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Galina Petrovna Bolkunova


Practical philosophy

In Putin events find themselves, vowing today's life. But punched hour and go to a place where time is born the way.
Seemed, that until homes I... nowhere, but making this way a step, I hasten to fulfil a new role to tackle difficult tasks.
Solved one by one, sometimes together.
Lonely fate, and we in the Land that sustains all together, but having us in mind alone (aura). We, as the flying Dutchman sail eternal, Eternity aligned and in the moment thinking about the eternal dream about where would be a comfort area for thoughts and lonely happiness from love around the house your lonely (body).
The house, like a glowing star, attracts solo travelers for a Cup of coffee or tea from stagnant times.
Talk about anything, non-binding conversation, and his opinion remains. Everyone is right: the level of consciousness is the fault. And who enforces that, who of the events and purchase to the new times.
It would be desirable that in it there was no repetition, and loudly stated thought was only an event from joint life (confusion of times). And who and how it appears - a lot or fact to vprygivaniya to vybratsya forever through the actions of the created situation.
God bless for the yakan is, about the rest I wasn't thinking and thoughts.
Creator patience for the level of games. The creators of tremendous success in transforming what is.
And we-creations with a creative bias, the rest will take care of the time in which we live.

Barnaul 2005







Practical Philosophy

Barnaul 2003

The book is dedicated to my mother - Belousova Tatiana Vasilievna. The spirit who has lived a moment on earth does much more than the one who clings to every day lived.
Life (after death) in thoughts, deeds and deeds for a long memory to those who want to know the world where Life is in the name of Life in the color of Love, Joy and Eternity.
And he is dedicated to meeting those who managed to give her the opportunity to live after her death in the hearts of those who do not want to be in what is now here.
She dissolved herself in Hope that her true face would reveal a time where everyone would be fine.
The story of love and death: through death, resurrection and continuation.

With gratitude, love and hope

Galina Bolkunova.

Every word has a semantic veil.
The word "Truth "is in tune with the word"truth".
As shows today's reality-truth???? its grains. And each his word he enters, with its semantic value.
For me, the word "Truth" is the whole kind of thing that we don't have the opportunity to contemplate yet, but it's already cursed from the General play.
Obtaining the level of consciousness through the work of the brain, through the work on their capabilities, not by the time matured.
Work in everything. The more we have opportunities, the more we need to work on ourselves not to be in the bright manifestation of ourselves in what is not there, in the eternal movement towards ourselves and everything that is in the bright manifestation of the Essence.
What to do to fit into that world from which we run like the plague There, and here we include ourselves, to have at least some value in it.
What does it do?
To to continue themselves on the road, which is leading in nowhere. Building material for your own future. Kneading takes place in the untimely, so as not to have the force of attraction to the General scheme of implementation in a particular world. To be held, but not to be desired for someone.
The game in the continuation of this layout
One game for home that gam, over the horizon. Another game with the fact that he thinks the reality is here and now.
Titanic, that's all. In the verbal sparring he was expecting a complete collapse. God does not argue. The physical condition of "Titanic" is still familiar. Fame on the flooding got antipodae value. The composition of the metal was so diverse that took the deformation before the deep descent into the water. But big money always has a certain bias or accent on this or that situation.
So is man in its full meaning is so diverse and large that its significance will give the same deviation from the norm. Therefore, each developing as you can, to blow off steam or to change the place of dislocation self energies.
This I mean that the output of the rules is necessary to make a move. It is very difficult to find yourself after deviations, but that is the essence of existence. Being in one place or position is bedsores and a specific place at the present stage of time.
Historians change the information of certain events-our brain is ready to accept this or that misinformation.
Step in nowhere-finding a free pass from the time loop. In the end-finding your own step, lifestyle and time in the untimely,
Creativity. Using their own capabilities. Each Matures in its time for action using. And his problem is by the time or not.
This I mean that they begin to realize their own capabilities. What's gonna happen is my problem.


The first part " Journey to lake Baikal»
Part two "the Return»

Galina Petrovna Bolkunova


"What we do not see and do not hear,
doesn't mean it isn't.
And in manifestation - meetings.
In the update-the result."

Two thousand four

Many stars us said, Yes we ears have closed from them.
And the fact that the planets stood in a row, our eyes recorded this moment
What did they let us see?
Write from a single view on these events. Focused this time, it was separatemodules and we are in his space. This moment allowed us to take our own progress. And someone's hand is very skillfully translated head with a needle (reproducer) on an old gramophone again at the beginning of the recording. The game in a new beginning for a broken plate. Screw it all together.
That OK let us again play in the new, that will give the right to live outside these concepts.
Annulled the planet, which flocked all our innovations. Coalition from Everyone, but only for themselves - a move into the Abyss, both for them and for us who want to live extraordinary. Let them, the Lord understands, and we have the word "Man" to refresh those concepts, which we left as if unnoticed, but with a visible effect, which I want to run once, but would not be under his command.
Exit and entry cycle but that moment, which does not stop at finding the mirror film (the benzene ring) as otrazatelja entire time (move out) through all of its own. Fools here no; there waiting for the end of the game to capture the universal mind craftsmen provisional (Coalition). But everything is a limit, and this game came to an end, before he got to the point of absurdity.
The absurd everywhere. And in relations and on transition in other worlds. Adrenaline instead of home. Delicate intertwining in our common Affairs.
The uranium Essence in the Pluto relationship was able to make Entry and exit. What is necessary for their worlds, entering into the horror of today's events. They went in, played everything there is and goodbye. We will meet in deeds and mental deeds, leading to their abodes in creativity with a creative bias.
The rest of the way to capture. It is the destruction of us us. The third is not given.
We're fed up with all this stuff. Our twins are walking, crippling our destinies. Do they know what they made? I wish I didn't.
Only our meetings then and now for what purpose occur? Why is changing the cycle of the relationship? Then go step by step, the reverse side of this step in full attention.
Satanism is like the wrong side of the canvas. And it is a judgment about all the upcoming drawing.
Whether on the inside to make beautiful image of joint figure?
And whether it is necessary to do joint work, when so much time was needed to disassemble it the combination? Too tight was the knot in the unraveling of it. Therefore," after yourself "and" love your neighbor as yourself " - it is relevant.
"For the sake of all and for all" - and here was such inedible mush - this day, in return gave the other Day (of Jesus Christ) to playback them of the dissolution of this knot. The many faces of play, but one of her strokes is our common painting on the wrong canvas and the dissolution of her to take the jump from what is (wrong side). Riding on what gives the right to life. So the trotters we have the present, which is suffering.
12 April 2004 and this came the end of the. On the day of the festival of Space exploration. Mastering it or our wandering from ourselves.
Who does not know what is being done on the planet, where are the missiles? There is no such.
So as in our bodies the entire information about this Space.
It's one thing when our brains sleep for smart decisions. Who lulls very skillfully, through whom conducted these things? Do we have such a desire to see and know it? And how true can that be? If not walk in step with his world and poking around in search of paved trails to delight the feet.
Someone's pathway, so he has the right to have power over you under all existing laws. How to get rid of?
Be the individual all around. In understanding, Affairs and attitude to everything.
In every all there is, but???? its way to everything.
"Everyone will live in their own peace," the words were passed through Christ.
And for us it is the right not to go one herd into the abyss of current events.


The first part “Echo passed”
Part two " New game”


Россия - Москва - черезмерие
Болкунова Галина Петровна - Практическая философия - Бездна

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