now, we, thank God, we chew not the one that carries. And praise the one that played the other. We praise Elena Ivanovna - she left a great memory after herself. Expeditions exhausting the body, books that were written under the dictation, the teaching "Living Ethics" (Agni Yoga), etc.
The whole family worked in this, increasing its importance.
In Vorontsova everything was different. Losing, dressing. It was a natural process of the old model. So there was a lot of settling. And the expressed attitude to this gave the degree in motion along the evolutionary circle.
What is being done now? This is the selection of the key to the game, and the buildup on this is another game.
The artificial brain rules.
What do we do? Is there any certainty that he uses decibels correctly?
Doubts arise. And this one warms up passions. People have panic. This have not happened before. The pressure goes with the satellite, although this is just as incorrect, as everything else.
Only one thing is true: we are under the eye of the Creator. The rest is rude thinking. But we are residents, all the same, and we have the right to our own opinion and thinking. We built a house that costs only in quiet weather. They warmed the teachers. Live - will sting and very painful. With me was already this.
Therefore, Igor, pick up the guys, help us at the moment of the fracture. Shambhala is not ready yet. I was a little late, and what about this now. Forecasts are deplorable. Shakes the child so that it is done to many badly. There are also the dead. I saw how the driver fell asleep at the wheel forever. Fortunately, that I was traveling alone and went outside the border. He was fortunate to meet, he did not.
Go nowhere - in blockade. You saw everything yourself when you sent out souls, what was left of them. Height is not great, takeoff and fall. There is too little work.
Igor, what are we talking about? Promised - I'll write, although it's not for me. And scientists rejoice, everything goes as they wish. Brain is controlled. Where to go?
When tetanus, when it shakes, you can stay without disks. And in the mountains it is constantly shaking. Let the Creator forgive me (although it is unlikely), but I, in order to recreate the full picture of the ripening ripples, lack strength in patience for its manifestation.
Therefore, Igor, using our separation with you, hurry to help. Victor Tsoy, that in the valley of spirits, the one that we were, but have not yet reached the events of writing. Yevgeny Martynov, who sheltered himself in the Arshan Valley, fueled by its mineral water (after the poison), let him get away from it. Who will believe that he could not break the poison? I agree, the pitch was stronger than the poison. But now it's not about that. Mironov Andrey, you are a skilled player of ours, break away from the Lamov pogosts, complete their business and get to our problem. Play another role - intervene in their consoles and do everything within the law, so as not to aggravate the situation and not be crushed by scientists and the Creator of Everything. It is necessary to get into the gold syrup. Vladimir Vysotsky will help in this. He will satisfy Elena Ivanovna with her rhythm. In this there is still a need. But not a flute, you know why? The rhythm is needed awesome.
"Faith will save you" - so the words in the Gospel sound. Therefore, only revealing the essence of the present day, we can change our attitude and call the god to help. The other, condemned, simply does not shine.
Our Altai mayor Surikov appears on TV, explains why the tremors in Gorny Altai occur. We get a little bit, but they are already fading. I would like to believe. And how do I know that he is already the mayor of the decommissioned area. Spaceport, and only.
On October 1, at twelve o'clock, the inert particles had to start running. I do not think that the ideal work of scientists is to destroy us as a race. It is fixed, and only.
We continue to live. I'm sick of life like this. We still would not go into the skies. This step is not justified by anything. The truth at all is one. Steps to it - in all ways. And you - far from God, he who does evil. Thanks to the creators who can hear not only ohi and ahi, but also to fight with the invisible evil.

The guys played with the most powerful machine of evil, violence and outright lies. At the same time, those souls that died from the introduction of innovations into our seemingly awkward life were used. The impulse was the strongest. The amplitude is fixed all. Therefore, Igor, all - in place, to avoid the emergence of a coalition. Repeat is withdrawn, as always, and this can not be confiscated.
To strive is the goal of the Creator. We have to play in his rhythm. Otherwise, we have nowhere to run. All the measurements were deceived by their presence. Iszmet, as a coalition, once. Now we still play it to nausea. Let us only in after, but in the continuation, as it once was.
When you were killed, the water went. Before the eyes, the Ob came. We have gone into another dimension. Time in it is shorter, but still able to play to restore the picture.
Now there is nowhere to go. The stone on the Angara speaks about it. The communication between Lake Baikal and Teleetsky was violated, which led to cross-pollination of water, changing the energy nodes one above the other. Like double uranium, charged with a fiery hydrogen mixture. Snake-Gorynych could be envied by a drawbar.
Condition - as after poisoning. Nauseous, the head itself is not its own, and it is understandable, the impulse is sent at a certain time. We must strengthen it through panic, which, it is likely, will awaken more and more new processes in the bowels of the Earth and accelerate the fruit in maturation.
So our tycoons will get the promised oil in a more ripe form. So the Mendeleev table will replenish, so the Earth will have an entry into another world. Only we are still alive and will live.
Panic is needed for writers and for those who need an artificial way out. I do not believe in this rubbish. I wonder what they will come up with? Should they be considered ahead of time? I think no.
Fantasy fades before reality. Apparently, to do this, and keep all the fools. The level was determined to us awesome, sorry a second time for this expression. But all that is, must enter only into the meaning of one word. Fig is looming in this time to those who want to have something at the expense of another.

On the bus we drive up to Arshan. The resort town rests on Sayany. Greenery, cleanliness and air. Bright appearance in nature in this area. Yes, and Martynov Zhenya was no less attentive.
We went into the dining room to pamper your intestines.
Having satisfied the hunger, we hasten to visit the Buddhist datsan. It was a fine rain. We went to the resort, where the springs were being beaten from the ground. Hot mineral water was impulsively fed, and a cold snort only. But tasty and that and another. In our stores - a surrogate, but here everything is alive.
There are also living spirits that do not rush into the skies, but wait for their ripening. But what do we care about them. Drank, took with them and went across the bridge. The mountain stream turned into a raging river. Carrying in ourselves all that pours from heaven, invading our hearts invisible to us particles. But not for us they are. We do not have the desire to merge with them in the flow of water and meet with the one who processes it.
If only on a catamaran, that's - yes! Only at the first turn will tear the stones and what we sit on, and what sits are travelers of this time. And then, in what you keep yourself, trying to go, then it will get stuck in the stones or will rush for a long time in turbulent streams, until the millstone of water is released from your embrace. Everything swiftly swept through my head, sweeping aside the thought-that would be a ride.
The road to datsanu was not long. Here were the peace of those who carry a different faith. Faith in human possibilities through faith in the elements of nature.
Women from Irkutsk met us. Explained the order of walking through the territory of the datsan. Alpine grass and the outlines of the mountains were so beautiful that we envied those who often come here to relax from the bustle of city life.
Cedar conquered with his appearance. Altai cedar is much more modest. And in Khakassia he was less bright. Here everything was expressed. As Andrei Mironov played brightly his role.
The stream separated two spirits, complementing each other during life. They did not interfere with each other here.

And in the window of the house, which is next to the datsan, flashed a bright lama's robes. Realizing that we did not meet with him just like that in the evening, we went to choose a place for tents. Everywhere mushrooms, no one collects for some reason.
The rain brought to mind the hayloft, but we were offered a house where there was a smell of fresh paint. My lungs are unlikely to forgive me. Under the cedar, they tied a tent and a tent under it. Visited the bath. The hosts were also the owners of the local bathhouse, where they washed and allowed people to wash. Their work is to us in joy.
In the morning they decided to go to the service in the datsan. And now they tried to dry things up, sit comfortably on the floor for the night. Our tent is already there. Waiting for the buzz, we settled down to the music of the drops.
The night under the cedar was cozy and sweet, as it was once in my childhood.
In the morning we were awakened somehow by Natasha. And we hurried to the datsan for service. We were allowed to be dumb witnesses of the Lama's communication with their god. Through his mantra involuntarily moved to that distant time, when God was One. Incorrectly constructed mantra again lowered at a given time. The young lama hacked, and it was obvious, as a small earthquake we feel involuntarily during this performance. That will exalt to the outstretched hands of a caring mother, then immediately this vision collapses. Lama is young, and therefore he does not understand the resonance that engenders in us involuntarily.
Much had to be seen and experienced during the throat. The root is one, but the branch that has departed from the trunk can be independent to the end. She is only a collector of enzymes, those that carry information about themselves and seek to tear themselves into the skies by a certain trunk. And leaves, like a numerous people, supplement the branches with oneself and originate in their leaves that they themselves form the light. That light, which seems to be from the skies, but it extinguishes itself that is still in an uncomplicated form. So it was always when the Reason rules.
And while the dust rushes, it is not ringed up to the end with enzymes, those that give birth and give birth to foliage. But the ring will be put on and in the ground level will be together - this is the destination of it. Being a wedding bride, certain sustainable morals are necessary. But the time is now, when the bride and groom are not yet connected with each other and the wind tells about their razzle. The dust is also shaken, fueled by something very inert. What do we have before this. We are still asleep for a big step. To be in value, we are wearing a wedding dress. Whether we are in it, or blurred to the extent of what is our sole business.
But the throat ended and we plunged into everyday life again. Lama is young, as it seemed to us then. We bought books from him and someone else. We went out to take pictures on the porch. At the stately cedar, everyone wanted to capture himself, drowning in soft long needles. Guide advised to visit datsan, where will be their main academy. Those who want to visit those places are many. We also decided.
The fees were fast. Especially since the morning the sun was shining affectionately. And in the forest is already a firearm. What kind of mushrooms grow there - a glimpse. We have none. Egor Ivanovich decided to surprise us with a dish of mushrooms. Our collected mushrooms he left, but took small honey agarics and some kind of lichen.
Warmly said goodbye to the hosts of the place and home. We hurried to the bus. We went to drink some mineral water. They walked around the bazaar. What is not.
Poglazeli and the way. At parting looked back at the mountains, and there was snow, and the tops of the mountains, like young brides, were ready to go to the altar. Beauty in everything. Mentally embraced these places, and the bus triped us to another datsanu.
The river, every now and then, appeared at the road, looping and replenishing with new streams, hurried to the Baikal area, to the rescue carried its rich waters. Falling into him or a little farther into the Angara, but her breathing sought to Him. She took off her last bonds. For the role was to wait for a certain intensity, according to the will of God and natural dependence. We are moving away from the visible spectacle. We rush to another datsanu.
Not reaching a kilometer three, we walk on foot in the scorching sun. It pleases us. For three days it rained, they missed the sun.
Construction was going on in the temple, and we were going to organize our lodging for the night. For visitors, fences are made, like pens where you can put a car, tents, a place for a fire, a table and benches under a canopy.
We took one of the sites. They brought firewood, put up tents and went to watch the hot spring. Through the fences, steam fell.
Methane water - swept through my mind. The way it is. We drilled a well, searched for oil, and hot water escaped to the surface. The place was sanitized, and now healing is ready. Nearby - hydrogen sulphide source. Ringed into another well.
People took baths. And next to a small hole on the people poured water, they enjoyed it with a cozy temperature. Cooler, and not beaten, but poured.

A national dish, similar to manti, was ordered at the market. Bought a drink of cream. They smeared butter on bread. His world lived vacationers. At the fires cooked food, went to take a bath, someone tried and fish, and who collected mushrooms. Our Yegor Ivanovich with his grandson and Boss tried to feed us with a soup. The fish avoided communicating with us.
On the very first evening we went to a local spring. Hot water swelled up my ears. The coolness of the night and the hot water complemented each other. for twenty minutes we had enough, then some tiredness overtook us, we hurried to the fire, changed our guard, Yegor Ivanovich and Boss. They stole anything from tents that can be carried away. We passed the trouble - all the same when guarding.
In the morning we decided to go to datsan alternately.
Lama met us somehow not very much. It was clear that he was busy with something. But he readily answered our questions, provided an opportunity to inspect the premises. Due to construction, there were no services.
Datsan was met by a local Buryat, talked. The world is small. He served with us. Arriving at the camp, we met with the whole group. They wondered where we had quietly escaped, although it was quite clear, once decided to individually visit the temple. But how can one go quietly alone if the tent is two-seated.
Tatiana and Galina also went together, and Natasha went after dinner. He talked to everyone and through Natasha invited the whole group to his place the next morning.
In the evening, before going to bed, we visited methane water. The dream after it is very deep. Apparently, she is from afar.
And in the morning at ten we are already at the llama.
The conversation went on familiarization. He was the main lama in Buryatia. I visited our places in the Altai Mountains. Believes that our Altaians are their kind. Their faith is similar, too, like twins. We did not challenge his judgments. DNA speaks volumes. In it we are all together. who falls out of it, dies afterwards. After the meeting, I stayed on for a bit to talk about today.
See the gods, I did not lie when I told him that I collect shamballas in one unit. My work does not concern anyone, so I'm sitting alone in this topic. For him it was new. It was a miracle for me to get everything from Nature. When from birth to all people dressed. According to the level of consciousness and definition, his words are sounded. And so, it's like a fish, but everything in it is there.
He told us how to go to the most beautiful place, where there are many sources, and everyone treats something definite. Examined and refined. The llama tried. And nature was different from these places.
Here the valley is between two famous mountains. Sayans shone with snow, and on others they gathered mushrooms and berries.
They told Yegor Ivanovich about our plans. He met with courage and this news. Dreamed for at least two days of fishing and just rest, but the plans changed dramatically after visiting datsan. We were even glad that we are somewhere waiting for sources, mushrooms and berries. At last descended into the hydrogen sulfide waters. We stood, breathed, and even drank. No other water was brought.
The fees were accelerated. Backpacks noticeably lost weight, and we, this time, not at all, even on the contrary. Finally, the way back. As the return of milk, we used the data of Nature on ourselves.
From the well, day and night, a decent jet beat, replenishing the water immediately ran the river. The separating terrain from the Sayans, marshes, do not allow them to approach them in this place. But, other mountains, that without snow, a few kilometers - and we hurried there. Leaving in mind those sensations that we received from communication in nature.
Communication went for the self-image of creating your own Future. The bookmark takes place right there. But we are blind and deaf. Barriers are too much, and they separate us from us, who live in a different time and receive parcels from here. Who that sends, it does not concern us. Although there is a time when it is no longer a great gap to open someone's parcel. The piranhas already sat down on it.
And we say goodbye to a cozy place where the main datsan will stand. Where as the shamballa the energy, arising (on this, about what it was a question earlier) was highlighted. Where business flourished and people were treated, making their own diagnosis.
And someone learned to be at zero, so as not to get into the local scrapes. The place for the test is chosen amazingly true. Exposure is checked by spectra. If everything was flown to Baikal, it was baked in ready-made form. See the finished grain and not touch it, who can do it?
I'm still imagining it, and you, Andrei, know this. Let me describe this place and see you in it. Therefore we go, saying goodbye to the beauties, but mentally saying goodbye to you. For the time being and before the meeting. We go to the valley of spirits. Whom they meet there, it becomes clear now. You are everywhere together, although life has scattered you on different points. But death united. Somehow do not get accustomed. As all can not be. However, this is just about no one asks.

Natasha has a problem with her leg. We go at a moderate pace. Here is the first halt at the very road.
They only managed to sit down, throwing backpacks. A light sigh immediately gave way to a heavy surprise. Three cars, having left the road on the local road, stopped abruptly and fifteen thugs made their way out of them like rooks (all in black). From one machine we threw machine guns into the other two.
"However, I went with you in vain," the words of our little boy sounded.
Yes, and we somehow became uncomfortable. Although, the lama also warned about the disassembly of the local mafia. And here - here it is, a panorama. Everything is like a movie. Only where are we? And do we need this picture. The brakes squealed, and the car rushed to the places where we had just been. The Lama is settling their affairs.
We also left for the road. We immediately caught up with the wagon, where the man himself offered his services. At the hay sat Natalya with small and packed backpacks. Thank God he was from the village where we were going.
Not a very quick horse, as it seemed to us, but all the same she left us very quickly. At home, she was waiting for a foal. And we, having lost weight from the back, became cheerful and happy. How much does a man need?
In this case, the backpack was reduced in volume, but replenished by the invisible, which was already bulging outward. What heaviness is stronger, only God knows.
And now we just laughed at everything. Everything was in joy. And the village was waiting for good news. The owner of the horse decided to give us a lift to the sources. He decided, and the horse was not able. As they sat on the cart, they climbed off. But Natalia and Sasha and our backpacks could afford it. Shook on the cart, and we looked at the life of the villagers. They paid the same.
We went to the store for bread. Drank a glass of apricot juice. The juice was indeed from apricot, which pleasantly surprised and pleased. Let the Buryats at least eat something else, from which time has pushed us.
The first halt was made at the insistence of Ivan, so our guide was called with a purely Buryat appearance. The beach was after the revelry of the river.
It turns out that for a long time rains were raining here, turning mountain streams into frenzied rivers. It rushed over them all that came across on the way and fell from the mountains. Strength and power did not allow even to think about bathing in them. Carries, it carries. The thought of the catamaran flashed and immediately disappeared. It's hard for fans to just ride the rivers.
Ivan was glad to escape from the house. Home wife and five children, and he dreams of the second half. Dreamer and a tourist in his soul. worked in the school as a joiner and all those who needed for auxiliary work.
Now he is harnessing a horse, rested from the cart. And we, without waiting for her, hurry up the hill. Although, it is surprising that the road between the mountains is almost canopy.
A few kilometers later met the first source. I did not want to try the water yet. Here - full worship of spirits. And we did not really understand what they were getting at. At the source hang rags on the branches, lie cigarettes, small coins and empty bottles with matches. We lied money and sweets, although we took alcohol. They were not greedy, they simply did not understand the rite. Ivan hinted to us that we need vodka - they missed the ears, yes, apparently, in vain. Something was coming at us invisibly. And that, one god knows.
The road was washed away by yesterday's rain. Therefore, before reaching the main sources, we rushed into the darkness to search for a clearing. Ivan still remembered the places where and what was. I had to go to the territory of the spa. And next to it we could find a good corner for tents and horses. We placed tents under fire from a fire. The idea that there may be snakes, did not leave. Yes, and Vanya did not hide what is. I wanted the tent to close tightly.
I was still in the daytime using a hydrogen sulfide mixture, so I immediately withdrew into myself. Went to bed.
The game was difficult. Throughout it was visible. Too beautiful places. There are many sources. The hospital. And in the mountains there was some kind of longing. Moreover, one mountain constantly clung to the clouds, and between them there was a discharge. In this place there was clearly ore. Most likely it was about finished gold. But not that artificially evaporates the scientists, but that it is red. After selecting the nature, the silver engagement. Yes, we got into places, lama made a ticket ...
Did he know where he sent us? Hardly. Now it's not about this speech. A tidbit can only be in a mousetrap. The fact that there is a natural trap, there was no doubt about that. How to get out of it? The morning is wiser than the evening.

Sleep broke the horse, which somehow fell in inches from our tent. I jumped with horror. It turns out that Marina and Natalia had not slept for several minutes, they listened to the stones falling near the tents. Only in the morning they were not there. Did they fall? It remains a mystery.
We are now opening the first layer, and he has not yet uttered himself before the definition. Therefore, we can not even know that the horse was trampling at the tent. This already happened when we rafted along Charysh.
As well as I can not yet describe what the wanderer-handsome man wanted to say.
So they met that morning. The men helped the horse to climb. She wheezed, and it was evident from all that she was very nasty about something, and she was dropped from all over.
Pious Ivan, inspired by yesterday's sun, decided to visit the sources, and today he was silent about it. He did not have any vodka. And here without an offering you will not make a step.
I also decided not to go. The trap is trapped. There is no exit from here. You will get drunk, though you will not become a kid, but you will serve some goat, that's for sure.
While they cooked, washed, the time came when they announced that my parents are capable of carrying us through the built-up traps. And in fact entered. The sun shone so brightly and gently that there was no doubt, it was my parents who supplemented the solar disk. Everybody felt new sensations on themselves.
And I thought that I would like to see the higher "I" and the rest. The girls said about it, they did not mind. Only those who were talked about, drawn by our desire, appeared after a couple of hours and immediately left without going to the places where we found ourselves at the insistence of the lama. Only he could not protect us as guests from the fact that he was hanging over this area.
Of course, nature can learn a lot, only the further course of everything is not seen by it. Therefore, we sat down in such a trap, where we would be ripped off, as once at the foot of Belukha.
So many years have passed, but the impression of the spindle remains. On Belukha you go, Nature puts on you everything that somewhere and something means. And then such nonsense begins that you remember for a long time. Thank God that nature does not like repetition.
Maybe repetition and gave us a chance not to be ripped to the navel, now it's not about that. And how the new spirits, who gave birth to themselves in Surenery, ran away from these places. Apparently, they still rule everything. Only in the current events they try not to muddle. To sparkle-yes, to solve and overcome-these are the ones that entered, creating new energies in themselves, and which they caught as a net and pressed to their table. Those who live a completely different life in those laboratories, of which we have no idea.
Acquaintance was. I can not say that it was very meaningful on the physical level. On the energy - a very bold combination to introduce their own thoughts about the realization of their capabilities.
Now and today (decided in laboratories).
Ripening went this thought as an opaque. What happened, only God knows, I, and in the laboratories too. Gemini is by nature, and the horse is prancing at this time.
And now we are admiring nature. Lama is right, here are very beautiful places. Come, caressed by the sun on it. Ripe rosehip adorns the shoulder.
A kilometer two - a suspension bridge. The river is boiling, adding to its weight due to the creeks of medicinal and rains, which is clinging to the mountain more often than it is supposed to.
What do you say, Victor Tsoy? Why are things like this happening here, when the formation is due to a strengthened move? Are you also hidden or waiting for your time? I vazhu, God forbid that you were the last player I was looking for in the game and found.
And now we entered the Earth, where the lamas made their way to the healing springs. Each brook has a plate, from which disease. And most importantly - a wooden flooring kilometer two across the site sources. There were people going after the water and returning with it.
As the lama said, the Buryats have one treatment - water.
We walked along all the bridges, tried every water. The minerals collected in it supplemented the Mendeleev table.
A unique place, only the collection of those particles is broken. They do not give a clear crate. The face is washed away, so the mineral is not capable of charging that ion, which will complete the whole picture. As a venerable artist, the final stroke (a smear) plays an important role. So it is here.

The blood of the Earth is oil, these minerals are composed. And we in our intestines tried to dissolve its contents. But, like we lost in the soul of God, so the water does not have such a component. It is visible, therefore, it gives a rusty coating.
Drank, wanting to restore the memory of the processing of minerals for the proper formation of their blood. The spirits laughed: "Drink a glass of oil, then all the processes of grinding one into another will be remembered."
If we could, then you would not hang over this place, replenishing yourself with the flora of microelements, which, in addition to God, give the rest of the movement in the spheres.
My business is to wake, although I was hoping that Victor is the last player in my life.
Yes, apparently, everything is not so and not always, that I want to happen just like that. Therefore, having tested the water, we are very relaxed. The film was taken with landscapes. Myself was captured as a memory at the source.
Iron dissolved in organisms, which, like, and is useful for the body, only did not supplement the ion. And what is this implementation without moving further? Shock.
Shock treated, as well as increased current, if in moderation.
Divine nature, only God does not exist for some reason. A snake glides over the stones. Here she has a place. Where she is, God's concept is lost. Visibility is made by those who are in a hurry to help when they hear "SOS". Only young spirits can react to this signal. Doubting the Creator.
"Faith will save you!" - the words sound. Therefore, at least get drunk with holy water, the saints will not just become so, at the expense of someone.
The stopped processes in Nature are temporary, as the piranion particles are pacified. And God is where they shake from their introduction into the bowels. The amplitude is audible from the introduction of cold water into itself.
I am writing about the valley of spirits. And thoughts wander in Barnaul.
The earth is trying to calm the new particles. After twelve days, the guys refused to block the satellite communication, and rightly so.
If in the mountains there was a clear division of spirits into ours and not ours so far. (Their time did not come to know the laws of evolution.) In the temptation they are still a cold serpent, who have become through them. Here and there, it's time for us to split into two fronts. Some will help rock the bowels through sowing panic and, thus, warming up the piranha particles in the bowels. Others will calmly react to this news, thereby supporting the work of nature over it, helping God, whom we called through prayers to help us.
The chiria has grown fresh. The amplitude is too high. Rocking very much. The chirium will break out, it will not only be painful and sickening, but we will fall pus on someone's head in the universe.
That's the breakthrough of scientists beyond the solar system ... Laughter through tears for someone.
And I believe that everything will be OK. As they say in this time.
We are weaving out of the words (like matting) of the cover. So that the umbilical cord protruded more slowly and we could sleep peacefully, not weaken from a loud child. So it was always, and so it will be forever.
The cradle swayed to put the crying child to sleep, and not to turn it from the cradle.
Time division is a given time. We all make it up for our own separation from the common cup. Therefore, there are not here those who knowingly grumbles at the events.
We are hostages of a temporary departure from norms in behavior. Who is pleased with himself? Units. It is evident that something has taken place. But this is his one and only business. The step of entering into another world with its own luggage. What exists here, then in the invisible is. Same. The border, as a border, is difficult to cross without passport data. What you carry in your pockets, too, will check, time is like this. Etc.
While we are shaking, dust settles in the bowels of the Earth.
Topk replenishment, and even what! To lower steam in the boiler is a necessity. Therefore, volcanoes will work in different places, releasing an internal heat on the surface. Scientists believe that it can be released in one place.
Step leads to Infinity. Just what kind?
What are some of the savings?
And what is it about? To this we will return.
And now we are in the valley of spirits, which do not have enough moving particles. A man tries to split something by his own flora. The result is, only the spark is weak, and the wind is rampant. The concept of God will return all the processes the right direction.
In the meantime, we rejoice in the Sun, it heats, as in childhood, in the valley of spirits.

A vivid example for neoplasm (cancer), we hasten to saturate it (irradiating) or cut it. Only that and the other does not change the character at the energy level. From the irradiation the body is oversaturated, which leads to its complete destruction. When they cut out, it is interesting, where they plant. If a conscientious organism, he will take it on an energy level to himself. If not quite so, then replanting in another is fraught with consequences later. The Boomerang law will work the moment it is not expected. So it was always. And there is still, as we have not yet woven a new world. Where would everyone be comfortable. And he lived in it without traveling through measurements. How?
Why are you following me, a blue-eyed wanderer?
I'll write about laboratory research a little later, and this will already be in the book "Return."
Now we are still on a campaign and we are collecting our past, where we are all together, and we are far from being cramped. Stay in bliss and love. As in a cozy house. But sometimes it would be desirable to learn on itself the hardships of the field, as earthly travels into what our past was built upon. Biting his own tail, although now he bites us. When we learn to love everything that is, then we will dissolve from the given time.
In the meantime, we are collecting in the long journey Catherine Dmitrievna Vorontsov. It protrudes like a mountain, and therefore, everything merges into it for now. Changed her appearance to the concept of Helena Roerich. Although in the past Catherine played venerable players, the sum of the energies such as Vladimir Vysotsky, I. Talkov, V. Tsoy, A. Mironov and E. Martynov. Form formed time. Cross-pollination produced fruit.
We swing in Barnaul. The rhythm is not yet in tune with us, and we are weak quitters. Digging the past, and the Bible says that the future is built on the past. And we, like gypsies, put on a lot of skirts and rummage through them, looking for the one we'll wear tomorrow.
It was about modest dressing, "it's easier for a naked person to enter the kingdom of God." And we created idols of ourselves, and on this are built castles, which now need to be torn down, so that we ourselves can leave.
We removed the veil from Vorontsova's appearance. What does this understanding give us? We leave the temporary traps. Here the word temporal sounds like with one stress, and with another. Because, as we have already encountered laboratory inventions. What is behind this?
It is evident from everything that is done from the general breathing of the temporal impression. While he is hovering over us, it sounds like a goat battling us. And when the situation is sorted out, it will be greeted from the Far Cosmos, which awaits us in its time, which is not temporary. In the meantime ...
In Barnaul - a panic created by someone skillfully and not very much. The ship is rocking. Who is that in it will play? This is an individual matter. I'm sorry for those who frighten and who it concerns. I think that time will determine everyone individually at a very or not very stable time.
The energy end of the world is coming. I hurry to unravel the knots, so that the thread flies into the eye of the needle, and does not settle in it because of the knot or small nodule. Everything matters. And even stress in this or that time.
In the meantime, we are in the valley of spirits and try to go out so that something does not break. But the Far Space, or as long as the goat for us, does not let us out of our embrace yet.
Only through two perfections that like to enter the Earth unnoticed for everyone and quietly play everything that is here, and just as silently create a new attitude to everything, something that can only be our own. Like juice or blood, it has no repetition. The formula is one. The ability to make up everyone's own. There is a consonance of blood, but not compatibility. And now we are just working on a consonance. It sometimes, and maybe more often, it hurts more than it would be desirable.
The shroud alone has left, having disassembled a situation in a valley of spirits, has overtaken another. The beautiful face of that veil, this one is even more beautiful.
Why did you, Sergey (conditionally), appear before us that day just a stranger?
And could say: "Hello." Or, at least, he sat down with us in the clearing.
We wanted to, but could not hold you back. And you, apparently, are divided with us by this time and a lot of barriers.
You have managed to collect all your time. That did not spoil your appearance. But in what you are already brewing, going on the evolutionary circle - nothing in common. Here you are inaccessible.
Whether you are wandering, in fact, it is so simple in Baikal or sitting in the laboratory, picking our brains. In another place it is possible to slap, no, not to kill, but simply by the naked favorite pope, as Makarevich sings, only in the sense of another.
Already born, containing all the systems. The look of Itself has given you this to do. And what you did, your savings before your eyes. You hasten to open up, while in vain. Together we will promote this time. Sew more and more new dresses, so that the umbilical cord is tightened when the delivery is successful.

And now the Altai is shaking, shifting the layers, those that are ripe not to the time, with the help of our own brains. Only we were not their masters, but what was done in the secret laboratories. They skillfully weaved using us, since we still did not have the right to drive.
In the Altai Mountains, people have a fear of the wildness of Nature. Who is responsible for this?
I think that those who warmed their hands on this and stuffed their pockets at the expense of accelerating the processes of the Earth. Wealth falls into one hand.
In the year of Aquarius is fraught with consequences. There are a lot of events here. The collection of energies, those that have recouped in the Cosmic progression.
Through the umbilical cord, the child receives reinforcement. Barnaul is this umbilical cord, where there was a descent, and the reception - a kind of funnel. About what it was not necessary to hide. The information was opened.
The environmental program is rejected in due time, and now we are sitting in the same. The center for providing people with safe methods of recovery, just in case, if there is a kind of irradiation or overexcitation, also rejected. Although natural processes do not entail consequences. Therefore, everything was rejected when it was offered.
What do we have now all together?
Nature was awakened like a bear, when he, and here she, wished to have her own solitude. The result is a umbilical massage and heating of the piranha particles.
Why did the shaky earth beneath us?
Let them answer for it.
And we, still, are trying to get out of the valley of spirits. We cook semolina porridge from the last cereal. All that is left, we give to Ivan and pay off with money.
Alcohol, as soon as it fell into his hands, he immediately poured into a mug and went all to sting it. In our customs, they remember alcohol that is already at the graveyard. And he already does not care (there are no faces between the players), just to get rid of him. And he managed to get out of nothing (the world forming). What is untied from the memories, only God knows. Entering the spirit of the rocks through the local concept turned out to be too tough for us.
We ate porridge and fed it to Ivan, our guide. As far as he is a guide, God only knows.
Thoughts were again taken to Barnaul. I remembered the time when someone was very vigorously awakened. I was then thirty-five.
We woke up very long and hard. Mantras from the mouth of my mother and father sounded in the rhythm of the song. Long heavenly music (muse) poured, awakening from a long sleep in what is nowhere else. How and when could be born here, God only knows. But the muse was pouring every morning. The change of energies has already been successful and very difficult at the same time.
After thirty-three I finished my journey with Vera in everything. I began to believe in the reality surrounding me. I had to see everything at once. A very tough performance, where the words of a very handsome wanderer in life fit in. Sergei stayed in memory for a long time. Let it be. Igor is what I call what moved from my father.
At the first meeting, and, most likely, the second, Sergei told me: "You can not work and do that job for which you do not get paid. It will destroy you, and they will pass through you. "
The auditor-seer turned out to be right. What could I then answer?
You live as under communism, and I have a goal in the scheme of our life - the construction of this communism. I'm still, and you are already.
I came, as it were, with a check from a distant Moscow, but I went to you, carrying my reports. I was then twenty-six, as once to my father, who left prematurely, as they say.
What have you come for? For me, it remains a mystery. What to stir up, then what happened to another mess, which marked another story in the exit from here.
Now I remember already what happened after all this.
When, at the very beginning of the nineties, a gathering of mountain spirits occurred, they shouted so loudly about the end of the world that it was not very convenient for Galina Kolesnikova, our beginning poetess. They shouted and called for help. She apologized to Galina and went out to talk to them. "What are you shouting, you unbelievers? Why the end of the world? Will there be a continuation? "At once the cry of souls in the bird's appearance fell silent. How many thousands, did not consider, only all the trees were strung busty venerable figures, behind which guessed their ranks. Those that were smaller were sitting on the lilacs. What is larger - in the middle. The rest are at the edges. Czelad and guard, but all of the same suit. The hierarchy is observed. We also observe it with the exact opposite. And in the golden serenity is what holds the reins.

So fate brought me with those spirits that now they keep a good tone with us after an unsightly night. In the night - other rules.
And today in the daytime, those spirits that are the Day Everywhere play. Joyful mood around, but the soul languishes in a tearful impression. The ionization process is stopped. This, apparently, happened when they were shouting about it under the guise of birds. Now there was an energy end.
What it is?
Too much topic. We are denied help from above.
And do not we have our own strength?
The Lord rewarded everyone with memory of himself. The Creator, we borrowed his past clothes.
This is enough to keep yourself in this world for a long time. Who will take advantage of this as his one-man business. That's how accents are made to certain circumstances. And the move is done by ourselves. The right choice - a guarantee, the wrong one - is in front of you in the answer. What does God, the Creator, and the Creator?
In everyone, this is all there is. Own hand makes that movement on the strings (we woven time), what kind of music he wants to listen to. Muse, rock or pop. Each has its own, each has its own taste.
Only with this understanding can you leave the mountain valley. Where the gold-bearing mountain (as my woman kept the red gold, waiting for her brothers from the north, parents no longer dreamed of seeing) beckoned with her sparkle. Only the soul is deaf and blind to the attraction of the gold of gold. It is sought by those who have built their own model and dream of moving to another civilization, and there is overheard a bundle that must be untangled and taken for either truth or foundation. True, through these are seen the one and the other.
Apparently, therefore, we were reduced to fate with Sergei.
In the meantime, we are on the fast track. Vanya is harnessing the horse, and we are our backpacks. So many of them are imposed, only God knows. The horse while the backpacks will be lucky to the track. On this we will say goodbye to the very "hospitable" mountains. I wish I could, but life dictates other conditions. A full backpack of knots.
And we are still in the mountains, where the river is raging, flowing into Irkut, and she is already carrying her water to the Angara. This is the plus, which helps the piranhas to decompose into silt and mica basis. And then the Yenisei?
We can not talk about it right now. Next Wednesday this is possible. In the little one, the strokes will settle, and now we will meet on the road from the valley, a woman resting in the sanatorium.
From the north it looks like a Buryat, but not a Buryat woman, she said that it was here for the first time, but we had twice in Altai, rested in Belokurikha, liked it very much, said that the omul can be bought in Irkutsk and a few days to be quiet for him . We walked, it was to her surprise. I used to relax in the resorts. The North allows. The difference in money is palpable. What has brought her here, God only knows. Everyone has his own destiny, we need to deal with his. In the other, no-no-no. So I decided. Whether it is right, my problems.
I had to see and learn a lot, I have to put my thoughts to rest for a long time.
And finally we are moving away from a friendly meeting, as it seems to us in the visible. But not everything is sweet on the energy side.
Results were summed up. In all it is visible. Point and point, and inverse. Continuation throughout can be seen. If the mental has already taken place, then on the energy level something is raised to the power and shaken to the common coin box (the Earth). There is no clutch even in this place. What can I talk about in another? Here already a shadow has fallen for a day, and it reigns in the day it depicts. These inventions in the form of teachers obscure the eyes.
Everything was warned through Jesus Christ. What to do with water in a mortar? Like the Angara in the reservoir.

Rather, rather leave. Tired of rest, as never before.
But here we decided to ride a horse. Ivan is kind. Fortunately, the road went under a slight bias. Could we please the horse a little.
Kilometer two, she drove us. What will be for this? One God knows. Did we manage to pay off completely with Ivan, or should we have something left? Time will tell.
Here also the car met us on the way. Ivan agreed with him about our delivery. We did not resist for long. Another two kilometers passed. And then we decided to go ourselves. When else get here. While about this and did not think.
Enough and the fact that in backpacks with us, and it is necessary to return to this one time in my thoughts. Until we assemble our own Shamballa or spirit in our own soul. Constellation will play, the spirits of the mountains said. So, we will not take each other's example, but the consonance must be to take one step at all. We also did not know that we would be shaken already and on the spot.
In the meantime, look back at the mountains and mountain plots. The river makes its own correction. It's ripe, it's clear from all around. The game is based on baggage taken from Nature.
What have we done with it? Better not yet to think.
Than will respond? It is better not to know.
It was already hanging over us, nowhere to run. Energy shirts slipped piranhas. We created them through the accumulation of our own evasion from ourselves (the method of harvesting for the superior). They were stuck and stuck to the wall.
Who does not believe this is their own problems. Shock unloads nature. We collect mushrooms, the gift of the Earth, but - what?

Buryat to us attached poddaty. Russian Ivan taught everyone to drink. Here we are, we can not get rid of him, no matter how hard we try. He does not take offense, and we did not have the desire to offend him. We do not like drunk people, they told him. And he helps us collect mushrooms for it. Cleverly and very quickly, not what we are. Measure to the measure. Demonstrative performance.
Here is the village. A herd of chewing cows hurried (due to the shepherd's whip) to feed themselves with grass. The summer was arid. The rain began to water when it should already be unnecessary. Would remove the stack, only the drought did not do justice. The grass grew, when it was supposed to be already in haystacks. But the local people were happy about it.
As with the deep hangover processes in nature. It can be seen that the man puffed and tormented him with carbon monoxide and fumes. In a place who could only think!
But we, I think, should not with their habits go there yet. Do not avoid shame for the future of your performance. I wonder what will you have to do after this trip?
Gnawed thoughts, and we hurried to the darkness to put somewhere nearer to the track their tents. Egor Ivanovich with Boss somewhere ahead. His grandson with Ivan and our backpacks, too, somewhere already. And we, accompanied by Buryat, go, buying milk and bread and cottage cheese.
That's Ivan's house. He, with a joyful smile tells us how they drove, and where he unloaded our backpacks. We handed him the collected mushrooms, thanked, promised to send a photo and hurried to put up tents.
A place, albeit by the road, but very good. A lot of firewood, the water is near. The discharge of water passed by. What, I wonder, will come back at night? What does the energy shirt have to sew? Who will we play with to remain an individual? It is about consonance with someone. But in no time to have a clutch forever.
What I saw in the river strengthened my own attitude to everything. And so, when the shaking began in Barnaul, I used the old method - relations with Nature. On the third day the pitching was repeated. I had to raise those spirits that are constantly being killed. Consonance with them is not an eternal criterion. Temporary in the given time. Nothing is eternal here. The moon speaks of this. It's like water - yesterday, today and tomorrow. And the processes in it.
Today it is like God, the deeds that are alive in it. Yesterday - like the devil, what is left in it, on it is that which is a fly or a rodent. Tomorrow it's like Satan, it's an incompatible step. One leg is still in the given time (as in a puddle), but the thought is in the other.
On a clean sheet of life - dirty traces of the past. All this situation will have to be disassembled all together today. What they killed through their misunderstanding, it will cloud your eyes. Shroud, shroud - the water creeps out flowing into the Baikal area towards the Angara.
Pain in the soul - like a screaming seagull, then her cry stops, then soars with a cry in the skies. I, and everyone in this world, would have to start a new life in love and joy for one another, and we are trying to tear out a piece of land from each other. Is the Lord forgiving?
Why do not we think about this, going on a journey through the worlds?
I want to say that I can not play what I have to play. But before my eyes - Andrei Mironov. Played even when it was already podtravlen. In the decanter, the water was not quite clean.
And to us now the mountain streams do not carry everything that makes it clean. We will learn to digest this immediately.
"Do not be an eunuch." We will not, if we have the desire to live in the place where Infinite is waiting for us, but not the injustice done. No one will drag her by the hair, but each one is given both.
A new model is being built up in accord with the past. He wounded his memory, everyone has his own. Someone is killed by today's performer, someone is killing time. The Boomerang law has not been abolished. God grant us the right way to understand today, where, like streams, they will feed us on the past.
Whoever sees far, dazzles time. We have not yet made a step from the fact that we kneaded everything together. The cup of communism hung over us. Whoever put in it and who took it from it, will regard the time.
And we ate cottage cheese with milk and rustic bread. For more there was no money. Probably a little folded into a common piggy bank, as now, and as then. Let time tell about it. Clearly, there is only one thing - I am in the cup of communism, without a penny in my pocket. And Sergei, for some reason said that this can not work, having another thing in mind. In the past, probably, took a lot.
It covers Vorontsov's eyes. It was sorted out only because it invested a lot, but did not take anything back. And we go backwards. Everything that has been lost there for a long time, we are beating on the forehead just now.
God, how I want to go home! My world has long been beckoning and waiting. But while the drawing in knots and bumpy is expensive, what to dream about, spending energy on it and patching holes, scraping traces from your own Future. We will live today and now. What do we have to do?
Only let, Lord, have you in mind and in mind, otherwise there is destruction in everything for now. We swing in Barnaul, as in a cradle. Ugly while we're a gypsy, but the time will come, and we'll straighten the wings, believe in us, Lord, and we'll respond with a firm step. Without you, we are nothing.

Such thoughts are inspired by the evening breath of the fact that all together trying to unleash the knots in the common cup of communism.
At whom - how much time speaks. Who is sitting in it or is it closer, like a feeder? What is free cheese, no longer need to say. We were in a trap - a very beautiful place. Free application - streams that form the Mendeleev table. But there is no movement in that. Table, it is the table. Only the internal heat from the transformation of the born (ion) gives that push and grip. But far from the impetus and grip that has been done in our city and the Altai mountains.
Cut off those ears that work on scientists. Everything is somehow wrong, and everything is in question after their movement in everything.
Under the thought, it's me and Marina going to the river to wash. Let's see more closely those players who are very often together to unravel at a given time and, God forbid, once to meet at the Earth level. In other places - all the will of the Lord.
And now, once again, a lecture on the number of mugs.
And we dive nightly in the night to sew energy shirts on those with whom we have to play. Hack work is not permissible. Bars in the morning when the game is in full swing, warmed by the Sun. Or sweating later, or rain cools premature births from heating from the outside.
Everything - as we have in the Altai Territory, only the rain of the present is not long ago.
The Baikal breathes like the Snake Gorynych. There are many hydrogen particles, and oxygen is not replenished by new vibrations. Everything is old.
Teletskoe, his drugan, is not replenished with rains. Somewhere communication is broken. The temporary interweaving of energy shirts sewn in a given time, without cross pollination.
This is the beginning, only - What?
In the Bible it was said that in the beginning will manifest What will interfere with the general course.
What was manifested now? Nobody goes anywhere.
Why? Nobody wants to play with each other.
Tired, why? No one has his higher "I" behind his back. Everything that is born, immediately devoured by a piranha particle. It is not from the fact that we do not give a move to those who have already folded themselves at the foot of the Belukha and are ready to leave, are only pinched by our common admiration.
"Do not create an idol." - Have created.
And Christ said truly: "What you are looking for on the side, all this is in your soul is laid."
Advancement due to the correctly combined combination of what lies inside for heating. But it should not be heated with alcohol or hot food. It is uprooted only by one's own doctrine, and not taken from someone.
Inside is the same as outside. We feed both. And it chews us, breaking the general processes in the district.
What will Teltsky and Baikal give us, if we have energetic shirts on them? Why are we, breathing his ion, do not try to bring him back with his connected? Is it because we scored all our thoughts on what is already on us? Chvakaya before us and us life-giving.
Yes, sad thoughts overcame ... But what have others got to do with it?
In one bowl we sit. They were united by the conquest of each other. That's sitting in a puddle. It is better if we understand. All together, but separately. Someone nourishes what he eats. And someone already feeds what will give him an ion to continue his own course. I would like to see a lucky beggar. Tired of cross pollination.
The model is imperfect, it can be seen from the whole. Excessive evil is growing like an opaque. And the output through this game does not give anything afterwards. And the one who killed someone, is waiting for the same thing, only at the energy level. Another will be asked why he provoked it. It's then, and now?
Now they killed Talcov. As the word "tal", he tried to raise a person to a higher level. I thought that a man of this is worthy. And the fact that it grows on an opaque, why does it need growth? He is already carrying a wave of raging passion. Where as in the abyss of all chatters. Who is sick, who tries to sit on the wave, who is heavy, goes to the bottom, etc.
Everyone is concerned with these events. Some of them saturate their energy, so that they swam out of the given time, provoking others to kill their own. After death, those energies that killed him are used. The method of harvesting the superior is the cross-over. The network is taked in this way for catching. And in the whole world another shirt of their such cloth as a matting is obtained. The fabric is rough. And if one world needs it, another does not need it at all. Too rough game.
It's my personal opinion.
What is happening here - to the judgment of the Creator. He can see the end result.
And so consonances from this world are removed.
And so the Creator will later take me away for the clues in this world that are consonant with him.

Nature does not allow for repetition. They are weaved out of harmony. I came to remake myself and not to be a burden to someone. Therefore, I analyze the situation in this world, to get myself out of everything that is. And I'm trying to figure it out myself. The left consonances for themselves - a stone on the neck. Therefore, I immediately say that I have nothing to do with what I have now, but later I do not need it. So I kill my name in this world. I resurrect in another, to live forever. It is to live, not to try to do it. Do your own destiny and not allow someone to break it by someone's will or some kind of principle. Therefore, if I confiscate myself, I do not ask another to do this.
The law of Boomerang will work forever. Therefore, as this is being talked about (or "coming" here it is appropriate), I work for my own Future, untie the knots. A lot is imposed. She crossed herself with what she did not like. Has had consequences. I still do not like what did not like Talkov. So, there are so many knots, and the court proved to be indicative.
Therefore, I write, I try to tell very intelligibly about this. Edit me, then, something to do for me. I do not advise. The burden of a stranger is too expensive. And the cross is inadmissible.
About what already there is a speech - It already is not present there where there is a general cleaning. There everyone cleans up after himself.
So the scenery changes and the scene prepares for new games and players on it. Someone also reached the stage. The one who came is glad to that, and those who are often mentioned here. Cast - the fighters for freedom from darkness. How Igor sang then: "Scene. I scoured you through the dense jungle of the law. What is in the service of those who do not believe in the devil, or in God? "
And he secretly also spoke about that layer, which is between all sorts of laws.
From the game of Light and Darkness they are born.
Piranha is a particle. Does it have a name? This will have to go to unleash all the nodes.
In the meantime, we sleep, preparing ourselves for the road and a new game with her. The night on the bank of the river, which then flows into Irkut, passed like a global meltdown. Everyone was left with his own games - with whom, when and where they crossed themselves.
And now, the sun is waking us up. We got up early, so as not to be late for the bus, which was not going to go. The schedule summed up, but maybe we did not listen to Buryat badly.
Although Marina has an excellent ability to listen. He also hears what seems to somebody an unattainable whisper. A unique opportunity to hear far away. It's not always in tune with what's next. In the golden serenity, apparently, there is a need to be. But it is possible to change the handwriting, only if it will be possible to change the Own Essence. About it and it will be for now.
While the sun is shining, whatever it is, it pleases. Since we have the opportunity to resist that. This and originates in the body of those elements that need to be put in a table. The liver has a direct relationship to it. And there their list is not called Mendeleev, but from the Creator. Therefore, we will not perjure. What is from him, then eternal. And is it worth to escape from his concepts and rhythm?
One thing will not happen again. He has all in mind and loves in his own way.
I take from you, Igor, an example that I can not repeat in it, I expound your thoughts, I'm not ashamed that they are not mine. Because I saw in you the goal of my father, displaced in time.
I call conventionally both, because we grow to include something due to what we exclude. I think that this will be at the base of everything. Since through the desire to live conscientiously and not to violate the rights of another - this will be a legacy of everything.
What remains so far in this Cosmos?
Everything here is like after a frenzy. The rules are that still in the middle. In which we, as if inadvertently, just entered, describing the events from the desire to have a gold serenity. Where gold was taken into account for some reason, and conscience - no.
The Novosibirsk hypothesis of the birth of man on Earth is touching. There is one of the main idea that the God-man went down here to find gold. We are sick of getting ourselves, we made robots, so that they could get it. And now they came to the conclusion that too many divorced them. Apparently, therefore, there is a persecution of everything that is, and everything happens at the end. Since there are very few elected, the rest are all robots according to the hypothesis.
Let their chosen ones win gold by themselves. Only for what, I would like to know?
At one time, revolutions and coups were made at the expense of it. And in the worlds it matters, both for the continuation of the human race. But it's because of evolution. When a step is taken in the universe.
And now everyone who knows something to wind up, all the details of the clock mechanism are killed. Scientists are trying to shift the other way, their own mechanism. What comes out of it, we see everything together.

The people are like cattle. Or under the knife (the mechanism of our Government), or for milking. They pull off the same mechanism. In doing so, still make you suffer for yourself. After all, they want and have the desire to give the people to live. Only who believes in this?
The general hungry evil attitude to the ruling circle of people speaks volumes. Where to put the common toxic mass of thoughts in this direction? On those who portray people's compassionate people, or those who rule them? Time will tell.
Here I am, Igor, with you do not agree. To wait on the part of the President that they will remove the bonds from the person is a losing game.
"Justify the faith in you - the moment has come.
Justify the Faith, Mister President! "
You will never wait for a harvest. Only money plays a role, and they learned to grow by warming up the Earth.
We were bobbing in Barnaul, many became scary. As people - those who are closer to the mountains? And those who live on them? Stay without houses. This is in our country! Maybe those for whom gold and uranium are mined, thus, will help them to find the lost crumbs. For more people do not pull. He is a robot, suffering all over himself. And according to the scheme of the scientific hypothesis, its number must be reduced. Marasmus uttermost.
And where are the Gods or God-men?
For what gold to look for?
I would like to ask the Creators of a rigid model. About it has been in question for a long time. Weigh it all. Or maybe in this model to plant someone who thinks himself a god-man already here and now? We are all sitting in a cage. Does not anyone feel this? Have lived to the point that no one goes anywhere.
And we are sitting on the road and waiting for a bus that will drive us to Irkutsk. I wanted to look at his architecture. They say it's a nice town. We were not against acquaintance with him.
Only fate decreed otherwise. The driver from Slyudyanka saw us on the road and offered his services. In Irkutsk offered for the amount that we no longer fit. The embezzlement in Buryatia limited our possibilities. "In Slyudyanka, as in Slyudyanka" - were his words.
And we were already torn to the house. To rest - well, I wanted to say that in the next world we will rest after such a rest. Only we lost the word "man". In this word, a set of vibrations of God and the transition to another direction.
The God-man is suitable in this time. God is far away, but we have not yet become the creators. What they created, it will be used for years, so that there will be less reptiles.
So we met in the place that scientists have long dreamed of. Energy grief. Instead, the God-man in the valley of spirits. The mountain is protected powerfully. The term of knowledge, gold for today. The exhalation of her spirit is great. Only by this time is it? This is sadness, one for all. We see that, from what barely your feet were carried away. Have lived. Lost, so lost.
You can take only through the level of consciousness. The rest - a dog by the tail. Boss, sorry, our temporary guard. Live - the dogs guard. Laughter through tears. Shock, if anyone's sense reaches the end ...
So, we're going to Slyudyanka.
I remember the times spent in orphanages. The journey through them ended in the Sychevsky orphanage. Six years in it were for me a certain maturation.
Radon, like in Buryatia, excited microelements in the body. There were a lot of combinations. But time determines the way. Not much run up if there is more fire than microparticles born of a God-man. Nature fulfills this role, but it is exterminated in every way. We are doing better than ever. Someone's invisible hand is leading skillfully. And those who think of themselves as a God-man are assiduously helping. Apparently, this is their main purpose in this time. That is the will of the Creator. If it suffers, then there is a point.
So far, Viktor, we are moving away from you to see again in the affairs that we could not yet see and know.
Only around everything is strained, something is ready for something. Sayans in a dress. Irkut in the harness. And we were shocked.
From shock here everything is born, as it turned out. Places are guarded by those who were killed during their lifetime. Guarantee that they will respond to us the same. Representatives of the superior, as it seemed. Hence, from the superior, greetings and traps. A good trap is a sight. I think that those who fancied there mentally - in the general toilet were. Finish according to the law of Boomerang, nobody canceled it.
So we drove up to Slyudyanka. A beautiful place, nothing to say.
The Baikal here connects the left and right banks, like the right and left eyes.

At the station, a group of tourists are going to raft. We looked very closely at them, each thinking about his own. God grant that each of them returned from the campaign. What rarely happens in such mountain rivers. Rain has increased the flow of rivers, which does not stop people playing with their own destiny.
Have communicated with them at last, knapsacks unite and make friends even for a moment. They left to learn. And we came to say goodbye.
The place was chosen on the beach, throwing off not only backpacks, but also clothing, hurrying to the water, while the sun is shining. We decided to bathe and bathe. The water was not against.
The omul was cooked at the stake, the bread was bought hot in the bakery. Everything was in rainbow color.
We went to church. There were no candles burning, and there was only one man waiting for the watchman. We managed to be like her and listen to the worker.
The church was made by convicts, those who knew not only to build tunnels, but also left their memory for their own souls.
Now it became clear why they kept themselves to their former appearance. And this is the main thing in our time. The loss of the human face, but holding it in the human body is not a harmless joke. Today is talking about this.
And this zavaruha is devoted to all that we see. So I want to finish my Journey to Lake Baikal.
Walking along the shore, having seen enough of the evening coastal life, it involuntarily occurred to me that the power and greatness of the water does not prevent the life of one who destroys him with the concepts and meaning of his life.
What does he see, trying to bring us to life with his free ions?
Walking tourists, fishermen, townspeople who came ashore to drink a bottle and leave the remains of snacks on the rocks. Here - sparkling chic cars with youngsters. Arrived to have fun and buy back those who wait, waiting, as if admiring the coast.
Music is pouring from the summer cafes.
Everything is beautiful and good.
But how far we have gone from our souls and everything that teaches us to live for our own lives.
And therefore in the name of the Whole.



The times and ripples on the Baikal water are born by someone's skilful hand.
Thin worlds have a direct relationship to this. Entry into it gives rise to waves.
Often worried about Baikal, apparently, our wandering through the worlds it pumps muscles, if not spoils the nerves.
Go from one time to another - not a problem. The problem is different. The Creator does not perceive the patches.
The ability to weave, updating everything at once, is the semantic significance of our existence on Earth.
The criterion is eternal, like all that is from the Creator. In the rest - waves, storms and other elements after wandering without meaning.
What does a person choose? Voluntary work. I have no choice.
Intrigue in ignorance is not justified by time. We were convinced when we were playing a play where everyone felt sick. One - now, another - then.

The return from Lake Baikal was late in the evening. The train was forty minutes late, which no one else had ever seen. Causes at the expense of stops, then he and "fast"
"Ulan-Ude - Moscow" was almost full, and we were exfoliated by train. The stuffiness and sleeping people, awake, watching our movement. In the fight against sleep, they were more like sleeping. In the morning it is unlikely that they will remember.
We quickly dried up. The second regiment is a guarantee that nobody will bother you until morning. Except as a dream, the echo of a former migration on the Worlds, where not all the holes were after you.
And the weaving of new energy shirts for his new move. Or a new wanderer around the worlds. Free will - will, so it was always.
While in this there is a need.
Separation is in the worlds, we are its representatives.
Here, too, the blood is sometimes cleaned through accelerated processes in the autoclave. Through centrifugal force, direction changes, separating what has become superfluous. Extra too much, it seems to everyone living.
Filtering will allow the world adjacent to us to have its own application (hemoglobin - conditionally). This will be his original capital for entering another world.
So in the night the rails roll, taking you to those distant dreams, where we either revive ourselves, or swarm to someone that pit, eventually getting into it.
In the night minerals are composed and we get them, breathing evenly, or the nightmare pursues us when we failed to get water. To that what. Who weaves, but who dissolves.
In the morning we alternately run to wash ourselves and try to bring ourselves into some sort of order.
Yegor Ivanovich was waiting for a longer stop, so that the Boss became more comfortable.
Our group was separated. We with Galina ¬ - on the second shelves, and Marina - perpendicular to us, swung to the beat of the train.
We saw our fellow travelers at night. The man was young, he helped us to lay out the backpacks on the shelves. And she slept all night and did not hurry up to wake up in the morning.
Time was already on for dinner, and her sleep serene as it was already surprisingly and involuntarily was brought to our mental wandering around this situation. Smoothly moved around sleeping.
It is good that next to Marina was a place so far free. Enjoy this.
Finally the stop, and we hurried to the platform. Sold who that. From cigarettes to sausages. In the pockets ¬¬- as after the account. Everything is reduced to the way back. The temptation was brought to naught. All the same Tatiana bought a young potato in a dill and doused with butter and onions. Fresh cucumbers were also a joy.
On the platform our neighbors also walked. Do not be afraid for your load. Why then the guard?
And she, eating, swallowed something and again went to bed.
The tranquility of peace did not give rest. And we, by her will, began to look more closely at the reality surrounding us.
The people in the car were many. They traveled not only from Buryatia, but also from Transcaucasia. On one side of us - soldiers, on the other, where there was our Natalya, there were brothers, so similar to the "brothers".
They both drank all night. But it was quiet in the car. And on the side seats sat and drank. One of the brothers, as Natasha says, used some kind of powder - a snack not for the Russian Ivan.
The cross-sectional view of our compartment is like cross pollination. What will give in the end - one god knows.
We were traveling in a compartment with a reserved seat.
Separately, but all together.
Everything is like in the worlds.
Separately, but under the eye of the One Creator. When his vision begins to deteriorate, it's time to change the angle of the stumbling block (style of thought, style of vision, to the style of the visible). And the style of the visible convinced us that something is going on here that is not quite clean.
Very, or maybe not very arrogant woman was traveling with a guard. In the next compartment - two brothers who called themselves brothers. Vocabulary is two-faced, like my writings. Time is.
After another wall, soldiers were coming from us. Those who were in shape were clear and on the side seat put their uniform in order. Those in civilian clothes, also called soldiers, went on vacation.
Around with a hangover. Some play cards, others read newspapers, sticking their heads in the passage. In the title: "The life of Russian brothers". It is clearly not Russian brothers.
Our friends went on a hike through several compartments. Their fellow traveler from Novosibirsk told us about our political leaders. Each represented as a Jew. What is it that the Jewish nation does not like? The academician rushed in his thoughts in politics-time is like this.
At one time, I also dreamed of revealing myself in Soviet science. It was said then and much was written about the fact that we should be proud of our state, because it has gone along a path where everything flourishes, and we should not worry about our future. This is the highest echelon of those people who rule. We can only be cogs in the construction of Communism. Our children's home was also politicized at the expense of hardened teachers.

And the new created gods are rulers. Only the threads went to secret laboratories, ideas were born there, decorated with everyday life. We, the cogs - builders in the state. Elite - the gods, who created their name through our work. We have been taught from the childhood to obey and depend on those who have found themselves at the feeding troughs, providing for their life and our miserable resemblance remaining after the distribution.
The further the time passes, the less one gets to our brother. Spray. As in a pig complex. The stronger the boar, the closer to the common trough. He eats, champing and splashing saliva, and immediately walks, sweeping the others.
If the priority was preserved in the construction of communism, now everything is in one mess. Nobody respects anyone. Remained only the memory of the leaders of the interim. They did not worry about the future, hoping for a well-functioning model of society.
The model really was, only it was changed from the former energy shirt of the Creator himself. It excludes repetition. Cells of society and life, it's like buzzing bees in the creation of honey and feeding them to the uterus, and then with the help of her glands there is a distribution for the inception of the young. So in nature, and what about us?
On the youth - raiding. Who replenishes the secret laboratories. Do they want? Who are children's homes. As we are with Boris. Some are stuffed, others are seized, shaking like a pear. Who is not hidden in the system of secret laboratories, he seems to be at the top, but in the manifested lies and violence over the level of his own Consciousness.
So borisovo attitude and perfect hearing were useful only for listening to tractors and cars. Special on the engine played and music. I did not study anywhere, but I could play on what the gaze would stop. He sang in a very clean voice, when he was not yet betrothed to the one who, with his past, would make his amendment to his fate.
This is how the world manifests itself, which still sleeps as it does, but wakes its calm, does not tolerate another relationship.
A world that does not tolerate a rude sound, at the end of life, sided with an eternally grumbling and screaming. What is it?
Success or failure?
Ability to obey is a great science.

And here, on the train, in front of us - a representative of great science, can be seen in everything. In the car she is with us to go - a great heroism. She said with her own air:
- Oh, how far I am from everyday life. Your thoughts are so low and stupid that I have nothing to talk about even with a former officer. My works are perpetuated by time. All around - cattle. So they represented life in the laboratory, so it is.
Yes, an interesting meeting. A loud parallel between us. A student of very secret and hidden laboratories. I'm being followed behind the scenes. Reading every step and every thought. Only what was considered from me, I will refuse this. There is a powerful right to this. And I'm not fit for someone's report.
And yet she spoke with the guard after another walk on the platform.
Our interest in it was warmed up by a battery. Or rather, its ability to be saturated with someone's energy. The developer is of a kind, like the river Polovinka. I wonder what else she will see in our reserved seat?
The best cargo transportation can not be imagined. The battery shalilas and at the same time kept everyone in a certain perspective. There was a game, and it did not want to be in it, but time limited our possibilities. We just wanted at least a little rest from rest on Nature. But they involuntarily became participants or accomplices. On the move, we are sewing an article. We must at least know why.
She climbed on a shelf to sleep a little and to remove the invisible heat.
On the upper shelf opposite are large bags that can be placed on the bottom of the bottom. We stood on the top. And why? Everything can always be explained. Only thoughts creep in every way. If you want to untwist, go from the opposite.
So I decided for myself.
What's lucky?
Chinese game. Large packaging, and the legs stick out.
What in them can be? Yes, anything.
Thoughts were carried away in those distant years, when I was still at school.
I sat at the desk, and our chemistry teacher spoke with great ecstasy about the achievements of world science. Her eyes glittered, and saliva was abundantly expressed when he described what we would eat meat in the future. Oil will present such an opportunity. How can he not believe, if he came to us from Tomsk University, where he taught all the same chemistry. And as a chemist, he was happy with the success of scientists.
What money was spent on developing and feeding only one of this idea? One god knows.
Residents of the barnyard (animals) might be happy about this replacement. Only our intestines are unlikely. The ability to digest food by modern man does not allow one to think so. The ability to split the natural microflora was lost, which was a vivid manifestation in the "valley of spirits". God is lost when he forms himself as the Essence.
What a man without a real sense of Love?
Commentators events taking place in the games of the sky. For the greater we do not pull. Or do not want? Everything is waiting for the heavenly porridge from Heaven.

So we all play the role of an appendix. Who is playing in it, only God knows. He can not be with us in the same mess, where there is a process of converting one into another. If we take into account the whole Earth, then Baikal throws into the air precisely that ion, which contributes to the splitting and the new connection - that flows from the Sun. Interchange.
So it was always. The model, with proper use of it, gives the effect of nucleation. At the opposite - oil in the body.
And then, at school, we, naive dreamers, thought together with the teacher about that tasty meat that, smoking or hissing in a frying pan, will have a taste and smell better than that of natural meat.
They listened to him with bated breath. The teacher was very strict, and the subtle malicious mind sounded in his every action. He, apparently, was bored in the school, but he was a teacher who had no equal. Knowing his subject on a fragile troika, according to the school curriculum, when enrolling in college they had a solid five.
His former students were practicing at our school, only their approach to us was already their own. No one could happen again in him.
Yes, and meat, is unlikely to be able to assess. Nature filters not for a back stroke. The way forward gives the smell and taste of fresh elements or ions.
Judging by Lake Baikal, the taste of water and its scent in harmony with the Sun gives that connection, which in the progression leads to Infinity.
Feedback to a foreign change in the body.
She has a place in the appendix.

The train rushes home, the stations flash, we admire the places. Many dachas come in the way. Life, like, there is, just does not smell like life anywhere. The agony in everything.
The formula of the god is withdrawn from the circulation of the Worlds. Without this we are nobody. No matter how hard you try to pretend to be something.
And the waste of interplanetary relations has been lowered into the earth.
So, we should develop our own relations to everything that is. In this case: "Do not judge, so that you can not be born."
So we will earn a grip between ourselves. What in the worlds is worked out with the help of the concept of God. This is the movement and entry into the worlds of a different meaning.
And while the god in himself so formed, that all sickening.
Although it was said something quite different: "Love your neighbor as yourself."
Here and on the instructions of the special laboratories I try to evaluate the picture with such a position. Soul "pleased" with what I saw and transferred the problems of a learned woman to myself. I try to characterize it, taking into account myself. It's sickening.
But the step is determined by time. We are temporary travelers, and only the coming energy from leafing through them gives us the right to think that we are moving in it. Lies.
Inertia from the movement of the impressions, the time spent on the restoration of us as Suti. I would like to say for the delight of laboratory ears. But here is another game. On the untwisting of the former roles and the collection of those information that mean something in other worlds. Where Faith, Hope and Love are warmed by the rising rays of the formed Sun.
The sun is Uranus. Comes with all those who are beyond the horizon. What wakes and rules is a clot of energies. Fuel oil in the body, Earth on view.
Thus, a world is formed where the decay can not have the reign of Uranus. The joke is far from harmless, as it seems for the first time.
 And arkanit spirits, descended to Earth, to make their contribution to the formation and formation of the future model - it's a ditch for your own decorated soul. This is constantly being discussed. But while we stand on the dead end. Determinators work by measuring the bottom and developing the core of the interplanetary Sun.
This work does not fit into the concept of just a person. He is only the engine of his own world in a certain perspective. And here is another wording. The meaningful world has the right to define and rock the old model, which on November 21 gave a full range of all relations. Mirroring reflected the concept of a certain meaning. And on it we will play the play.
Time will identify actors in interplanetary relations. This will create the right grip and our world will rightfully enter the world of effective relations. With the help of which we will be able to have a childbearing from those energies that contribute to the birth of a new hormone. Which will be like "he" and "she" to behave in the framework of a certain organism.
So the new Earth will be born somewhere, There, but no longer Here. This, as Zhirinovsky says, is unequivocal.
In the meantime - the clatter of wheels rushes us into tomorrow, where everything is known to the smallest detail. Small incompatibility with what has already happened, gives a roll in everything. This moment gives birth to consequences over which the surrounding worlds are fastened. They have no time for boredom. The ball or puck is always at someone's gate.
And here they are trying to arkanize, it is easier not to imagine - to catch the goalkeeper.

With shouts of "hurray" went to the conquest of other civilizations.
We get - "on" in the form of all kinds of irradiation. All kinds of new diseases are associated with this.
Although it is necessary to take into account also new developments of secret, and not quite, laboratories.
They outweigh the chalice by the effects on the person. All this leads to mental illnesses, which means that the body suffers with a new and new flaw. Is it worth reminding of those viruses that have their name in scientific laboratories? I wonder where their novels, like brides, will pound themselves? Who will bring joy and happiness?
Scientists, like priests, will fasten the bonds of the newlyweds. What will follow in their worlds, only God knows. Since only he will be able to split this virus and this clutch with a betrothed man.
As a person rushes to him in thoughts, deeds and deeds, he will separate himself from the news from the laboratories.
And all the rest - devilry (thoughts that could not enter and calmly keep within the bowels of the Earth).
While vylazyat on the surface. Nature has weakened, and we are without the power to comprehend reality.
There are too many tempters. How many worlds, so many oxides were released. Do oximes want to reconcile? Hardly. And just so nothing happens.
Therefore, through definition and through itself, the accumulation is it will be an accumulation for registration of itself as the Essence. In the rest - forgery and distortion.
The monad of the past and the future can in itself make an intrauterine movement. But not a manifestation.
This is the difference between the Present and the fictitious world.
With this and woke up.
There was a stop. Our whole team was courteously walking along the platform under the windows.
Neighbors took turns to go out into the street to take a shot of fresh air.
The traveling companions also breathed.
The cargo was not protected.
I did not want to see the invisible game and see, their battery makes us pay attention. Throw it away. But, "do not deny", - the words sound.
The attention paid to it is its working potential.
Mirroring your actions.
Indeed, the development of scientists can not be ignored. They have achieved success, are forced to draw conclusions urgently and now. And who will be responsible for the correspondence in the play, significant for the given time?
Gravity or litigation?
The wagons began to be driven into the cars. We alternately passed into the car and immediately there was a desire to discuss the situation that was hanging. For this we went to the tambour. What was noticed for our fellow travelers and neighbors. The fact that the drug is carried, brothers say about it, guarding the baggage is invisible. There is a visible guard for this. For what other characters, and for what this is a masquerade, will tell the time composing our progress on the worlds.
And now we are sorting out the bulging situation. A new drug must be documented and a trial lot before us. Only this is sheer tinsel. There is something completely different here. But we ourselves must determine whether it is worth it to be, crippling our consciousness, depriving us of the path to awareness. The drug is modern, tested in public. Gives the result. We drove to Moscow for complete registration. Yes, and a win-win option in decorating yourself.
The maintenance of laboratories takes billions. In return, the income is insignificant for the state, judging by the way the screws and screws are screwed into place.
But we decided to consider this only as a drug that gives a colossal result.
So the oil eggs, with the help of enriched water, can become a replenishment for the state budget. What gives the right to the laboratories to have their own money and twist them in the bank.
And what gets a person, a test oil product, brought to a certain perfection? Since the splitting is carried out with the help of that hydrogen, which is obtained by magnetizing and removing it from the body of the flying object.
Apparently, fanaticism about meat has ended long ago. Here is the materialization of the flesh of the oil.
And it can split with the help of enriched uranium. The body and the body as a whole are great. What was seen in the visible image at the time of the coming of Jesus Christ.
And now the organism of a concrete person can also do much, if we take into account that time is such when we are moving backwards (the beam is descending), and the time that we have borne moves our bodies.
The law of equilibrium allows you to do this. The thing that moves in our bodies is fornication in bonds with an outlet to nowhere.
Oil, split with the help of the Sun-Uranium, is an outlet to interplanetary connections. The level of consciousness that is born on this is eternal.

Here, splitting is carried out with the use of tar. So the body reacts to the flora that is injected with the injection. Where the invention of oil is combined with an enriched polymer compound (gives the effect of uranium) and this flora, walking through the body, collects from it everything that was introduced in the form of information on the "now" and on the "after". What is left?
It is visible on the addict.
Temporary buzz - in the rapid aging of the whole body.
Since I have already used the organism myself for the ultimate goal here and now. It's time to make a point. And there - the top of bliss from the fusion of oneself with the processes in the Sun-Uranus. What leads to finding a real life.
Here, from the drug bliss all the possibilities of the minerals of the organism are used, which are necessary for the transition from one state to another.
Do not scientists know this? We made a conclusion for ourselves - it means that we have been rendered harmless from such a step in the future. Otherwise, why then live and dig a grave pit for your own Future?
There are too many tempters. The game and role are given the right to now, and then what?
We play the same roles.
Dresses and style update the time. The players are still the same. So the element is washed off the element. Or gaining even greater. To whom as lucky. Tom and role in the image.
We make a certain choice, be participants of the game at a given time or partners in it.
So our group was defined in the further course on registration of the received drug in an organism. We just mentally let our energies go.
And it's not for us to judge what will happen to them, the Creator decides where to send these energies.
So it was always and will be forever.
He alone is clear, complicate the performance or weaken the reins.
Here, for now, we are as travelers in ignorance. Before us, only we ourselves and those roles that once played or will have to play them. Only the scene will be somewhere in the Transcaucasus or somewhere else. How do we know that, and where the ray will appear downward. Where will designate herself Catherine Vorontsova, who became from the countess Princess Dashkova. Whether she went abroad for her own money, or how now the state support allowed her to move her invention free of charge. But why should she know what they are going to do and how they will be adapted by local movers of bright business.
Treasury is composed of illegal immigrants. Legal money from manufacturers has long since died. Production or sleep, or barely breathe. From the material produced, some losses. No one wants to change their way of life.
Squeeze from people is successful.
Only the Creator squeezes what he gave, but gets in a distorted form.
Here they squeeze it out on a national scale. They even turn out what's in your pocket. It is unnecessary. Busting around can be seen.
And in our life they enter the house and take what they need. In the countryside, the roofs are undressed. Everything in blast furnaces. Soon they will be in the houses and remove batteries, replenishing the treasury with looting.
Although remelting - this is fanaticism. Hard melting is absent, hence the metal is corrosive.
And we are designed to clean our worlds of corrosion.
Here everything is vice versa. Scientists for the congresses have created themselves. And where are the works glorifying the word Man? For what we create an artificial brain, when it's asleep, and it's time for it to wake up. Why change the flora? She also chews us in the same number. Although the one that from the Creator leads to Perfection.
In the train - a perfect invention - a complete antipode to the creative origin.
So we all put ourselves in a corner together.
Some people dream and do not realize their idea to the end. Others on this place their bet.
What is the result of this? We see everything together.
I want a different life. Wherever you are being bullied by all that is. And with all on the way to Infinity. Here there is one Lawlessness.
Impulses coming from Earth do not have a bow.
God has not yet been formed in his soul. And thoughts like devils rush into the distance, not girdled with anything.
And incense will not replace God forever. A temporary lull is not a criterion.
That's involuntary meeting with what I dreamed of as a child (a scientist), but did not see what follows then.
Although, I did not dream of artificial meat and a hydrogen bomb. I thought about something else. About the eternal engine in everything. I wanted Baba to live forever. So that a person does not get sick and do not age. Now it seems quite different. Why should he live in that, from which the soul shudders and blood cools in the joints?
As Makarevich sings: "Do not bend under a volatile world. Let him better bend under us. "
With the help of what, I wonder? How does he imagine this?

And Skory Irina came to Barnaul during the earthquake and sang about the soul going to God. In Listvyanka, listening to the cassette with her voice, we dreamed of meeting with her. Here in Barnaul our dream came true very soon. She does not suffer from snobbery.
Here, on the train, all the same energy, only work in enclosed spaces gave a certain bias. And nothing to do with the one that the ray once took. Ray, like a ray, gave himself a new deviation striking the earthly origin. Work with oil (in this case, the consonance in time temporary) gave a new imprint, which we have now and so far.
I'm tired of the interventions of those laboratories, where Sergei came from. I try to remove their bonds. Through a description of those events that affect everyone living in our country. The common cup of communism is turned into a trough of common destiny. Perelitsovka gave the result, from which everyone is sick. Who now, like me, others - then, after making sense of this game. But unraveling is a necessity.
Because there, in worlds where there is nothing in common with what is here, a different life.
The present in everything.
On Faith, Hope and Love, and hence the concept of God they live. Everything flourishes there, not only the thought of the Future.
There every day is defined and there is a place for him to be wherever the soul wants to be at the command of his own heart.
In the Worlds, no one owes anything to anyone. There full Freedom from what is here. You breathe freely, knowing that behind this is the real name of everything.
 And what is here? Solid.
If lies, then solid.
If they kill, they kill everything. If they steal, they even shake out their pockets. Re-shaping gives results only in the first years. And then the purl pattern erases the line.
So the Communist - an ardent opponent of faith in God, becomes an idol-worshiper not only of the leader, but also of God.
What can he do, sitting in two tracks at once?
If you consider that the Monad in its original form was from the Creator, then it's okay. And if from its full antipode? That is all that is being done now and then. We have formed a common Creator from the wrong side (Antipode). What can he do at a given time, if he had nothing to do with this?
Therefore, the game with the antipodes urgently needs to come to an end. Otherwise, the finish will be later, when everyone will have Faith, Hope and Love, but there will be no leap from this (artificial model acquisition).

"There is no prophet in his own country."
So the reified monad does not have a spectrum of entry into the other world.
Restoration does not lead to the result - time does not allow.
Re-perforation led to a complete siege of oneself.
There is only one thing left - to form a god within oneself.
The density of events allows you to do this.
A bright negative is a cool reflector. Advanced training through acceptance of what is. And "Yes" to "No" will give an equivalent acquisition.
There are still exclusives, but this is not a criterion. There is something personal, personal, and this is the component of your own Future.
In the train, the final result of the meeting of the body with oil in the form of a hormone was traveling. Who invented something, that in his life this will meet.
The sun is Uranus for the going. Do I have anything to do with this? The implementation took place. Then who introduced whom here? Me, or I - Mom? The future of those planets that walk around the Earth or we will go around them in the form of comets?
Just so no one arises and does not disappear without a trace.
So far, only we arise on a temporary lawlessness, committed by particles from comets.
Now and there, who early left the life and failed to decorate himself as a constant Essence.
Temporary has already been shown.
Now we are talking about the constant. As the current is different. One is generated by the amplitude closure, the other from the carrier particles.
The closure is boring.
I want to have a continuation in life different. Where the Reason rules, and not vice versa. Where is the manifestation of feelings of joy, and not vice versa. Where feelings are in the manifestation of the conscious, not the other way around. And so on and so forth.
In the meantime ...
Baikal, indignant at our local turmoil. Scientists are trying to go beyond the arcana to the level of perception of other civilizations. For us at this time it is equivalent to keeping uranium in your pocket.
Temporary idols also carry a hole in their own pocket. Since their ideas are so vulgar that they do not want to live from the visible. As once the devil before Jesus floundered the times, where with shouting "God is with us" people kneaded, killing each other. Where in the name of God are created events in which he does not enter.
The Bible warned of many things. Did we want to hear what we do not want to hear?
Did we want to see what we do not want to see?
Moreover, this is recognized as a temporary withdrawal.
Those who did not want to see and know the problems of their own tail, lay down a new cage by the walls of Belukha. But there is no rest for them, as they are supplied with all the information about this Cosmos. Code of development from scratch (multiplied by zero). The information field is cumbersome, since it reflects the path of everyone who has done something here once. So the repetition in Nature is withdrawn. To what the Upper Cosmos has a direct relationship. We, as if by accident, are stumbling over something. And there new worlds are tucked on it without repeating the visible.
So it was always and will be forever.

And in dreams - earthquakes, then under the arches of the church. Or the buildings on which the floor is being built are collapsing. All - as in the circles of scientists.
Try to read through the information fields to reach beyond the walls of the solar system, multiplying everything by zero.
Oskotinilis already. But mathematics continue. Some multiply, others divide by zero.
So the game is played, until the Creator says: "Enough." In the second case, when a new floor is being built on the old material, then, it is asked, from where will the energies be taken to keep this or these floors?
Scientists are not interested, but in vain. Ignoring others is always fraught with consequences.
Let a man clone at least someone. But the energy transfer will be at the expense of it. Who gives birth, he also contains.
It was very difficult for my mother and father to live with me. And after it they have very difficult. Thanks to them and others, I am in some situations to continue my journey there, and the appearance of life is here.
There is a mellowing of dust. And so building up and using opportunities does not contradict the general concept. About adultery, theft and everything else in the same way and about the same thing.
Barnaul now - as a range of passions.
The subsoil is supplemented by our common accumulation. Shaking at this all. Why else around warm your own passions? Pompey was already there. Nature excludes repetition.
Wrapping up those covers that will cover the naked place where the descent of waste energy occurred. So the umbilical cord, connecting us with all the worlds that saturate this place, has turned into that chakra, which is called sexual.
What can we expect? And what with the help of our scientists can develop?
Rabies in one case, in another - from excessive attention to the explosion of emotions, which leads not only to emotional orgasm.
And we here still live. Do we want such a spectacle in our eyes ?!
Yes, God forbid! Only he gets along with nature and its manifestations.
The creator provokes processes that have already taken place somewhere and with someone. Here they must be enforced. For us it's a verdict and God save. In harmony with Nature, he can let us feel ourselves in moderately protected.
Measure to the measure. Something in fact we work out by excluding from ourselves those consonances that have already sunk or been opened in a given time and now.
Opening today's performances, we make them in their frames. This serves as our general continuation in life such.
The Lord throws stuff to us one by one. You just have to see and be a participant at the same time, in order to earn something and not multiply your world to zero after leaving this life.
For example, yesterday a concert of piano music took place in Barnaul. Performer was Tanel Yometz, "subtlety in Estonian" - as it was designated by the designers of his concerts. The concert was invited by the administrator of the philharmonic society.
When Irina Skorik came, we left him our coordinates. And now, Galina and I are the spectators of a small hall, which is filled by about a quarter. The entertainer announces the concert, and on stage comes a very young man, all in black. He sits at the piano, tries to enter the image, but the light on the stage hinders, according to sensations, this is done to the end, as it seemed to me then. But I'm not special about music effects.
And so, the keys produce a sound that K. Debussy was experiencing. The composer, a Frenchman by birth, was impulsive - visible throughout.
At the first sound of the scoring of his emotional experiences, which imprinted a note-book on himself, were hail for me.
The images of that and this artist did not match. This discrepancy poured into the hall. The hall enjoyed the game of the laureate of the Estonian competitions of 1993 - 1994, the student of the First and Second International Scriabin Pianists Contest.
The pressure increased, the original pianist played, the head, constrained by both, was ready to go to sleep to take off their piano battle, but a light bulb burst and small pieces fell on the piano. The game and the fight stopped simultaneously. The pianist very carefully wiped the keys, and again the sounds recreated the images. Only now it was charming foreplay. I closed my eyes and took a step to enjoy Nature.
I stumbled into the fence, and walked along the path between the wooden fence and the forest.
The first part is over. Someone hurried from the hall. But Galina and I stayed still. There is something to think about.
I think about the people who came to the concert. Why are not they enough? So many music schools. And for some reason, the world of poetry is not interesting to others. Only the mediator, the performer, must for a moment become Him.
Identity defines a different time. The controversial artist and composer. A person from this, apparently, gets great pleasure.
Those who came were pleased, apparently, may have become accustomed to such overlays. They themselves probably play one on one.
And for the first time I listen to a pianist without the accompaniment of other musicians. Therefore, I had a very difficult time with unaccustomed use.
The second department began. Announced Scriabin. The pianist tried to tune in. Again, it was not possible to merge with the appearance to the end.
The music poured.

The splitting on the third sonata was completely over. True buzz from the merger of two players. Only Scriabin saw me. The visible player in it has dissolved. The bliss of both, changed the colors of everyday life in today's day.
But nothing happens for a long time and forever.
Five preludes were announced.
The game was already going on without a complete merger. I listened to both. The difference is palpable, but not the point, to retire with someone alone. Although, already something and the third hung over them. Throwing between them spoiled complete bliss. Two hares, for what to chase? It is inappropriate in this institution to think about it.
But the difference is like a waterfall.
The noise of the falling stream and the jin, a single stream that falls from the general flow, but falls on one stone or something else.
The sonata sounded the same way, only own making something moved Scriabin himself. He seemed to hang over the consonance, losing his own, dissolving in the game of the young performer.
All. The concert is over.
The audience did not release Tanela, applauded standing on
My confusion is my problem. How to relate to what is? One god knows. Here everything is so.
Those present in the hall asked for more works.
Oh, how he played! Apparently, these were his favorite moments in his life. He dissolved himself in them. Splashed, jaded, ran and jumped into something. He was happy and bored. Dreamed and hated. He loved and was ruined to the ground. I rambled in thoughts, tamed myself in deeds. Playing, breaking out, but the hall kept within the law of everyday life. Rent and the small number of pressures. Maybe this prevented him from merging to the end with the one who portrayed the painting, and he only restored it.
Time left a mark.
But it seemed to me that the complete merger was not necessary for him. He improvised on this. By an impulse similar to Scriabin - this keeps him within his own framework. Only for how long does it take him? Is it our business?
And finally, Tanel suggested that someone suggest the topic of improvisation. A man from the hall shouted: "Fire in the fireplace." The performer sat down, closed his eyes and adjusted himself to the sounds that come to their times, composing this timbre sounding. I managed to get into the image, built in time.
The hearth sparkled, and the fire flared skillfully. Firewood crackled in the small fireplace. Sparks flared from the crackling of the pieces of wood and their collapse. The flame was ready to be carried to the skies, it was barely enough that it could not get out of the fireplace. The fire was dreaming, but there was not enough firewood. Smoke for some reason was not at all, and it is understandable, the pipe stretched skillfully, and we did not see its traces, a snake coming out of the fireplace. Only twice the work of the fire was interrupted. Trifle, if you consider that the game without a note paper.
The concert ended.
The youth hurried after him. And we with Galina - in the locker room. She is a musician in the past. And I'm nobody in this.
The music in my head sounded sometimes, it was not enough to transfer it to a note-book. Looking at such a picture, at the call of Jin, apparently, God saved from this. Or I do not have those forces that would argue with the player, and this created new emotions. So, apparently, a new genius is born, who will be able to voice these emotions. And this is something to build.
Only will it be eternal when the time comes for general cleaning?

In the meantime, according to events, we rush on the train.
Landscapes outside the window resemble the foothills. Rags alternate with the forest. And in Buryatia mowing starts. We are in Krasnoyarsk. Here, they say, yesterday was Zhirinovsky. He distributed shirts and money. As always, we are unlucky, we are deprived of such happiness, as well as many other things that come from power.
But our fellow travelers paid attention to us.
But outside the window the Yenisei carries its waters, where Angara tries to humble itself or what is from Baikal, determined by them to wander around Russia. If the bed of the Yenisey did not change, then all right. And if everything is as it is everywhere, then let those who did this act on their conscience. There are a lot of smart guys. The Aral has said a lot, but only the ears do not hear - they are clogged.
Scientists do not hear those magnetic fields that serve as a scheme of fields, rivers, seas and oceans. Everything is painted down to the smallest strokes. Otherwise, the spectrum of perception of solar disks varies. And this leads to the consequences that we see with the naked eye, but without associating with our achievements. Murder in Nature. Not the perception of the Creator, God and the Creator is overshadowed by this. Is there any sense in this, and from whom is it, and from whose submission? Let's not guess in vain - time will judge and put its points. When instead of words appear only strokes, wait for misfortunes and announcements about the full end of the world.
What it is?
Man has lost the frame from that word. Mismatches - like an unbalanced wheel, you will not go far on it. On the way, the entire machine will fall off or unbalance.

Everything that has worked out is a machine taking out from this performance. And here, and the rocket would not hurt to quickly hide behind the turn of other events. The rockets were invented a long time ago, just a matter of fact. You can not fly to other planets. Earthly attraction firmly holds in its embrace those who have not yet completed their designation as the Essence. The burden is great. And the rhesus of other planets does not even give the right to think that life will thrive there for you. There other rules and laws are different.
It's about something else. We went out into the world of cool business. How can he slip out of his own opinion about him?
The train is stuffy, on the street - the darkness fell on the Earth. She also has her own rules and game. Screwing those who do not agree with the dust settling and in conjunction with a rusty raid makes a raid on those who are already ready to follow the path of the evolutionary circle.
And our neighbor before a dream has opened up with Marina. He told me that he worked as an officer in the FSB. Now she is engaged in cargo escort. Frankness was for us already superfluous. The game is directed to the direction where we said that everything is the will of God. Otherwise, why live like this and see how deadly weapons are before your eyes. But you sleep or pretend that it does not bother you.
Our Natalia is black-haired by the color of her hair and the color of her eyes. Therefore, the brothers were worried about her sensory data. She was amused to hear this. They are worried. Apparently, the powders used are directed at such thoughts.
And we would rather go home.
We'll be in Novosibirsk in the morning.
The invisible incandescence gave a bad foreboding. But we have already settled our apparent interest. Our desire and fear for the future of Russia has given us the entry into a new debt to God. It's all better than to experience the development of werewolf scientists. Where is the guarantee that everyone will not be sucked into their innovation. Get the same zombies in the labs?
It's a whole country. We are already similar in behavior with them. This is all about it. Mouths open on someone's pointer. The level is also defined. Eat, work and do not ask for anything. For you all thought of. Has worked - give, do not sin, for God loves conscientious and tamed in everything. Only who is behind this - far from the gods.
What is it then?
Let us tell that stranger, handsome man.
Such appearance disappeared in the departmental institution. Beauty and mind from the Creator - so far. What then - it will be very soon.
If you start yourself immediately - "Love your neighbor as yourself."
Nature does not like repetition.
And I'm leaving playing all the roles to have a full idea of ​​what's here.
The role of my parents was inherited, which leads to a certain value. Everything is under the watchful eye of that Creator, who prepares the composition of the earthly level for solar discs. Draws a local organism in the likeness of a human body. The chakras in it have a definition. At us they at all are displaced, as we are separated from the Parent. Otherwise there would be a game with werewolves, but not in traps.
We were croaked by the spirits that were simply destroyed in life. It's just that nothing happens.
 There is a game of promotion and everything under the eye of the One.
"Who celebrates victory early,
He will never receive it, "- so, it seems, said Igor Talkov. He does not say anything in vain.
Therefore, the Earth is preparing for new business.
And what scientists do with it is their problems.
Everything will be counted for later.
The Creator gave much to keep his appearance in sight.
Temporarily gave - I'm sure that he will take it, or rather, collect it by crumbs.
Only the level of consciousness is important here. Before him we are far away. We can only admire them on the other, on who starts from scratch.
Growth, intelligence and beauty. The rest - under the suit. It's a pity that dedicating yourself in laboratories that practically exclude meetings with people.
Our meetings were businesslike. If in my younger years I was looking at you, Sergey, as if from the outside, inaccessibility was effective, but now - I do not know what to say. You can hide yourself behind well-guarded walls. Only the appearance of losing is very simple.
Development removes everything. As they say, the pan or disappeared. If someone killed someone, then the environment on which you come to live will be dead.
You fall by the grain of the Perfect, having passed all the landmarks, the laws and checks are temporary.

Everything is ready for growth - the soil is dead. This is the answer for what was done on Earth.
Therefore, what do we tell each other, looking at each other through the Present Essence?
I'm also dead here, at least so I feel in a world where everything is the other way around. Otherwise, the furnace would not perform its functions. Building material will not be the same as coal for blast furnace. Yes, and it's a pity to sink things that make sense.
The resulting spark will give fruit.
What is it to hide if it has already reached some definition. And he also imagines himself to be everything, only this will be through his enormous work and barriers.

The train is on. Who is already asleep and who is trying to do it. Hurry mentally home. Have missed, who about whom. A meeting later, and now some kind of fuss around us. What did they think when we went out into the lobby and there for a long time discussed what to do?
What should they be afraid of when the main profit comes from the narcotic business? The doping system is gaining momentum. The parallel between them, but the root is one.
Sale of organs, blood, comforting children and much, much more, from which it becomes sick to all. One - now, another - then. So excluding some, everything is excluded.
What do you say to that, Sergei?
The forecast was not justified. Or is the shirt small for another performance?
Only mosaic at all is one. Some of them make a clearing in colors, where a child is rejoicing, warmed by the ray of the rising Sun, and the other of the same mosaic game builds tanks, rockets and everything that is before us. In an arbitrary form, doing arbitrariness over all.
The campaign was promised without any adventures.
In the beginning - the battery, then - you appeared in the form of a neat ragamuffin.
This is too much. To put the image of the creator in such clothes, this requires weighty proof that he is like that. The level of consciousness allows us to reveal opportunities from him. And we have not entered into his concepts yet. Played on the sand, probably. Quartz dust pulls on the opinion of many, just that it is in relation to the appearance of the Creator? We must go to him. And here next to the sand under your feet, whispering in your ear what you want to hear, delighting yourself with it. The result is pitiable - the end of the world.
However, this will not frighten anyone and the desire to do it is not.
Everyone has his own concept. And his attitude to him.
When the battery is turned on, it is an obvious challenge. Only to whom?
My attitude to everything, to you, Sergey, is known. Do not interfere in the current affairs, on it is its own world. That here - there it is not. So is it worthwhile to tie up the foundation on which the building is built monolithic?
- And then you're right. Steady nothing happens. Apparently, he managed to sort out a lot from the Creator's image. The depth of knowledge will determine the ray passing through.
- Eliminate the refraction, even the glass, although this is the first. Quartz takes a lot, no feedback. Although three, not three - a temporary touch. Uranium in the frame. Only a quartz dump that the stone after crushing and grinding it into fine dust.
- Sand, it is appropriate to remind you, Sergey. And from it is made a glass, which you try to beat on the fragments. But it was always a diamond dredge. And getting a diamond in the end result. What is it like, is it necessary to represent? It is pure from any admixture. Hard and inaccessible in capture. Here - his pathetic likeness. And for a long time there was talk about consonance. And the likeness itself was also eradicated by man by his actions, thoughts and deeds. Therefore, what to say about this?
You caught something that reminds you of the imminent division of the worlds and their departure from all.
Since here there will be processes that hardly anyone will be able to regulate. Only a general "breath" and "exhalation" will speak about many things.
The higher "I" is determined beyond the horizon that is not yet visible to us.
But the Sun-Uranus will speed up the processes that will enable us to remember ourselves as soon as possible. As from childhood, the pictures will remind you of sweet serene dreams. A radiant sun, warming everything around and even puddles of rain or snow. The sun of childhood boundlessly burst into your Future without today's overlays or patches, as it is customary to define what is not in the world of childhood.
And I too, Sergey, try to remember my years in it.
What was it?
Descent of my energies or descent myself? And the surname is something about Father Oskolkov, so you have to beat the pieces, so your laboratories decided. I wonder who makes up the life of today's events?
If you had to obey what is - it does not mean that you need to build your own building on this. It was about this world, as the foundation of a certain model.
But there is a stratification and it is unlikely that the lava will last forever. We're even. And so we will not argue with you, Sergey, who ordered whom to whom.
The game in the arbitrariness of evil, lies and violence, allows you to do, it is to do, those deviations that depend on those who live in the balance. No, not nits, but to all those who will in the end result a transition to a different life.
This removes the niche, which folded itself into solid theft and murder. The coalition is not eternal, for it is from the Creator, but not to it.

Marina's quiet conversation with the accompanying cargo allowed us to think about ours, plunging into darkness, the one behind the car.
It was thought that the spirits of our meeting with the stranger blue-eyed were so worried. Why did they take fright at the sight of him? Sad was the outcome is not it? Why did Igor raise them a bit earlier from the depths of centuries? Whom the granite covered himself, whom the thickness of the water dissolved into parts.
Dream or reality, everything was mixed somehow suddenly. And for a moment it seemed that that lady - a scientific worker, is cold not because she does not care about everything in the world of everyday life, but a well-designed cyborg in front of us. More often than not.
If it were so, then everything would fall into place.
The nation is by definition incomprehensible. The dialect of the presentation of thought is absent altogether. For the above syllable does not follow anything. Language does not pronounce pronunciation. And the intestine works due to artificial microflora. Where, as well as how much - it is not clear. If we assume that the body switched to artificial feeding for a long time, then the face is erased, as in many. And the concept of God is obsolete from feeding itself with the product, which is produced through the design of it in the vessels of the whole body. Like meat or caviar obtained by scientific research from black gold - oil.
The combination is not for the faint-hearted. Reverse entry into natural resources through eating it and dissolving naturally will bring its correction into the body. What do we see, do we need to know? What is it that will open the truth, leading away from the present reality?
Everything is on your conscience, our wanderer is handsome. Strange with you there are meetings. The common denominator is necessary, in order to share everything that is here yet.
The inevitable line in our relationship with you. You already made yourself in this world and walk on the ground with a sweet smile. I was taken when I had not completely let myself down. In four years they broke off my connection with my own accumulation.
Not from that I poked around in the sand, in order to find myself in it. Its echo of former lives. In the frayed kind of search yourself. She collected her childhood in pieces, because they tore him to someone. Whom did I cherish, dreaming of inventive work in enclosed spaces? Would I be the one who lies beneath me on the first shelf?
Forgery or a common cup from which someone is sculpting skillfully, equipping today's life. Who distributes roles? And what we still have to survive to appease the artificial intelligence (brain). Can throw out the battery and deal with the end?
And what will and will be with those cyborgs that are born from cells from the human body, which saturate the glands of those already gone and do not think about it?
In the first case, a cyborg, born of cells, is able to live at the expense of its savings ?! Obviously not, there is no question about it. Then what happens to those who are split off as chips? It's only in a fairy tale that Buratino managed to enter the door of fairy tales. Here - we are not idols wooden? Although the ruble is our wooden.
What will happen to both of them if the cell is a repetition of the whole organism, and the organism carries a full charge of the equivalent of what is outside (upside down, head down)? Like an hourglass. One becomes obsolete, the other finds, etc. The relationship has always been and will be forever, like everything from the Creator.
Brave inventions, only who will contain them in their Spaces? Scientists, as a rule, perish from the achieved perfection. If completely they themselves are obscured from passing through temporary spaces. The tension is such that the child closes or burns out, and with it the creator. If this is his thinking, then it's okay, but if someone borrowed from him?
Now we sort of sleep or pretend. But dreams change one by one. A nightmare can not be called, but the rest did not work. But the present reality filled with rage.
Whom than you can surprise? More surprised by what preceded this.
Good intentions at the beginning of the journey, and finish what?
If Ulyanov-Lenin spoke of the electrification of the country, then here it is a question of full zombification.
The data is collected at all. To Mars sent, as the scientists say, all in the scheme of one. We should all rejoice, and we are sad.
Again, good intentions - greetings to the Martians from earthlings.
But there are the same transformations. The same collected energy for one ship, which must be reincarnated. From one to a completely different.
True, the degree there is "Already", but we have "more". There they settled down and merged into a single form. Here we are trying to settle, so that the soot does not outshine the light that is already pouring from the depths (core), and through the photosynthesis of Nature is manifested in light by color and gas evolution. We inhale, as if not noticing, exactly what belongs to us at a certain level of consciousness. Time can tell how this can be changed.
And we are still in a dream.
Heat around, and we are relatively calm.
At first sight it seemed that they did not take the load to the place - surely someone would intercept the capsules in the children's game.
Only far from children's games are started in laboratories.
Intended to reach a different level of perception. Not in the same way ?!
Through the level of consciousness is generally accepted in the worlds.

Here - through the exhaust of a hydrogen particle. As a drug behaves in the body. Only man is governed after his adoption.
Apparently, there are never any murderers who are received in this way. It is unlikely that he will remember something later. No conspiracy for later. In the service he. Service is not chosen. And here did not choose - for sure. And it's time for us to get our heads hidden in the sand.
Quartz is not harmless, as it became clear. Even with glass, he does not play children's games with us. It filters and sucks from us that unearthly origin.
Only where?
If the world of its own importance, then it's okay. And if not?
Then - God save our souls - it's time to scream both day and night.
Any substitute for one's own good makes a road to hell.
Temporary life on earth - as a single mechanism of traps. Those that are worn by craftsmen in the valley of spirits. The scheme is the reverse side of the energy shirts of the Creator's Eye.
We lower ourselves in our thoughts, and we have a new veil for faces. It covers your eyes this time to us. The blind guide leads the path that is made of our aspirations, not fixed by the actions of local destination.
Have come to take off your surrogate attire.
We dress passionately and skillfully. Do not hesitate, for some reason, do it.
Apparently, someone is very skillfully paraphrasing a punch card. And we easily believe that we can lie, kill and do evil, both small and large.
Who is to blame for the fact that unsettled thoughts think that they are sitting on someone temporarily? And we somehow believe them - it's easier that way.
It is easier to create lawlessness than to live within the bounds of the Law of Infinity.
In Barnaul, all this can be seen in the affairs that are being done in the layers of the earth. They are rocking, and they are shaking us. In captivity, we have those savings that create a temporary comfort in the timeless.
Magnetic clots are tearing our homes invisibly.
The impulse is shallow, but our concrete of sand, cement and other additives proved to be within their power. Quartz collects everything like an indiscriminate stomach. So it behaves only at the end of the world, it was always so, it means that it will be eternal, from the Creator. He changes the impulse, there is a need for it.
Quartz took the signal, so its role is such that from above. She swallows and tries to decipher what she has corrupted. Gathering the part that was nice to him. In the end, there is no doubt about the Uranus-Sun.
The general information to everything is to decipher and grind, as in a coffee grinder, that the rivers grow on this and the oil is replenished after filtration from everything and from rivers including. Do not be afraid of what gets into them, but what changes the riverbed and what we spread down its bottom.
Not only is a man painted on the path on Earth, but every puddle has a place to be where it is needed. Everything is supported by an energy carrier. It is like a swarm of swarms - it makes another out of one.
And here, what do we do?
We change the way not only our own, but also the rivers, and the whole world around us.
Rivers that are not energized by capillaries (altered course) tend to lose themselves as Suti. So we kill what is around us and it kills us, setting traps and changing our common pagram, which means that we are also out of the maze.
So was our common path under a tremendous question?
But we, after all, are individuals, is it worth worrying about the general? The common cup is that the ozone hole is bottomless.
If someone says that he does not care what happens there after such a life, he is lying.
Silki prevent you from thinking about what's beyond the horizon. So, around yourself. Here it is called aura.
What is far, then - under the nose.
We breathe it and try to squeeze the nuts as proteins.
Compatibility is easier sometimes for someone (Constellations in this case - evolutionary significance).
And someone and one is measuring everything on himself. A lonely traveler in the desert. Sand, sand dunes and living creatures, born from the times composing our way of life. Debts do not let anyone go far.
And all of us are swinging from the interaction of quartz of what is in the form of sand in building blocks and piles. Our houses are still standing on them. After magnetic currents (particles-piranhas) they will turn into straw. Only visibility will remain, at best. And our common business is to find someone who can help us to keep our houses at least for the time that we live and our generations.
At the behest of today's leadership, a new bridge will be erected in our city through the Ob. He plunged us into fabulous debts by someone's will. We have nothing from the construction of it on the latest technology. They had debts. Means that somebody was obliged to us.
So we found a lonely traveler in the desert. In the sand his house was erected during his lifetime, within the framework of the first person of our town, and the neighborhood of the one called the Altai Territory.
A lover of construction and active people who could afford it.
So we found a temporary defender for now.
In the meantime, in nature, destruction is going on by our will. In this direction, all secret and not very laboratories, and other institutions are working.
About man as a source is a separate speech. He, like a needle, stuffed with everything that breathes and what he thinks about at the moment.
Oh, how difficult it is for the surrounding world! The law of Boomerang hangs right there for us.

It is necessary to make everyone injure only their world, not go beyond the other. And our temporary shelters were temporarily saved by those who promised a lot, but did not do anything for it. The sequence is defined as in a hierarchical chain. Moreover, since August, due to some changes, the departed from life have a framework from the Laws, this avoids the instantaneous torment.
The work of the nearby is still being conducted.
This is a guarantee of a very difficult, but - exit from here. Moreover, the Creator is preparing a new Sun from the settled Earth. So it was always.
The new furnace is a temporary aggregate of interplanetary connection.
It will also be around him to rotate meteors, which made themselves idols. While time does not peretret into dust or magnetize other particles on itself, which does not contribute to his recovery.
 "Yes" and "no" - in the eternal cycle.
While the merger will not happen.
While the head does not understand that it bites its own tail.
"Yes" and "no" - as in the eternal cruise of two souls. Like the Yenisei at the meeting with the Angara.
But it's all afterwards. And now Igor Talkov with his "no" to everything that is still unattractive.
Or from a superior idol who will say "Yes" to what is under the cover of a temporary shelter. He has already cheated what follows and what will come of it. Calculation is not for taking, but for heating with a certain temperature.
The view is not for early ripening, but for taking on those particles that make their conclusions early. So out of the game came our guys, who in the midst of our swaying managed at the expense of their ability to keep the Earth in a state of some peace.
A little from the orbit did not fly because of local clever people.
So those eminent people who had prevented entered the orbit.
"Do not be an eunuch", and they have their own accumulations to one common cause. Since the Shambhala are plundered by our common principle. Just what, and what is the beginning?
What to do to someone who does not go anywhere? Not in one of the layers?

The train is finally morning. We wake up in anticipation of meetings - who with whom. It's good to go home, no matter where. The house is a house. Although on a temporary basis.
They are pulling the bonds to decorate themselves as Suti. The place matters, and everything that is around you and is connected with you in local affairs is not entirely of local significance.
We said good-bye to fellow travelers. The woman told us "goodbye", and we answered the same, only meant "good-bye." How much of it is teeming with something. Developments led to a great discovery - the conquest of man. Oil-containing trace elements, split by enriched double hydrogen or polymeric uranium, here it is more appropriate to say - gave a colossal effect.
Doses and diluents play a role. A person can only be the developer of this mixture.
- Why do not you get the Nobel Prize, do not fly on an airplane, but go in a reserved car? I wanted to say.
But everyone plays his role to the end, there is still a need to prove himself to the full meaning. As once, Uranus in the diamond limb showed itself, descending like without much sense, and it turned out to be the main criterion for the entire solar system.
The Earth enters a definite orbit, supported by the divine principle (the world existing within the laws).
Comets will sweep around, dusting what is unnecessary here. Saturn himself was ringing once excess. We with such a level of consciousness have nothing to do with two engagement, it's enough to have one. There is a lot of meaning in this.
And what has been done with the orbit with the help of newcomers, can in no way be a success for secret laboratories. The continuation during life does not allow us to create a new evil, which contributed to the Earth become a single furnace and that monolith, which are the Moon, Mars and other visible and invisible asteroids.
For some reason our science emphasizes them. In vain, of course. There are other corners, both in life and in the sky (the layers of our thoughts that someone has cleverly dissolve).
We descend from the train and hurry to the bus station.
But, thank God, we immediately gave "Gazelle". There was another person in it. And we completed the train, and for the bus price we go home.
We are passing the Ob Sea. Beautiful, but there is no natural recharge due to invisible capillaries, which something is injected, and something is taken out. Gas exchange is broken, then oil will lose less of itself and much will change with it. The bed is changing, the life line is changing.
Therefore, probably, those who call a different life are killed.
- The roles are all voiced. The revolution ended its existence here and now. The retreat in the name of continuing and restoring the general picture ended its existence, - so spoke the general background of Lake Baikal.
And here we have the Ob Sea, and it declares the same thing.
Commensurability is fantastic.
And everything that happens to us - in the same way.
Declares that nothing is worth.
And what is eternal and forever, then should listen to the puddle, which was created by the human mind of this day. So it was always to release steam from the general model. Twist the nuts, then not to relax by yourself.

Therefore, to be surprised that the common treasury for someone is a personal pocket.
But, thank God, we do not live apart from Nature. In the rays of the Sun there are former accumulations that manifest a certain essence. Everything is defined there. Valence makes it possible to formalize the former essence of the one who emerged from the bottom. So the hermaphrodite is ready. Since the solar excess changes the new definition. Nature does not tolerate repetition. Means, and the players repeating someone's previous step.
So they played until the end. What will we play on arrival in Barnaul, one god knows.
Otherwise, we simply do not.
We are seized everywhere and finish the game at the expense of the general background. How much will it last?
Now it is clear why the stars shouted for their return. We played bad, the roles played up holes. What is hanging over us is the result of the victory over oneself.
Perfogram (energy costs) someone has very carefully cleared out.
Specialists around.
Special services, special schools, special laboratories and everything else in the same way.
The road to Barnaul passed like a note paper. Without shooting down and any events on the visible front.
Next to the chauffeur was a very talkative and charming young man. We were taken with us only because the driver still needs to go to Biysk, and why go empty? So explained the reason for our luck.
And really lucky. Very quickly we reached Barnaul.
The area from Novosibirsk to Barnaul changed its background. A new play was being prepared. The decoration was embarrassing. His heart ached with anticipation. I did not want to believe, seeing new spectra.
But the person who gave birth in imperfection, should clean up with himself with the help of something.
To work from the stars is no power.
And they already said everything.
In the constellation it is necessary to break through urgently, giving up its role to the end. For this, it is already ripe, without heating. Changed the meaning, style and completion of the role does not give the opportunity to feel in the old role.
Constellation is also chosen with meaning. "Hounds dogs" had to shake well, so that they themselves pierced themselves in action. There is a game in them for a long time. Representatives played powerfully during their lifetime. Skillfully knocked out feelings. Love them interested. Due to the formula of love - the transition to other interplanetary passions. They assembled skillfully and very skillfully all ingots of cosmic vibrations. What a person has for it, and what they are. Visibility speaks volumes.

Here is a new bridge across the Ob. Beautiful around him, but not beautiful things were going on at the expense of him.
It carries its waters to the Ob reservoir Ob. For a common point above everything, did the blob, changing the valence and changing the line of life. Cleverly or not, we can not judge. But the superior that with the outside (preparing for an evolutionary step), is deprived of the general manure heap that is necessary for the motor reflex and peristalsis in the vessels of the body and what is with it from the outside. So the creator determines our overall appearance and brings it to our scheme. It is necessary to disperse, especially since the panorama is already ready.
And then we get a repeat and cancel ourselves. For the superior that brought in the hem (the Monad gave impetus to something), that small children, who can be spanked and cornered, and - put on their knees, and much more, what is now happening to us in this time by those who are only going to follow the evolutionary laws. They looked at us as if they were themselves. Try on, but do not rush to wear our dresses. It is always difficult to say goodbye to what has been found. Is not that so, Sergey?
It's too early to make a final conclusion. But the Creator of the whole will still ransack all corners and that which he finds will exalt by all.
Nobody will argue with him, and all together (as under communism) is the same. We will exalt and exalt it to Infinity. While to us This will not be lawlessness.
At one time, the rays of the rising sun (Buddha and Christ) indicated the place where the skin of the person would come down.
We are already in Barnaul. Unloaded, before reaching home. All is almost at home, only the house is, when something constantly hangs over it. All under a tremendous question. The one who was raised, as if not noticeably trying to demolish us from concepts and even Earth, which is only gaining significance.
And we would somehow have a God.
To him, the road is all the same, but different routes to it, one.
All into one. To merge into a single miser, not blurring into a blot.
The Creator does not tolerate.
And my business - to penetrate all - a little pleasure. The body is shaking from decay and blindness.
This is a game, but not destiny.
Fate - beyond the horizon is not known, for it is not fate that in the general review. On this we are wrapping those covers on which a new model is built, excluding repetitions, and, therefore, today. This is not a normal relationship. To be eradicated. Whoever does not believe in this, he is given the right to check on his own body.
And what was from God, we returned, oddly enough.
What's left is your own accumulation. Property acquired. Who in what form - it concerns only him. Repair is required, wherever you look.
I - the attitude of the higher Cosmos to us - bulges.

Just for what? In the general scheme there is no me. She went into all roles to take herself away for this. Getting involved in the role of the superior. With the tail sweeping away What hovered above all. Therefore, apparently, there are many rotozois waiting.
The model is obsolete, in all it is visible. Becoming an infant and already immediately obsolete from repetition.
The creator loaded, defining the point for all. But local thinkers decided otherwise, in their own way. And this is where the game begins to create the stars and exit due to their interplanetary connections. Constellation "Hounds Dogs" have a direct relationship to this.
As well as my mother who could not breed a common point at all. She was raised special laboratories, turning into a common blot. Thus, standing on one level with the Creator.
Confrontation. We also play in it. What can not you do for the common child, created by the minds of chess games. Distorted time and that from corners scraped in addition to the Creator.
An explosive mixture, say for now, but it rules us. A spherical head with a snake's hiss.
"Will you work for me?" - she once hissed.
Only in a dream can such a dream, for convincing wake up at exactly twelve.
The fact that something will happen at night has become clear in the daytime. I fumbled around in the garden, as usual, only heard the saying not quite usual. Similar to a single cosmic language, but not quite. Tact is not the same, the consonance is lisp, yes, in general, and everything else is exactly the opposite. On the role of whether such protection is around me, and protection is too much. I had to reply that it would be as you wish.
I lost just how the cow licked my tongue.
But a brown lizard appeared nearby. On the back - fresh blood in the form of an arrow and a bright thought in the ears: "We are with the same blood."
Instead of good protection - a fragment of real life. Therefore, by the night was ready, thanks to nature.
To serve, so to serve, that to envy the snake - will sting. Moreover, the mosaic is given, and it is from the Creator. What he wants - everything is saturated with it. What do we do - the determinant of the level of consciousness, of our own origin - time is like that now.
Here is the apartment in the house on a volcanic basis. The basis was woven together. Concrete, glass - is seized and seized. What is left of the house? To be honest, nothing. You can add a tree and much more that is polymer. But it's all perishable. As that makes sense, it is withdrawn and seized. What does not have (polymer), it dissolves without any special problems on the components, which are collected for later, for the lulling of the elements that are not included in the laws.
Each of us will have a manifestation. Who is capable of anything, please go to the stage.
The slogan under the pre-election company: "To select or work and earn" is relevant for everyone. Im first. Otherwise, the energy difference in the mood is assured.
You can not live at the expense of others, thus destroying everything in the district.
Another invisible world will be occupied by those who can not fit into reality. As it will be manifested, one god knows.
We kept him for too long for a milk cow, it's time and honor to know, and to earn our own due to our own capabilities.

End of August - the scenery on the invisible front is changing.
Music flows from the tape recorder, Vitas sings about the star.
Distressingly on the soul. Crying invisible breaks through the song. How many people on the Earth who have excelled themselves in perfection of patience?
Having built their relationship on what is not in nature, and, therefore, in real life. Nobody will demand something and sometime later.
This is the meaning of their actions in invisible spheres. Those that make up our reality There.
Being here, we compose it or ruin it. There is no third.
As once the trip to Charysh allowed to think that we all together will be able to create one whole at all. What has come of this, I'll have to write in the next part.
This is a graph from the life of those who identified themselves in the given time. And he built a model of the general existence in the Space Dump. And what happened, we will find out a little later, after the end of the trip to Baikal.
"Glorious sea, sacred Baikal", is sung in the song.
We live closer to Obsky. What do they write about him? Let time judge. In the meantime, we are waiting for change. The change of scenery is noticeable in everything and in all.
These events are directly related to the campaign against Charysh and Belukha. History is moved by the legs, and here is the water that composed the participants in the trek.
It will be later in the description, but it was at a time when they did not think about going to Baikal.
Application - then, hike - now.
Events backwards, like everything else that we see now. We put a point on the events Already. Although we have not left yet to make an offer.
And Irina Skorik came to Barnaul. When the earthquake began, in Biysk Irina acted and decided to look at us for a light. We bought tickets without hesitation. The hall was great for her performance, all the same for the first time with us. We sat closer to the stage. And now, she, who managed to conquer us in the picture gallery, the one that is on the shore of Lake Baikal in Listvyanka. Two guitars and a grand piano. Itself played the guitar, and the voice was bursting into those distant ages, when the sound was more complete.

The voice was poured, as though calling to itself for the invisible, which attracted us all this time. When they walked through the desert alone (without a shadow, and she did not rule afterwards).
And when someone and someone tried to find at least a temporary Union, how do the constellations try to make a general sound in the sky, what will become the key or the violin for a common sonata?
The princess stood on the stage and sang heartily.
Thoughts were carried away in those years when Vorontsovsky sang a violin, interwoven with a cello and a melodious flute.
So the family of Count Vorontsov trapeznichala for oak tables. Near the dog lay in the legs or a little farther. The squares were allowed. And from the winter garden came a bird's chime. The nightingale sang, calling the other half. Other birds also sang, observing the right to be heard here and now.
Probably, in it something is.
And on the balcony that connects the palace to the family and their friends with the palace, where the servant cooks, blurs and pleases with music for better assimilation of food. But, no matter how they humor the food, it will still spoil the organism and eat it consistently Then.
All this had to be seen on the river Charysh. Soluble in her river allowed such an analysis.
What remains of the role of Vorontsova, everything before us appeared in the form of Irina Skorik. She sang as mentally as the orchestra in the palace of Count Vorontsov.
Music poured, but no one disputed with anyone about its completion, as it was with the pianist Tanela playing.
What did Catherine Vorontsova-Dashkova remember about her?
One god knows, it's easier to say, than to divide the two faces in one time.
Countess, who became princess after the betrothal with Prince Dashkov, a young officer. He loved or loved, but children did not become their continuation. Otherwise, young officers would serve with honor to this day. From generation to generation, transferring the acquired qualities.
Yes, and the law of Boomerang began to work precisely on those who distinguished themselves from the general scheme. Came to the very scheme, right now. What is bulging and presented, will be in the same dependence that happened to the young Catherine Vorontsova. And the echo of it - Irina Skorik will call his voice to conscience. Only a lonely voice does not solve anything here. Too the element is deep and not ambiguous.
Only true value for a person can save him from falling in love with what is here. The brink of erasure, then, not everything can be conscientiously loved, since the lines from the Gospel are obliged: "Love your neighbor as yourself."
Sometimes this is a deadly trick. Your double grows in the time of being from what simply can not be. Because we make ourselves and feed ourselves from that which is perishable (the past). This decay is transformed by an inner bookmark, the one that is from God. And now, the double is ready.
So, in the time of Catherine Vorontsova-Dashkova, Catherine II met herself, that for her was a blow. As it grew at the expense of others as an opaque.
The same thing in non-Russian Russia - the same things are happening. We grow up like we are on the dowry, and it devours us. Twins have made friends. What is behind this, and is it worth thinking about?
Although Jesus Christ warned in due time about them (demons): "Drive them away from yourself, as well as all that will be happening from me and my name. I am where God's word is glorified and listening to the word of God and fulfilling it. My essence is this. In another, my twin brother will be born, and I'm not fit for him either. "
And in fact, what is happening now in the name of Christ does not fit into any thinking. And what hangs on the cross, if he persuaded in another?
He spoke about not glorifying himself, but searching in himself for that which is hidden, which leads to eternal life. "To him that knocketh shall be opened," his words. Why knock on someone, when everyone has everything? Realization of opportunities on the call of the heart. And it has its own. And beats in the rhythm that is inherent only to him alone.
There are no repetitions in nature. Each leaf trembles, as on an aspen, in a rhythm complementing each other, but not in one - "et", "two".
So the sun is built quite differently. If our Sunshine had a Core, and in it - two Perfections weaved their canvas from what no one else needed. Our Earth is in Perfection is different. What is needed for everyone and necessary for someone is caught by the Core. And snaps nuts with the help of someone. What to talk about?
All before us. If anyone wants to see - see, hear - hears.
Ostriches with a head in the sand. And the fact that the place where the head should be - plucked very skillfully.
The nucleus is antipodal to Svetlana, one by one, life forced to make sure.
At the invitation of Elena Ivanovna Roerich arrived at the place where there is an entrance, left without a solution - my problems.
The main thing - did not hold. There was a complete confusion on her part. After her open question, there was a brief answer. She asked about the end of the world, I had to honestly say that, yes, it has come.
What she had in mind, and that I, let us judge the time.
For me, the end, as the beginning. Only who and what? How, who on what and why.
I portrayed a stranger on the road off-road. Who got in the way, what had to do with the trail and why?

It's the same with others in repetition. We intersected and intersect as a bisectrix divides the angle, this or that side, or from the direction of it.
The mood of our visible light is coming. And this fragment has the right to be a constituent element for the new sun. Which is "still", but also "already". The bowl of communism in the core can take, gnaw and throw away very far from itself. The crooks. Like those who were the core of another luminary. They were able to give, to shine at the same time and to make their way to all events, where there is still a demand. There are no repetitions, but there is a movement in this.
And we in Barnaul shake little by little, enter the general rhythm, but do not coincide.
Many reasons.
Someone was building a repeat, but here is another direction.
Two opposite nuclei do not have the desire to listen to each other. And why?
Does the primacy or form of seizure interfere?
What do we care if we have not done it yet?
The main thing, who aspired to be in the core, was there. Obreschetka is also an antipode. If she had everything and did not take anything, then this one is just a piranha. Appetite is such that you do not have time to be surprised.
Everything, as in our country. Nothing should be exaggerated. Everything is at zero. As with our Creator. The planned recharging of the piranhas is proceeding successfully, being brought to a certain condition, in order to have a correspondence with what is in the bowels and if it's teeth?
Baikal was also exhausted by "perfection" (the minds of the chess game). But nothing - is alive. And the seal is still alive, huddling on Daleko Island.
They managed to keep immunity from those crustaceans, due to which water mutates, changing the lenses of those who strongly dug into his breath. This is all visible on the energy level. And here while in the study, but gives the result.
I would like to believe that the seal will share its experience, but until we divide in the concept of Lucifer from Satan, we do not shine their favor. It is understandable.
Who wants to live under the eternal blow of cross-relationship? Pollination. The essence changes with this.
The application for the section was received in Charysh. Our way to Baikal had a direct relationship to this. How much we have coped with the game for the separation of Lucifer from Satan, time will tell. But the result is already visible. A powder keg, our Earth, had a different purpose. And the hot core at the expense of replacement, it became cold, like a snake. Hence, the whirlwind around this had a different meaning. Scribing Uranus-Sun, they managed to process information from it and imprison it in the crate, which as an existing system is just a piranha.
The nucleus was replaced by the corresponding antipode, and here is the result. Everything fell into place. The law of equilibrium and equipoise in terms of the power of possibilities has taken hold.
The double - the antipode in Uranus was great in this time. On the scales, weight is important, not volume.
The bar of weights on which side? The one who weighs or who does not weigh anything?
Of course, Uranus, although withdrawn for study and driven into our everyday situations. It is necessary for the Sun to regain its former significance. What shines, can not crawl, and what creeps into its place, a black spot, is highlighted on the Sun. Yes, and we are not comfortable with such sun rays. As if the scum did not fly something that pours from heaven and does not dissolve from something.
At the time to help call the Creator of the entire cosmic progression.
Too much retreat, in almost everything. And it sprouts and gives fruit in a polymer progression.
Like a benzene ring. Betrothal, but not that. Stop waiting, like stopping your own heart.
In the valley of spirits, our chief shaman, Victor Tsoi, tries to pacify what has already raised his head due to other vibrations.
What led to this ?! Towards the end of the world without the Creator's eye. How long Victor will last, one god knows.
And the Creator begins to weave his own pattern from that which rises. And he does not care who flies high. And everything flies already.
And then it's just right to remember the one through which these events passed. During her lifetime she was called Nadezhda. Everyone knew how to love and next to it was easy and very comfortable. Although her life - God forbid anyone. Brightened up their existence through constant love. Children, and their two, a girl and a boy, took their own. She lived, shining for everyone, but for herself she took only crumbs.
It is enough love from the one with whom she began to spin in the dance in the sky.
And here their relations were woven at the meeting and parting.
I came to this world from afar. Like a moth flew to a light, but who knew that a rotten stump also shines in the dark at night? The moon lights up his place. As the eye bruises spark sometimes during life from conjugal unions (not according to the laws of Cosmic equality).
From the higher Cosmos usually come to find halves. Such was the game once. But there is no such game for a long time, only the background remained. Why did she enter? A key position for this Cosmos. And what created a new background, had such a party here.
What game is this? Do not judge us. Although it is understandable, she came to detach herself from the new background. Collect your cloth, that would not be done what was said in the Bible about the "patch". How can one not love a new phenomenon? When it was written down (re-treated in this case), all is care.
How simple it is and how difficult it is here. Entanglement and unraveling. Favorite

Her eyes glowed blue. An easy step, wavy hair, a mathematical mindset. Clean, direct information.
She played and left, leaving a great memory of herself. She left, not wanting to stay. This was the first time. Her dream - to return home and only home, is understandable. Why would she need something else?
In her world, everything is there. Adrenaline was not enough. Many billions now enough. Here he does not even want to come back in his thoughts. Only we do not have enough. But it is already, and we are still. The previous roles played up holes, that's why our own house awaits us. I wanted everyone to have it after he passed away, like Nadezhda. With the help of it we found it, strange as it may seem. Pitying her, we first regret ourselves. We need it, but was it asked about it? On the balance bar was that it was necessary to shake in the given time and on this splitting to build that Cape of Hope, which will give an idea of ​​a new life.
So we lost it during life, we find a connection in it on Charysh, where our relations with Nature were developing, as it is not so and quite differently than before.
Someone's breath, or rather, it, gave us the right to be in it (Nature) and, observing certain rules, to know its mysteries. A fairy tale, and only if it did not last until today. Nature, like a toe, on which everything has settled down. Cape of Hope, where Today it's a nest.
I saw all his charm when Elena Ivanovna invited me to her, but pretended that she was very surprised to see. Everything, as on Charisha once.
Only a dream was a greater reality than a day, and everything that lives in it.
On the balance bar - two promontories. And so two concepts - Lucifer and Satan. In cross-pollination, life at the same angle also passed. Angle, divided by a bisectrix, going from the side.
What kind of person chooses?
To take and return, or to take and take, by raping what takes its notion.
Lucifer declared himself Hope. Nobody even contradicted.
The favorite of the gods is the same.
And the deposition of Satan from the relationship of the cross. Overpopulation, but not the Essence. Essence is in the ability to weave from unfinished thoughts the sky, enchanting every look with its beauty.
A man who has a woman's head on it.
 And what about Satan? The ditoy of navigation. He originated himself from the dust and oxides, it is more appropriate to say, if we judge what is happening in our country.
And what they have to each other's relationship? One - from the superior and the other - from the upstream.
One product of interplanetary relations (obshchak).
The other summed himself up at the expense of the materials of his own and bore the background from which they originated. Which, however, in full accord with Lucifer. Only the essence is different. The essence of one is to take the unclaimed and re-register through the skill in that everyone needs and the eye pleases with its every light and outline.
And what about Satan? What does he take and what, what turns?
Using a general background, he writes the script, dusting himself, according to his concepts.
Is the script successful? It's not the same for everybody. Many are simply unbearable, others like dark water. Drag everything that you see or grope in the dark. Although the sun shines, sending to the study of those who are able to measure the bottom on the day where there is a base. From previous mistakes, but far from imaginary (not from chess games), but from those lives where everything was originally and all seriously. And so that corner of the general stumbling is divided into two.
In one toe - the call of deep words.
In another - frivolity in everything. And there are no words, just scribbles.
I had to see the headland in action. Everything corresponds to its purpose - "take and take".
So you can swallow such a profit that not only does not dissolve, but also dissolves everything in the imaginary organism.
Time is now.
And Lucifer entered the world with fleshly desires, just when the laity began to forget about their existence behind the mirror (the world where everything is the other way around).
The primordial feminine, woven from virgin material (unclaimed, wandering thoughts), had the Essence. And, in the already decorated body of Lucifer, the favorite of the gods and the handicraftsman from someone, in this case - a certain planet Uranus (a symbol of the work of several constellations, those that are from the outside, but visible beyond the horizon - background).
He entered apparently and entered the background of his body (a cluster of interplanetary relations with a certain emphasis on circumstances that are going on beyond the horizon).
So Jesus Christ declared about himself.
A revelation, but with the old Essence.
With a real name from many and many (Uranus). But the initial stroke - out of nothing, is that from the nagging oxides, living in time of nothingness (lawlessness in all structures of the existing model).
He entered and originated himself in what was matter for what was already deflated as an oxide, but through the work of the Creator, is already shaped by a certain Essence.
Maria called her fate. And becoming a mother for the newly-born child that was in the background of Jesus Christ. Does she still have the right to him (Lucifer)? And is it right that he who says what nonsense and just a light-show all this. And in fact, this is a light break.
There is no other light for us.

And that which shines and that which covers it, it all stays in someone's body.
"Love your neighbor as yourself." So it was always and will be. But while Satan is walking, it is evident in everything. Conducting a hunt for his double (on the background). In order to have access through it and access to other planets and Worlds, from where came to us the one about whom we have been talking all this time.
There is no speech about Satan in the worlds, as he did not satiate his words with his concept. And those that are born of ignorance of oxides (they abuse it very skillfully, judging by its circulation in the Worlds) - this is another dialect.
The players are indicated. Their roles are quite clear. And, it seems that their ways after this time (complete disbelief in everything) will scatter on the brightly opposite sides.
Although the new model of the world takes into account literally everything. And the previous players are highlighted on the scenery. All the same, only in the opposite direction.
So a new nucleus can soon become a mother to many for many billions of years (consonance allows such a deviation).
So Helena Roerich through her ascetics will have progress in the worlds. Its nucleus will rise to split the frozen model and so biting off the old atom (nutlet), a new light will be born.
Having superseded the concept of Lucifer in its place (interplanetary relation). And everything will return to its own circles, eradicating obscene words that as seeds lead to an appendix and more to nothing.
So Satan, like an iceberg in the ocean, melts without changing someone's route by his presence.
Let this child feels himself small, and not a lord, as it became in the world of all rotten (perishable). And if everyone sorts out his dirty savings? What then will Satan become? Who was Mary after her own work? Flies tinsel - a complete distortion of everything.
Everything will fall into place. And all this is about the same thing.
In the meantime, we dress our characters (not from a great mind) on certain manifested characters and we litter them and ourselves with new characters that have nothing in common with that original one. The monad excludes all side players. And we made them up to the point of mothilling. We feed, fueling our past. But the exception occurs only through working off and operating time.
Everything - as in an appendix. The operating time through processing. And that element, born in utero, gives liberation to the body from various situations (accumulation of salt and so on in the same spirit). In general, our world is still being considered. Only now these elements for some reason fall under shooting (conditionally). Therefore, we did not have time to clean ourselves and on time.
Boomerang is triggered.
As a comet flies suddenly, it disappears without a trace. The reverse side of those who were removed ahead of time for finding their own from the general abyss (bottom), a music notebook replenishing with a certain sound. Singers of certainty. About them it was all this time. They are where the comet collects into its tail, which has become irrelevant. They also depict sounds on a sheet of music, moving the story in their own mind, and, therefore, the general cup (appendix). Communism, but not with going out from here through the gas.
Gas exchange is also necessary, when time is determined for this. Now is the time of frenzy. Destructive works create changes in the sky.
If the normal scheme (the original monad - the god, the creator and the Creator in a single chain fallen by a single Ray to Earth) all stands in its place, then Lucifer taps from our common thoughts the real sky with all the organizational spectra in it. And if we evade the general scheme for all this time, forgetting the real role (man), then the acid (cyanide) is already dripping from the heavens.
However, what can you say about this, if it eats rust? And where is Satan, born of something that does not happen in Nature, but he is already, if we all of them have originated? And his strength is from everyone. When we all fall into place and will correspond to them, then the common element will be born that will tear everything around. And the dead kingdom transforms itself with the help of it.
So matter without obscene words will weave a new time, where that child (that excludes it all) will grow, which came from descent through Jesus Christ.
The image of Lucifer then withdrew to his place after the execution of those who walked on the ground, but was not accepted in his concept. We just have to understand who made up what from which to make a path in the eternal.

Lucifer has already taken place, and Satan still has not seen anything behind the Looking Glass. He is still nothing where the Laws exist. But there is there and rules where there is nothing from the world of the present. Intertwined ways to separate these concepts from the common denominator.
What to divide or multiply, if it is not in nature? And the spheres, descended for such games, are temporary teachers. But this is all temporary. Through them, and then there is that pollination, which then no one needs.
So Grain finds a shell that no one wants to have on their teeth. And what is contained in the grain, it also rises, making its way through it. Through growth, multiplication, division and communication with what is perishable. The cell grows "for" and "from". As "yes" and "no", there is always a dialogue. Whether the seal has convinced us of the accord with us, time will tell. In the meantime, not the entire chain together, so the diamond can not be hung around someone's neck.
Weigh and hang. This is appropriate so far for the Earth, us and the entire solar system.
Everyone wants to know and hear the truth. What do we have to do with it?
The truth is composed of thoughts on concepts, deeds on reasonable decisions, actions that are combined with time (the reason for entering the given world).
What does this time say?
About complete separation from each other.
Enmity in the name of conquering something.
Concepts are far from their Future.
For the sake of what they came, but they forgot.
And why does someone have to call and talk about it?
They already came once and left their mark, as a pathway, signifying the entry into the world of another. Through the formation of a god within.
The other is not given anything and the higher structure does not accept it. The preamble was always, but ears are clogged with flattery about themselves, as already gods on earth.
Time was and still is for the maturation of other concepts. We have been here for a long time. Oklimatizing, like grafting on wild game. But through Jesus Christ there was an occurrence in that that here call a bowels.
Laws There - grinding from one to another. Piranha - a particle - plays a big role. There is a place for her. And our relations are built, like everything that is done in the bowels.
Jesus said, "I take your sin as my own."
Couples of the earth root us in those original concepts. And it's hard to remember myself on this. But if a person has a sense and he has not lost the human face, then he will remember, I hope, exactly what he came for. Moreover, a new Sun is being built on the vapors of the Earth.
The scheme of it is still completed. Warm-up goes for better passage of those particles that are worn as crazy.
To their place, and it's the end.
The events of transformation and education would have been happier. But we can see that not all games are finished until scratch.
We suffer a disaster. Since if something is invented on such minds, then we expose ourselves to showing the Creator's Eye (the spectrum of a certain relation to what exists and what will be in the end of this).
It is clear that in not our favor the game.
We still have no right to quench ourselves. Since the basic morality is not grafted: "Do not exclude from yourself what is from God and towards Him."


Part One "Journey to Lake Baikal" 5
Part Two "Return" 138

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